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The UN winding of my pics


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I have up loaded most of the pics here.......




If you can not get them let me know as this is my first serious attempt on this site for PICS.


The pics loaded backwards to the first night. The first one is the great ride up Cadillac Mountain in Maine. If you have a laptop, pick it up and hold it as if you were riding. Just press the play button. Great therapy in six months time. Enjoy it all.



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Thanks Bob,


Great pictures. It's rare (and probably a good thing) that I get to see pictures of myself!


Thanks again,



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Bob, I thought you "couldn't" post photos!! :grin: Thanks for all of the memories. I really like that shot of the shed on Monday night. What a great asset that building proved to be.







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Hey Roy, whip, and Kathy- thanks for the Kudos and I am glad that the time and effort I put into learning how to post a pic worked out. I guess it is easy if you put your mind into it and have a mission to accomplish it works out. I have some more to post I think so stay tuned. Same Un Channel.



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For those that thanked me for the pics... Your welcome. The photo in question was updated and yes Kathy, I like the twilight photo of the shed also. I think that was my best shot of the roll. Roll... HA HA.. LOL I dated myself .... again.



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