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Stiff earphone wires


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I've got a set of Etymotic ER6i earphones that I've had for a couple of years. The wires, especially the pair that go to the ear buds, have become stiff and don't "drape" well. It has become somewhat annoying. I've tried Armorall but that didn't help. Any suggestions on how to get them more flexible?


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This is actually pretty common among many brands as they age. Constant exposure to skin oils causes the plastic insulation to stiffen, not certain if there's anything to be done about it.


Well, there is one answer for the ER6i if you're both very handy and very bothered by the stiffness. They eartips can be disassembled and then you can replace the cord with another (taken from a set of inexpensive earbuds, for example.) But the operation requires a good deal of dexterity and I wouldn't recommend it.

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i would chalk it up to end-of-service life and get a new pair.

imho you are lucky they lasted that long - be happy! ... in-ear buds usually die on me within one or 2 years - i think due to excessive sweating during exercise.



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Send them to Etymotic with a nice letter asking for help.


Last time I did so, they sent me new (or remanufactured probably) ear speakers for no charge. Certainly worth a shot.


My experience with stuff like that is that sending a nice letter, offering to pay for the repair (just say please call me to arrange for payment for repairs) usually gets you a lot of good will and they will more often than not take care of you.



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i would chalk it up to end-of-service life and get a new pair.

imho you are lucky they lasted that long - be happy! ... in-ear buds usually die on me within one or 2 years - i think due to excessive sweating during exercise.



I don't own a pair but if I did "a couple of years" service life would be a deal breaker for a set of headphones that cost around $150. Yikes!

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I don't own a pair but if I did "a couple of years" service life would be a deal breaker for a set of headphones that cost around $150. Yikes!

The street price is more like $75 and... they flat work on a bike, unlike most alternatives. I don't know of any such product that won't show some issues after a few years of on-bike use, which is usually pretty tough duty. And most of the problems can be repaired (the ER6i is also one of the few models that can be disassembled without damage), or as Fugu suggests you can send them to Etymotics which most report has excellent customer service. The ER6i is easily among the top choices for motorcycle use.

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Well you do bring up a good point. I should have checked the OP's location (AZ). I suspect the length of riding season as well as the elements and body fluids (can I say that here?) are not what we're used to up here.

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Another vote for giving Ety's customer service a call. They sent my SO a NEW pair of ER6i's to replace hers which, a year out of warranty, broke a wire. They have also sent me a couple of free replacement silicone tips for my higher end ER4P's so I could determine if they fit properly.


IMHO, they have really excellent products and I would put their customer service in the "WAY better than average" category.


(Disclaimer: No relationship with Etymotic...just a very satisfied customer.)

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