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Broke foot peg !?!

der Wanderer

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der Wanderer

As I was riding on the Cascade loop today, I found myself without foot peg. Instead I have a stub - broken aluminum and no more rubber.

I suspect the peg may have been weakened or maybe broken earlier (maybe from a bike drop in the past) and gave up on a sharp curve when I was a bit too aggressive. I have the Suburban peg lowering kit and that makes the peg more prone to touching...

I finished the last 250 miles of the ride with just the stub; not really disturbing apart from braking - I had a hard time finding the correct pressure, and that led to some interesting experiments, fortunately none of which turn bad.

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That sounds a little scary. I have the Suburban kit too and am always just a little worried every time I stand up on the pegs.


I would give a call to the Suburban people and see if they'll help you out on this one. They're pretty customer oriented. Either way, they should know.

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How did you keep from crashing the bike when the peg first broke ???


I depend on my pegs a lot for helping me shift my weight around the bike and lifting up when crossing railroad tracks and unavoidable pot-holes... plus those nice large BUMPS they put in the roads at bridges during construction...


Regards -


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der Wanderer

I don't look at this at all as something Suburban bears any responsibility for. My pegs were lowered, but I did that on purpose. Not their fault if it touched on a lean. I don't believe it broke due to that only - I suspect it must have been damaged on a earlier tip over. I did not take enough of a shock to break it. Indeed I would likely have crashed otherwise.


This is not going to change my mind on the Suburban kit - makes my knees really happy, and is very well done.

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