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:..pROUD to be an American..:


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What I really like about that speech is that he repeatedly recognizes the fact that he was lucky to be born in the US, he didn't deserve it, earn it or have it granted to him by some higher power, he was just lucky.


p.s. I never heard of Baxter Black before - that man is funny!

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“I’m sitting here on my veranda... I become fully aware of how many have given so much so I can be right here.”


What has Baxter Black ever done so others can be the metaphorical “right here” too?


Gratitude is important, mandatory even, but his video is the same old tired - it’s all about me-me-me, refrain.


Get off your rich man’s veranda and go do something for the rest of humanity besides make a narcissistic YouTube video I say.


(I’ve been hearing him for years on NPR and I never liked the guy. But then you can probably tell that!)



Why the hate???


I never get tired of seein/hearin stuff like this no matter who says it or what their other(political) views may be.


At points in your life don'tcha just want to reflect back on "it all' and give some credit to others. Whether it's Ted Kennedy or a soldier somewhere.


Maybe I just see life through a different lens.












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What has Baxter Black ever done so others can be the metaphorical “right here” too?


Maybe, just maybe he's solved a few problems for people which made him some money wherein he can afford that nice veranda, Maybe he provides some jobs for some of humanity? That would be nice and useful wouldn't it?


Heck if nothing else, he stimulated some conversation amongst different parts of humanity and provided some entertainment. Could be that's enough...


I would have never known that all that free healthcare could cause such angst... Maybe you can get in line to see someone about that... :rofl::wave: (hi Ken)

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Some people just have a different philosophical, moral or religious bent and they don't have to express it. It is what it is. Some people like to share what it is they believe in and will use whatever vehicle to reach other people. Some others are just plain envious, spiteful, jealous or have a proverbial "chip on their shoulder" and they can't just keep it to themselves. I don't mind buttermilk every now and then, but I sure do not like sour milk. It makes me think that deep down someone is a very unhappy person wanting to break out and make other people as miserable as they are.


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“I’m sitting here on my veranda... I become fully aware of how many have given so much so I can be right here.”

Gratitude is important, mandatory even, but his video is the same old tired - it’s all about me-me-me, refrain.

Get off your rich man’s veranda and go do something for the rest of humanity besides make a narcissistic YouTube video I say.


yA kNOW...I never once took his 5 minutes of video and thought it was all about "me-me-me". I think his veranda is "HIS" veranda, whatever he could afford, means nothing to me. I've got one too somewhere on my home...I may not call it that - but I've got a space to look around and take a breath (*I'd bet YOU all do too.*) and thank those who have given much more than I'll EVER give for me to enjoy just that one conscience moment in time and to my Creator who has given me so much, and a world of friends that give me so much, and a wife and family that give me so much...etc etc etc...

What is so bad about taking a breath from the toils of "whatever we are going through" at the moment...and stop - literally - after work is done for that day - and STOP and think about these things. What is the harm?


Don't ALL OF US have very expensive motorbike with a key in them gassed and ready for the road? Don't we all have gear to put on and be "safe" and friends somewhere close to go ride with?


What's not to like here..? I must be missing something.


I'll take the side of Mister Black - that's why I posted it...and what he does is what I CHOOSE to do more nights than not. It might be a good thang for all of us to do a little more often.


YMMV - [[ and it probably does vary... ]]




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yA kNOW...I never once took his 5 minutes of video and thought it was all about "me-me-me".

Again, it's not that specific video, which in and of itself has good points, it's that I've been listening to his self-importance diatribes every Thursday for years on NPR, so my view of his real thoughts/postions/motivations is admittedly somewhat tainted.

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Maybe, just maybe he's solved a few problems for people which made him some money wherein he can afford that nice veranda, Maybe he provides some jobs for some of humanity? That would be nice and useful wouldn't it?

Ah yes, “Trickle Down Economics.” And we all see how well THAT’S been working!





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yA kNOW...I never once took his 5 minutes of video and thought it was all about "me-me-me".

Again, it's not that specific video, which in and of itself has good points, it's that I've been listening to his self-importance diatribes every Thursday for years on NPR, so my view of his real thoughts/postions/motivations is admittedly somewhat tainted.



dON'T lISTEN to NPR when he's on, maybe...jus' sayin'

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Maybe, just maybe he's solved a few problems for people which made him some money wherein he can afford that nice veranda, Maybe he provides some jobs for some of humanity? That would be nice and useful wouldn't it?

Ah yes, “Trickle Down Economics.” And we all see how well THAT’S been working!





Can I take that to mean that you are employed by an individual or organization who makes less than you?

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Ah yes, “Trickle Down Economics.” And we all see how well THAT’S been working!


From a historical perspective, it's the only thing that has worked.


But maybe our definitions are different.






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Yep, it did work while we were doing it. Our current fun is the direct result of doing exactly the opposite. I have a feeling we're about two quarters away from seeing even more, uh, "results" from the anti-trickle-down economics we have been playing with recently.


I could be wrong though. The US might become the first place where socialism actually worked. We'll all see soon enough.

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I think about how lucky I am when I see the cornerstone of a public building that has/does enrich my life, such a school or library. I think about the sacrifices that the people made years ago, that led to the creation of something that enabled me to be what I've become and I'm thankful.


These thoughts have kept property that I own off tax shelters, as I feel obligated to return something so others in the future may lead a richer life.

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I just wonder how he can tolerate that moustache. Whenever mine gets even half that long, it just annoys the heck out of me every time I try to eat anything. Or maybe that's why he's so skinny?

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yA kNOW...I never once took his 5 minutes of video and thought it was all about "me-me-me".

Again, it's not that specific video, which in and of itself has good points, it's that I've been listening to his self-importance diatribes every Thursday for years on NPR, so my view of his real thoughts/postions/motivations is admittedly somewhat tainted.


Lose the point, redefine the rules?


I thought the "change" bunch would be different some how....

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I thought the "change" bunch would be different some how....


The disappointment manifests itself in a myriad of ways. I was looking for peace and quite, but noooooo, that wasn't in the cards.

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I thought the "change" bunch would be different some how....


The disappointment manifests itself in a myriad of ways. I was looking for peace and quite, but noooooo, that wasn't in the cards.


At least we can still surrender Afghanistan...

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