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Looking for a Tech Day


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I live in Tallahassee, FL. and am looking for a tech day to learn how to do the valve adjustment and TBS for my 1100 RT. Does anyone know of one that is planned in this part of the South? Or is there anyone in my area that would be willing to show me how to do this? I have read the manuals and watched the videos, but would like a little hands on training if i can get it.

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Thanks. I will keep an eye out for that one. Hope someone does something sooner as it seems the bike is showing signs of needing an adjustment. I could take the bike into our local shop but would rather spend the money on a twin max and learn to do the job myself.

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How big is your area? I could be talked into one after sept 17th in Cocoa, Fl. Matt and I both need to do ABS brakes, and my valves would appreciate a massage.

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Check out BMWNEF.org. We have a tech day coming up within the next couple of months as prep for our Jennings Sport Touring School. Info is in the Shop Rag.


If that's not soon enough, shoot me a PM. I'd be glad to show you the ropes.

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Hey Danny, I need to do tires and all the tune up on both the GS and the RT. Plus, as Randy said, he and I need to do our whizzy brakes.


I am free on Saturday the 19th of Sept if anyone wants to do one before the BRR.

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Even though I was taught at the last J-ville tech days, I could use the assistance with valve adjustments and a throttle body sync prior to the BRR. I'd be interested in a tech day if you guys put one together.

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Looks like it is firming up some...


Anyone else?


Knifemaker, want to try and change the one you were talking about?

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The 19th looks good for me. But you realize, every time I schedule a tech day we have a hurricane or tropical storm! At least is seems that way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whats the word on this?? I am now in Southern Georgia and am gonna have to get out of town to maintain my sanity. I don't have any work to be done because I just had mine serviced before the move but a little trip would be nice. I will try my best to have my southern drawl by then...

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Nobody said anything else so I went ahead and did my own tune up and tires. Come on down if you want, Danny and I will help. Next weekend (9/11-13) is good for me.

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We will be opening the clinic next week so I am sure I will be busy all weekend with the final touches. Thanks for the offer. I am gonna try and get to the BRR but don't know if I can get out of here on that Friday. All depends on how busy we get.

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Busy, schmusy... Come to KY.... you know you need to....


If you can't make it though, we certainly understand. I think I am going to go down to Biketoberfest two weeks later and camp with the group of Airhead guys that set up about 20 miles north.


It's a good group, a nice camping facility and a lot of fun even if you are right on the highway...

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i also appreciate the offer. I started this thread looking for a tech day but next weekend won't work for me due to a medical procedure i am having late in the week. Not sure I will be up for travel by Saturday. If anyone is interested in getting together on the 19-20th I would still love to come over and learn how to do the TBS and valve adjustments.

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I'm in town that weekend and only have plans that Sunday afternoon. Come on over/down/etc as needed. I can help people work on their bikes since mine are all done now.

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Thanks, thats great. I will plan on coming over on Saturday (19th). Just let me know what time and where. thanks again and looking forward to meeting you guys.

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Come on Randy, we can do brakes in Danny's garage. Come on up the night before if you want, we'll crack some beers and burn a cigar on the porch...

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Cool, this here's turnin' in to a real tech day. I'd better get a fresh bag of charcoal. :Cool:


Just take it easy with the lighter fluid rookie!!





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Cool, this here's turnin' in to a real tech day. I'd better get a fresh bag of charcoal. :Cool:


That's why I sell propane, and propane accessories.

You can taste the meat, and not the heat...




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Sorry guys....been super busy lately....I can not change the STS tech day...but if I am welcomed I would like to join Yoouse guys...sounds like fun....Danny...can you hit my bike with your hammer?

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Sure, Bill, come on over. I got everything from a tack hammer to a 4 lb. sledge. Which one you want I should use? :grin:



Great, I just got over the trauma of you whacking my motor with your hammer :dopeslap:!!!! Let the nightmares begin!!! :rofl:

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Well C!@#$$%**#)P. I wont make it. Made a hard landing doing my superman impersonation, sounded and feels like I broke my heel. Walking boot for the moment, maybe more after the doc gets the zrays back tomorrow. ( had the walking boot laying around). For sure no riding for a while.



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Then again, if you drove up, that GSA tank could fit in the trunk...


And besides, there's still whiskey and cigars on the porch or a few down the corner pub where a friend of mine is gonna be playing bass.

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I started this thread a couple of weeks ago, but now unfortunately cant make it to the event. The Flu has been going around Tallahassee and I caught it this week and it still wont let go of me. I dont want to pass around any infected wrenches so i will have to try another time.


I want to thank you guys (Danny, Matt, others) for the generous offer of your time and expertise to those of us who are still learning how to work on our R bikes. It is really appreciated. I know you will still have a great day tomorrow with the folks who make it.

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We had a great time yesterday. Ron-M made it over from Tally so's I could show him how to hammer his end-play into submission. We also did a demonstration on how to dump most of the tranny fluid on the garage floor. :dopeslap:


As a bonus (for me), Bama was on the tube for the early game. So while Matt & Bill tried their best to distract me with really bad jokes, I was focused on the thumpin' at hand. :grin:


We really should do this more often. :thumbsup:


Almost forgot. Apparently Matt was being stalked by two of St. Johns County's finest between our 'hoods. Three trips on three different bikes will do that. Somehow, he reportedly managed to elude them. :/

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Definitely a great time Danny, thanks for being such a gracious host! :thumbsup:


Great to see everyone again, and I was glad to take even a small spin on Knifemaker's new paint shaker!

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