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Two Vista/Office questions


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(1) I want to switch displays between two monitors on the same laptop with a shortcut rather than drag and drop. A program called UltraMon shows up from a Google search on the subject. Apparently, it allows pretty extensive manipulation of two monitors. Anybody here have any experience with it?


(2) Is there a macro that will save copies of Office documents to multiple files at once and leave you working in the original location? As in save and backup at the same time.



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I rock with 3 monitors and use DisplayFusion Pro. Probably similar in functions to Ultramon but Displayfusion has a free version too I think. I bought the Pro because I can have the taskbar on all monitors, plus moving windows is easily done by dragging and dropping via the header bar.



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(2) macro will save copies of Office documents to multiple files at once and leave you working in the original location? As in save and backup at the same time

If you drop this in the ThisWorkbook module of your workbook, it will save copies to the locations specified in the code:


Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

   ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs "c:\backherup\00.xls"
   ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs "c:\backemup\99.xls"

End Sub


This is as plain vanilla as it gets; the folders need to have been created, and won't work on a file that hasn't already been saved once.

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