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IBR Route Planning


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Jim Owen, Mike Langford, Jim Bain, Chuck Gittner, Sal Terranova use Streets and Trips, then GPSUtility to input the data into their GPSs

Rick Miller uses Delorme, but may also use S&T.


This year the bonus locations were supplied in gpx, gdb and txt formats, so maybe some of them used Garmin's Mapsource (ick!).


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  • 2 weeks later...

I took the txt formated bonus listing, pulled it into a spreadsheet for manipulation and sorting by points. Routed top points in Streets and Trips, added in points along the route that resulted, then dropped the route from Streets and Trips into MapSource via GPSUtility.


All that work was good enough to get me a DNF finish rank because of a lousy rest bonus receipt on Day 9.

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I took the txt formated bonus listing, pulled it into a spreadsheet for manipulation and sorting by points. Routed top points in Streets and Trips, added in points along the route that resulted, then dropped the route from Streets and Trips into MapSource via GPSUtility.


All that work was good enough to get me a DNF finish rank because of a lousy rest bonus receipt on Day 9.




I thought you abandoned us?????

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I thought you abandoned us?????


It sure wasn't my intention. This year has been hectic to say the least, both in prepping for the IBR, and other distractions along with work constraints. I've got to make that right and find balance again.

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