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Who's planning on leaving California


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I am sick of how much I have to pay for everything in California from utilities to vehicle registration.

I retire in 1 month , I am taking my money and leaving this State.


Who's with me ???

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My Wife and I have been planning our escape for about 5 years now. Each year we dedicate one vacation week to finding the perfect State and spot. We have it narrowed down quite nicely now. I can retire on Jan 1, and my wife will retire in about 5 years. That is when the move will happen. Too bad as both of us were born in Kalifornia, but it is not nearly the same place we grew up in.

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I'm with you. Sandpoint, Idaho is the #1 retirement destination for burned out California LEO's. Wacky politics, smog checks, high taxes, generous social programs, diminishing tax base, bloated big government and early felon release has me wanting to leave. Cops see first hand how failed social programs have led to the decline and decay of California.

I'd comment more but I would be pushing the forum rules on no politics.

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Killer, I retired in '05 but I am still working part-time, keeping busy and paying for my daughter's apartment and tuition at San Jose State.

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You're 5 years late! Where have you been?


Iv'e been working but that's all over in October or sooner if this house sells.

Sign is up, lawns are mowed, house is spiffy. LookyLoos are milling about.


Emmett Idaho is where I'll park my big ass and buy a new Dual Sport

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I'm with you. Sandpoint, Idaho is the #1 retirement destination for burned out California LEO's. Wacky politics, smog checks, high taxes, generous social programs, diminishing tax base, bloated big government and early felon release has me wanting to leave. Cops see first hand how failed social programs have led to the decline and decay of California.

I'd comment more but I would be pushing the forum rules on no politics.


Sandpoint is nice for sure...however, plan on parking that bike of yours for the winter.

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Every one must understand that there are quite a few sheep herds based out of Emmett, Idaho.


Wurty, If you need any referals let me know!



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I am sick of how much I have to pay for everything in California from utilities to vehicle registration.

I retire in 1 month , I am taking my money and leaving this State.


Who's with me ???



Move to Idaho and invite me for a visit... :thumbsup:

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Been gone since 1978. It was a great place to grow up in SC riding through the orange groves up into the foothills spending the day getting lost. The place only exists in my memories now.

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We've got a place in Montana, but I can't quite figure out how to make money up there. As soon as I do, though, I am outta here.

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Bailed out in 99 for Vegas, and now that I've been here for 10 years the wife and I are planning for a move to the Seattle area. I miss Ca for the beaches and weather, but I can't deal with the BS politics and outrageous taxes and property values so I can't blame anyone for running away.

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Emmett Idaho is where I'll park my big ass and buy a new Dual Sport


From all the replies... buy a BIG house... or better yet... a MOTEL... thus all the members can drop in on you for extended stays... and you can still get a little income from non-BMWST folk... )))


Regards -


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I'm just gonna have all my mail sent to your house, Wurty, so i can pay Idaho taxes but keep living in California. I guess I'll have to ride up there periodically to register my vehicles, too.

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I am sick of how much I have to pay for everything in California from utilities to vehicle registration.

I retire in 1 month , I am taking my money and leaving this State.


Who's with me ???


I'm lookin forward to the first annual "Wurty Fest", bring your dual sport, tent, beer and a few stogies. Let the party begin.


BTW.....you gonna have room for my 40 foot RV????



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I'm just gonna have all my mail sent to your house, Wurty, so i can pay Idaho taxes but keep living in California. I guess I'll have to ride up there periodically to register my vehicles, too.


Ok Marty... :grin::rofl:

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To paraphrase the old saw: "California may have its flaws, but it beats the alternatives".

Uh, ya. Where I live no has no state tax, vehicle registration is $50, electricity is .09/kwh and... you get what you pay for. :Wink:


California has its flaws but the one thing few other places can match is the near perfect year-round weather, at least in the coastal areas. I think some of you will miss that more than you realize, DAMHIK.

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California has its flaws but the one thing few other places can match is the near perfect year-round weather, at least in the coastal areas. I think some of you will miss that more than you realize, DAMHIK


...or the ability to drive to and (especially) away from the different climate areas almost year-round.

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California has its flaws but the one thing few other places can match is the near perfect year-round weather, at least in the coastal areas. I think some of you will miss that more than you realize, DAMHIK.


I am sure they can make a side trip to an amusement park now and then for something that will provide the missing shakes in their life... )))


Sorry... just couldn't resist... ))) :grin:


Regards -


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California has its flaws but the one thing few other places can match is the near perfect year-round weather, at least in the coastal areas. I think some of you will miss that more than you realize, DAMHIK

...or the ability to drive to and (especially) away from the different climate areas almost year-round.

