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Photo Storage


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I recently lost the site where I would upload photos to. I only used this site to pull images from when advertising a seat or something for sale or to show a pic of something I was working on.


Looking over the popular online storage sites I would like to ask my fellow BMW riders where is a good place to use? Are these site truly "free"? I can see where they make money advertising and selling prints ( I might even buy a few!). I just bought a different bike and I have an interesting seat modification I would like to post about. Where should I go......?

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I use Smugmug. Costs me an annual fee, but I like their services. Good hosting server.

You can check mine at www.billandmarita.smugmug.com


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+1 on smugmug. I pay the yearly fee but it is worth it for the convienince and piece of mind. I also backup most of my photos to them just in case of catastrophic computer failure.



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I use Lightroom on my PC and keep my photos organized and backed up on my own. Will these online sites be available and accessible by me and my future heirs in the decades to come? I am not going to count on that, and prefer to maintain independent control of the whole process myself.



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I use Lightroom on my PC and keep my photos organized and backed up on my own. Will these online sites be available and accessible by me and my future heirs in the decades to come? I am not going to count on that, and prefer to maintain independent control of the whole process myself.




I have multiple backups at home and smugmug. If my house burns down tonight I lose the RAW copies of my work but I still have hi-res jpegs stored on multiple sites. I think that the fact that smugmug is a subscription service increases its chances of long-term survival.



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I have home back up of everything too. But, I went with Smugmug after Sony;s (I think it was Sony's) free site was shut down. I also feel that because Smugmug is a subscription site that there is less chance of it being abandoned.

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skinny_tom (aka boney)
I have home back up of everything too. But, I went with Smugmug after Sony;s (I think it was Sony's) free site was shut down. I also feel that because Smugmug is a subscription site that there is less chance of it being abandoned.


And, you can order DVD's of your pictures from SmugMug. So if you're lazy like me, rather than backing up my computer, I just order a DVD once a year.

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Picasa, Flickr, or SmugMug?


I think if you do home storage, and an on line service, the odds of losing your stuff are quite low. You'd have to have the service go poof at the same time you had a storage failure at home.


If you make DVD's I'd consider some type of off site storage for them. Maybe at work, or with a friend or relative. For best protection is a different geographical area, in case of natural disaster.


For me, DVD's would be pretty impractical, I'm up to about 200+ gb in 2 years of shooting raw. Probably need to pay up the difference and upload them to Smugmug (they charge extra for RAW storage).

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Just remember that most CD's,DVD's are not considered archival storage.

Have read that you should not expect more than 25 yrs.out of a decent quality disk,even less out of the average disk you pick up at Target,WallyWorld.



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I signed up on Photobucket. Free for now. I just need a place to park photos to embed in threads. But, if I find myself doing more I will sign up on their "Pro" account. $25 a year compared to $40 a year at Smugmug. Thanks for the input.

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