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Recommendation Needed: Hotel in Myrtle Beach, SC for Family Reunion


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The Granberry family is having our next family reunion in Myrtle Beach, SC next summer (July 2010). I have to find a hotel down there to contact and to reserve for the function. This will mean lots of rooms and a banquet hall over the course of a weekend (typically, we go from Friday night to Sunday morning).


Ideally, the hotel will be nice and clean (we'd like to save money, but...), and as close to the beach as possible. Our last reuntion was held at the Marriott hotel in East Memphis, TN, so that gives you an indication of the type of hotel I'm looking for.


If you have any suggestions and even some contact info, please post them to this thread or PM me at once. Thanks in advance!

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No real knowledge of Myrtle Beach, though I am heading up a reunion in Mendocino in a few weeks.


The solution I got was to rent a house for the group - we only have 10 in attendance. It's right on the beach, and costs us $32/person/night. This takes cars of where to lounge, and if the urge strikes, fire up the grill.


You might want to look at that route.

I have no association, blah, bla...


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