Yep. If I want any kind of decent weather right now I have to ride about 1400 miles... to California... :Wink:

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if this house sells


With the market being so sheepish, do you think it's...... :rofl: sorry, can't...finish...old joke.. :grin:


Congrats Wurty! Sounds like you're gonna have a lot of fun. :thumbsup:




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Paul Mihalka
To paraphrase the old saw: "California may have its flaws, but it beats the alternatives". :Wink:


And you can lane-split!

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To paraphrase the old saw: "California may have its flaws, but it beats the alternatives". :Wink:


And you can lane-split!


Yes Paul, but in most other places in the USA, you don't need to. ;)

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To paraphrase the old saw: "California may have its flaws, but it beats the alternatives".
California has its flaws but the one thing few other places can match is the near perfect year-round weather, at least in the coastal areas. I think some of you will miss that more than you realize, DAMHIK.
I don't think California beats my alternative (obviously).


1. I like the weather here, winter and summer, the only slight downside is the wind which is a bit persistent. I lived in the SF Bay Area over 20 years and San Diego 2 years and I'll take Torrey weather over either of theirs (too hot mostly).


iii. Way too expensive, no prospect of retirement in California.


2. Don't like the politics in either state, mostly agree with the goals in California but not the economics, Utah is still too restrictive. But Utah's politics don't affect my life much where Cal's did financially.


c. WAY more beach here than California, slightly less ocean.

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There are three reasons I won’t leave California: The weather, family, and Mexican food. Utilities are high - if you use them. I don’t have any form of cooling, and my gas fire-place is all I use for heating (which is rarely necessary). I know of too many people who have left and then come back… the old “grass is greener on the other side of the fence” scenario. What can make CA an affordable place to live is being locked into a reasonable property tax assessment (prop. 13). If you lose that, its hard to recover.


The riding (I literally live on hwy 1) and Mexican food -- nuff said.


Leaving could be a worthwhile adventure, but I would rent my place here so that I could afford to rent elsewhere, and have the option to return.





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Okay, California has taxes no one wants to pay. Mine are about 4% of income. I don't think that's outrageous. We have 1% property tax on purchase price, not bad really, and 2% prop tax increases per year now that is bad. Part of that goes back to the community from which it came. How's property tax computed out of California? By the way we do have more roads to repair then anywhere else and someone has to pay for it, so our gas taxes are about 19 cents per gallon. What's in like out of California. Our sales taxes vary but they're around 8-9%. California has good weather most of the time. So I ride in it. Often. I pay extra for that.


California has too many people(I left Los Angeles because of that) due to the good weather that brought many from the rest of the country to our state. I was born here. That means we have lots of children that need to go to school. And we have more people that need to go to prison, legal residents and illegal aliens. We have more people on welfare. I suppose we could stop giving the welfare and they could move to another state. Good idea! We have more illegally picking crops for the rest of the country to eat cheaply. We need more water for all those people to drink. Utilities could be less as they are in other states but all those Edison and PG&E workers wouldn't be able to enjoy life like the rest of hard working Californian's.

California appears to be wasting more tax dollars on stuff that I don't need. California does have it's flaws as Jamie said. And for those that say they can't find work outside of California, I say go give it a try. I'm sure California won't mind the vacuum you leave behind. If costs elsewhere are going to be less than in CA you won't feel the difference. You'll be happier too.

So to all those that want to leave California follow Wurty's and others out of the state so the rest of us can have elbow room. Your retirement dollars will go farther, I don't blame you. Everyone move to Idaho. That will really screw'em up. In 15 years you'll be looking for another state.

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In 15 years I'll be drooling from my chair.

I am going to go hunt and fish and ride motorcycles or snowmobiles for the next 15 years.

Now my kids will only have 16 students in their classrooms instead of 40.

Sure winter is cold but I won't have to put up with Gangsters either.

When we get a real address I will post it and next year we will have to do the Stanley Stomp ralley. It's only 4 hours from my new house.

Big back yard so bring your trailers and watch out for my beef cattle...

I'm swapping breeds ....

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We left 4 1/2 years ago, less than a year after we retired. We were both natives, and I am the offspring of 2 natives.

We are very happily ensconced in NM. The weather is good, the people friendly, and the landscape is breathtaking.


NM is the second most politically corrupt state in the union.......Well, maybe third.......behind Louisiana and Illinois. But it is still easier to understand than CA politics.


