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Sniffing Peaches


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I've always been horrified by people at the grocery store who finger produce and then they don't buy it. Until now I really detested people who rip open corn to "inspect" it...


But yesterday in the produce aisle, there were three middle aged women holding peaches up to their noses, kissing them, for all practical purposes, and returning them to the pile!


Where do these people come from????


I still feel a little seasick over it.

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I never heard of kissing peaches, but I guess it's one way to tell ripeness. I do smell them. No peachy odor, no buy. The peaches have been terrific this year. I smell the button of the cantelope too.


Disclaimer: Thoroughly wash all edibles before indulging.


You don't want to know what might happen to restaurant food, do you? :/

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Wow! What a small world...I saw those same three women yesterday too..Before going to the produce section they were on the paper aisle testing the toilet tissue.. :eek:

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Thoroughly wash all edibles before indulging.


God, I guess. With turpentine....


My mother would box my ears for touching produce in the store.

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Until now I really detested people who rip open corn to "inspect" it...
You've obviously never purchased an ear of corn that's infested. That can make you queazy.


I'm afraid you'd detest me then. I'd rather find out that produce is bad in the store before purchasing than after I've got it at home.

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I've always been horrified by people at the grocery store who finger produce and then they don't buy it. Until now I really detested people who rip open corn to "inspect" it...


But yesterday in the produce aisle, there were three middle aged women holding peaches up to their noses, kissing them, for all practical purposes, and returning them to the pile!


Where do these people come from????


I still feel a little seasick over it.


You should have waited until they got to the bananas

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Thoroughly wash all edibles before indulging.


God, I guess. With turpentine....


My mother would box my ears for touching produce in the store.



Once you didn't live with that threat hanging over your head that was your clue that it was OK to touch and examine the produce before purchase. ;) Let go of the outer germaphobe and entertain your inner "what doesn't kill will make me stronger" self. :grin:


Again, do not go into a restaurant kitchen or watch this guy





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[You've obviously never purchased an ear of corn that's infested. That can make you queazy.


I buy corn all the time. Buy a few too many. If they're all good, you've got some for lunch.

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Wow! What a small world...I saw those same three women yesterday too..Before going to the produce section they were on the paper aisle testing the toilet tissue.. :eek:
LMAO... The visual is to much!


Mike O

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Uncle Beemer
I've always been horrified by people at the grocery store who finger produce and then they don't buy it. Until now I really detested people who rip open corn to "inspect" it...


But yesterday in the produce aisle, there were three middle aged women holding peaches up to their noses, kissing them, for all practical purposes, and returning them to the pile!


Where do these people come from????


I still feel a little seasick over it.


You should have waited until they got to the bananas

Too funny.
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