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Suggestions for visiting Belgium

John Ranalletta

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John Ranalletta

Having narrowly escaped travelling to Taiwan for a client next week, I am working in Hasselt, Belgium the first week of Oct.


We're staying on an extra week and would appreciate any suggestions about places to visit/stay/eat.


The plan is to travel from a central location rather than moving hotels every couple of nights; so Hasselt or Brussels would be the center point for day trips to the American Cemetery, Amsterdam, etc. We'll be using public transportation and not renting a car.



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Well, this isn't a SPECIFIC suggestion, but if you enjoy good beer, you'll be in the center of the best beer in the world.

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Brussels itself is a beautiful city and well worth at least one day. If you are based there, it also gives the option of hopping on the Eurostar express train for a day trip to London.


Public transport is excellent, so your range can be quite large.



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John Ranalletta

I had the pleasure of visiting/working in Brussels in the early 80's; so my two-decades-old memories could stand some refreshing.


The Eurostar schedule looks enticing.


My last (fuzzy) memory of drinking beer in Europe was a beer garden in Weisbaden. Large glass, hot sun, warm beer...and a snooze.

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Been to Brussels once. Pretty cool city, of what I saw. Nice size downtown area for walking around. Mmmmm mussles!


Don't forget, however, that hte last train to the airport is at somthing like 9PM... and the train doesn't stop in a safe neighborhood. It's was the best 40 Euro car fare I've ever spent... getting out of that neighborhood.


I also remember something about some road signs being in French and others in Flemish, some in both. But the road maps, might only have the French name... and the name of a city is completely different in one language or the other.



When I went, I was working in Northern France, but was going ot a convention in Dusseldorf later that week, so I flew in and out of Brussels rather than Paris. I got a great fare on a direct flight on Norhtwest out of Chicago. Although Northwest flew a older plane and I think I got food poisoning from the food on the return flight. Ahhh... the joys of international travel.

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Don't miss Luxembourg - Europe's smallest country with a lot of history and beautiful scenery.

And what David said - do sample a few of the 400 or so different and excellent beers that are brewed in Belgium.

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Leuven is a short train trip from Brussels, and is a good walking town. There is a beer cellar in the town hall with a huge selection of interesting things to drink.

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Hi Gianni,


I live in Belgium. I would suggest you visit Bruges but don't forget Gent. Gent is nominated by National Geographic Traveler Magazine as the 3th most authentic city in the world (!). It's 20 minutes driving from my place :-). If you need a guide give me a pm



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