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Anybody going to the riding university.........?


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Rider Performance University (RPU) at the BMW Performance Center in October?? I am doing the course on Friday and teaching ERC on Saturday...........Sounds like a lot of fun.







I live about 4 miles from the BMW center. I am not sure what kind of schedule they will have you on, but you have time to say hello while you are here, send me a PM. :)



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I am signed up! Actually I sent in my check, which was cashed a couple of weeks ago, but I have yet to receive confirmation of my enrollment. It sounds like a great program.



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I am doing the Road course on Friday afternoon. Saturday I am doing the Seasonal Rider course and Saturday afternoon teaching/coaching an ERC. Hopefully in between hit the BMW museum.

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John, where is FL are you located?


Do you have a web link to your course description and other details?


I sent you a PM Sir!!!

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