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Tell me about Savanah, Gawga


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I'll be riding down to Florida on business next month and am looking for potential overnight stops. I've always thought Savanah looked like a great place to visit but have never been. I'm thinking it would be nice to get a room in the old town for a night. Anyone have thoughts on where to stay there (or is there someplace other than Savanah I should be looking at?


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If you are just looking for a nice room, the Hilton Garden Inn near the Hilton Head Airport is a nice stop. I often use it on my Northbound trips.


The Hampton Inn Downtown Historic District has always been nice for me. Walking distance to a number of nice restaurants and taverns. Good Irish Pub about 2 blocks north.


Do be aware that Savannah is very much a city of neighborhoods. You may want to be a bit careful about walking about late at night.

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Given the nature of the town, I would look at a B&B . Savannah is a good walking town, not so hot for driving, due to streets being punctuated frequently by squares. I hope your travel isn't until late September -- summer heat and humidity are beastly.

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The Hampton Inn Downtown Historic District has always been nice for me.


+1 and if memory serves, secured parking is available.


Do be aware that Savannah is very much a city of neighborhoods. You may want to be a bit careful about walking about late at night.


++1. It can change rapidly within a block or two in various different directions. Check with the concierge desk at your hotel.

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Savanah is very pleasant during the daytime... but since one of my cars ended up there after it went walking on its own... and since there are some known shops there (although a lot of that has been cleaned up), I still am rather careful after dark any time that I visit there...


Still... your desk clerk can help you find decent places to eat and visit that wont get you in too much trouble... at least... I haven't run into any trouble in 12 years now...


Enjoy your trip...


Regards -


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Make sure you check before you leave, I'm not sure which months Savannah is closed to Yankee's.


Hee, hee, I just had to get that one in there. :grin:


There are lots of nice hotels right in the middle of downtown. Most offer some sort of secure parking and there is plenty of stuff to do and see within walking distance. Keep in mind that downtown is a tourist mecca and you'll be mostly surrounded by other visitors.


PM me if you would like to meet up. I'm a pretty poor tour guide, but I'm always up for lunch or dinner. :thumbsup:


Best Wishes,



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Steve, whenever I come to the South I feign an accent and order grits with every meal. Works every time. :rofl: Thanks for the tour guide offer too.


Brian, I'll be working in Orlando.

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You can stroll down River St. (or was it Water St.?) with an alcoholic beverage in a plastic cup purchased from one of the many fine drinking establishments along that street, admiring the view of the river. Lots of places to eat, too.

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You need more than 1 day to see Savannah.


Yea I've heard the same thing. Actually the longer I look at this the less likely I am to do it. Savanah is at the outside distance for me being able to arrive in a day and have a little time to explore. I think I'd rather wait until I have enough time to get some of the local flavor and not just, "hey here's a Holiday Inn in Savanah now I can say I've been there". Thanks anyway for everyone's advice.

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