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Torrey Leftovers


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Since Whip just finished his Torrey 17.5 tale, and Fall Torrey is right around the corner, I don't feel too bad that I'm just getting around to posting some shots I had from Torrey 17.5 (the bicycle escort affair). So here we go...


Bob and I took a ride and a wrong turn. We had ridden over some really nasty stuff, but the stuff in front of us here was a bit much.




When asked what the rock in front of us was called, Bob didn't think it had any name. It is now officially "Bob's Rock".




Larry has posted some shots taken on the Burr Trail.




Here is the scene from a slightly different angle.




Hi Louise! :wave:




The Burr Trail is a must see when near Torrey.




The rugged enviornment leaves behind some facinating views.




I wonder what has Killer's interest?




Could this be the answer?




Someone forgot it is 2009! Good thing I remembered that this is a family-friendly website!


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Dear COD Ed! Are you looking for a 2010 extension! We may need a whole new sub committee for dealing with this infraction.



I want to be sure that I'm understanding you Tom. The infraction you are referring to is the one that was committed by the Loganite, right?


If that is the one of which you speak, I think, in the spirit of 2009, we can be forgiving in this case.

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Who is the perpetrator? For all anyone can tell, the accused is simply offering a tasty beverage to the photographer.


And the fact this is posted in a topic offensively named "leftovers" should require a convening of the infraction committee.

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Who is the perpetrator? For all anyone can tell, the accused is simply offering a tasty beverage to the photographer.


And the fact this is posted in a topic offensively named "leftovers" should require a convening of the infraction committee.

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...For all anyone can tell, the accused is simply offering a tasty beverage to the photographer...



Do we really need the original photo posted to dispell the "tasty beverage" scenario? :lurk:



Furthermore, trying to deflect an egregious 2009 violation with reference to an innocence post title hints at desperation.


It would be better to simply do as I have done all year...admit to the errors of your ways and strive to do better in the remainder of the year. :thumbsup:



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If I remember correctly... Janet asked nicely that no one take a picture of her with her pants down around her ankles... so who wasn't being 2009 like? :grin: AND you even posted the picture on the world wide web :D

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If I remember correctly... Janet asked nicely that no one take a picture of her with her pants down around her ankles... so who wasn't being 2009 like? :grin: AND you even posted the picture on the world wide web :D


If indead such a request was made, it would setup a conflict between the spirit of 2009 (be nice), and the spirit and long-standing tradition of BMWST (get the good picture, and post as soon as possible). You can see that I was trapped in a quandary, and the BMWST tradition has been around much longer. I, despite my loving and caring nature, had no choice but to include the picture, though there was sadness in my heart as I did so. :cry:

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Just to ask for a clarification... will the Fall Torrey be convened under the 2009 convention or are we advancing to 2010?


I need to plan my behavior accordingly...

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Just to ask for a clarification... will the Fall Torrey be convened under the 2009 convention or are we advancing to 2010?


I need to plan my behavior accordingly...


So far as I know Bob, only Signatories to the 2009 Conventions are bound by them. Best as I can tell, Ed was "informed" that he is a Signatory.

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If I remember correctly... Janet asked nicely that no one take a picture of her with her pants down around her ankles... so who wasn't being 2009 like? :grin: AND you even posted the picture on the world wide web :D


If indead such a request was made, it would setup a conflict between the spirit of 2009 (be nice), and the spirit and long-standing tradition of BMWST (get the good picture, and post as soon as possible). You can see that I was trapped in a quandary, and the BMWST tradition has been around much longer. I, despite my loving and caring nature, had no choice but to include the picture, though there was sadness in my heart as I did so. :cry:


Gavel is now being packed for the hearing in Sept.


Tommy, I think you better find room to bring your hip waders as well. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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