Yes, it is less expensive.........But we moved here because the pace of life is actually tolerable. I feel like I need to mainline adrenaline when we visit my native state. People were not meant to crank along at 110% of max speed just to keep up. We have a couple of trips planned back in the next month or so.....family stuff. I am hording my adrenal stash so I will be able to function.

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c. WAY more beach here than California, slightly less ocean.



From the visitor's center display at almost every national park in the western US: 'xxx was once part of a great inland sea...'

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....."To paraphrase the old saw: "California may have its flaws, but it beats the alternatives"......


Ditto - everyone loves to bash us but CA still has way more good than bad points. I know plenty of people who moved away for all the same reasons and came running back when reality set in.



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Nice n Easy Rider
Okay, California has taxes no one wants to pay. Mine are about 4% of income. I don't think that's outrageous. We have 1% property tax on purchase price, not bad really, and 2% prop tax increases per year now that is bad. Part of that goes back to the community from which it came. How's property tax computed out of California? By the way we do have more roads to repair then anywhere else and someone has to pay for it, so our gas taxes are about 19 cents per gallon. What's in like out of California. Our sales taxes vary but they're around 8-9%. California has good weather most of the time. So I ride in it. Often. I pay extra for that.


California has too many people(I left Los Angeles because of that) due to the good weather that brought many from the rest of the country to our state. I was born here. That means we have lots of children that need to go to school. And we have more people that need to go to prison, legal residents and illegal aliens. We have more people on welfare. I suppose we could stop giving the welfare and they could move to another state. Good idea! We have more illegally picking crops for the rest of the country to eat cheaply. We need more water for all those people to drink. Utilities could be less as they are in other states but all those Edison and PG&E workers wouldn't be able to enjoy life like the rest of hard working Californian's.

California appears to be wasting more tax dollars on stuff that I don't need. California does have it's flaws as Jamie said. And for those that say they can't find work outside of California, I say go give it a try. I'm sure California won't mind the vacuum you leave behind. If costs elsewhere are going to be less than in CA you won't feel the difference. You'll be happier too.

So to all those that want to leave California follow Wurty's and others out of the state so the rest of us can have elbow room. Your retirement dollars will go farther, I don't blame you. Everyone move to Idaho. That will really screw'em up. In 15 years you'll be looking for another state.


Let's see, you have 4% income tax. I think ours in NC is 7.75% but they are adding a surcharge this year of 5% of tax owed. We win that one. Your transfer tax is 1% but ours is only 0.4%. That one goes to you. You have 2% property tax increases but ours have been averaging 8-10% per year and should be higher this year. This one is ours. Your gas taxes are 19 cents per gallon but ours are 30.2 cents per gallon. Give that one to NC. Your sales taxes are 8-9% and ours in NC are 6.75% but we just added 1% surcharge for a couple of years. Your weather wins hands down.


I lived in California in the late 80's (having moved from NC) and moved back here voluntarily. I'd say that California has it no worse than we do here but I'm not willing to switch. I just don't have a lot of sympathy for its financial situation. I think many states are in the same (sinking) boat. :(

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I just don't have a lot of sympathy for its financial situation.


Neither do I, and I live here. The worst thing that could happen is the state receives a bailout of some kind.

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Let's see, you have 4% income tax.

That's only the bottom rate. California's income tax is progressive and those with middle or high income pay a much higher marginal rate than 4%.

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If I could make enough money I would love to live in So Cal or up in the Bay Area. They are both beautiful places to live with a lot to do and good friends around every corner.


Since I don't wanna risk everything to make that kinda money I'll just keep meetin y'all in Torrey twice a year. Now, it sounds like I may have to tack on a few extra days and head over to Idaho to visit my new bestest friend...Wurty.







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Your transfer tax is 1% but ours is only 0.4%. That one goes to you. You have 2% property tax increases but ours have been averaging 8-10% per year and should be higher this year


That's not the property transfer tax. That is the property tax. 1% plus county or city assessments, based on the value at change in ownership. Assessed value may not increase more than 2% per year, except for change in ownership or new construction, which includes things like major remodeling, etc.

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Let's see, you have 4% income tax. I think ours in NC is 7.75% but they are adding a surcharge this year of 5% of tax owed. We win that one. Your transfer tax is 1% but ours is only 0.4%. That one goes to you. You have 2% property tax increases but ours have been averaging 8-10% per year and should be higher this year. This one is ours. Your gas taxes are 19 cents per gallon but ours are 30.2 cents per gallon. Give that one to NC. Your sales taxes are 8-9% and ours in NC are 6.75% but we just added 1% surcharge for a couple of years. Your weather wins hands down.


Geez... and I thought GA was bad with a 6% income tax... and that is AFTER they charge a flat fee of $230 per year...


I think you need to look at the tax charts again for gas...




It looks like California is off the chart there... and NC is 2 cents worse than GA...


Fortunately we voted not to extend some of the local taxes so we are back to 6% in my county... (Cherokee)... but the state is taking some bail-out money for MARTA - our public transportation system in Atlanta that can't seem to operate even close to the black for some reason...


GA has also had a major shortfall in taxes because unemployment has hit 10%+ and thus their expected income tax is well below projected... Even with state officials taking an unpaid day each month, there is still a huge shortfall...


I am curious what would happen if the feds stopped sending money to all the various states, cities, counties and other special interest projects and only spent money on border protection and national security... and then the individual states stopped supporting all these special interest programs demanded by the various groups out there and concentrated back on crime and education...


Yeah... I know... we have evolved way to much from that simple beginning...


but... I wonder... If we knew there was no one to bail us out if we did something stupid, how long would it take for folks to wise up and learn or invent something better ???


Prime example... helmet laws... What if no hospital was required to help someone that had a head injury due to no helmet... but there were zero helmet laws in any state... and no state, fed or insurance would bail you out if you didn't have a helmet on during an accident... how fast would it take to weed out those that can't learn or are unwilling to learn that there are reasons for wearing protection... and how long would it take for someone to invent something that worked better ???


Something that has been alluded to in this thread is that we must hope that the states can get back on their feet without destroying the individual economies... but that we also are going to need to learn to be self-sufficient...


Not that I see that happening any time soon... but am curious about something else as well...


One reason that CA and GA gas taxes are what they are can be directly attributed to the pollution fuel mixes... each state has their own mix... but what if all states subscribed to the same mix... wouldn't that make gas cheaper to produce and thus cheaper all around ???


Just curious...


Oh... and why did I pick GA to live when I grew up elsewhere ??? Simple... jobs... In my line of work, the jobs and pay have been better in GA than anywhere else... Yes... I have been offered work in NY, PA and CA... but the cost of living where the job was and the salary compensation just didn't fit... which is why I am in GA... Will I retire here ??? don't know... although I should be thinking about it, but since I doubt I can retire at 65 with all the hits that my 401ks have taken... I guess that decision will be a while off... if ever...


Regards -


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I would leave in a flash but my wife is so plugged in here, with her family a couple hours away and her social networks (she is in the women's barbershop chorus group Sweet Adelines) it would take the necessity of getting a job to get her out of the area.


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My wife left San Diego 5 years ago. I think she mostly got tired of the "rat race" and working your a** off just to scrape by. So she moved back to the area she grew-up in. It's amazing in this area at last how many people that HAD to leave the small town life, eventually return.

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Without some kind of lottery sized windfall, I don't imagine that I'll retire here. The cost of living is so high that my retirement savings are inevitably impacted to some degree. The higher salary I can earn here doesn't come close to matching the increased cost of living. But I'll be plugging away on a California mortgage for 30 years while I work, and when I choose to up and leave, i think it's a good bet that I'll be able to buy a similar home for half or less of what I sell mine for here, which is how I get some of those retirement savings back, I suppose. I can move to OR, NM, WA once I'm done working and still be pretty comfortable, and it means I can enjoy the benefits of california while I'm most able to take advantage of them - when I'm young. Basically, I'll be following Wurty's example, but on pretty much the same timeline, and he's a couple of decades ahead of me (old fart). The biggest issue, for me, is that the quality of the work I can get here is much higher than it is in most of the country. More interesting technology projects to choose from. That's invaluable when it comes to getting up to go to work every day.

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i got outta there long ago. went to nevada. back in new jersey and i gotta get out of here....maybe w. virginia i a year or two. gotta be great riding there

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Just wait till it gets below zero........


zERO sMEARO...if it's what you want - goforit.! They still make snowmobiles - right??

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it sounds like I may have to tack on a few extra days and head over to Idaho to visit my new bestest friend...Wurty.






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When I retired, I visited all 48 contiguous states. I liked the features of California best. But the cost of housing, taxes, traffic sent me and my pension to Florida (I love perpetual summer :Cool: .) I can afford a home on a golf course in FL. It would be way out of my price range in California.

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....."To paraphrase the old saw: "California may have its flaws, but it beats the alternatives"......


Ditto - everyone loves to bash us but CA still has way more good than bad points. I know plenty of people who moved away for all the same reasons and came running back when reality set in.



That's the first time I've ever heard "California" and "reality" used in the same thought. :dopeslap:


OK, OK I'm sorry, just kidding. :wave:

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