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Fried Wiring Harness on 2002 R1150RT


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A few weeks ago I started up my RT to go to work and it really started smoking. You could tell is was electrical by the smell. I hurried up and switched off the ignition and put out the baking wires with my gloves.


Dealer wants $2745 for repair. I was lucky to have comprehensive insurance which will cover all of it except $637. Insurance sent check addressed out to me in my name only. In retrospect, I should have fixed it myself. Never thought of looking on ebay (never said I was smart) and found a used one for $50. Dealer already ordered the harness, $1396.00 so I couldn't change my good faith commitment to them.


I also own an 2002 LT. Took it out to colorado last week and on return trip home started smelling fuel. Looked down on right side and big puddle of gas on the ground and leg was coverded with fuel. Quick disconnect failed ( didn't know this was common until I searched this site) and was very lucky it didn't catch on fire. Insurance company would have loved that, two claims on BMW motorcycles in less than a month.


Needless to say, not real happy with the reliability of my bikes right now.


But a word to the wise, even though comprehensive insurance may cost a little more, it may be worth it. It will pay for the bike and in some cases for the repair if it catches on fire.



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Tom, $1396.00 for a wire harness.. Must be built in a union shop..


That is unbelievable.. Must use gold wire & titanium terminals with carbon fiber connectors & be hand built by monks on a mountain top..




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Dealer's also charge $20 for a quart of oil and $30 for an oil filter. Exclusivity, low production item, pleasure use vehicle, scarce dealer network, lack of aftermarket competition and riding a premium brand has a price.

That's why sites like this exist so cheapskates and skinflints can do our own wrenching.

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Funny thing is: I asked dealer about warranty on the repair. He only would say that BMW has 2 year warranty on parts. He refused to offer any warranty on his part of the repair. Then I asked what he would give me for the RT if I wanted to trade it in on new RT. They said they did not want the bike! Won't offer any warranty on their repair, and won't even take the bike in on a trade....... $%#@@$$%^^^$%!!!!!!

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I considered parting mine out and doing the EBAY thing, but I just can't do it. It's in good enough condition to keep (with the exception of the melted nervous system). I know why mine melted, so there are no additional mechanical/electrical surprises. I expect a full recovery with many days of riding enjoyment in its future.


A few Q's to ask yourself, and Q's that others asked me:

Do you know the cause of your meltdown? Are there any other major components with potential failure? Do you have the funds to buy a new bike? Are you willing to disassemble and part yours out? Do you have space to store the parts while awaiting buyers? How many years would you have ridden the bike if it did not have this pita/$$$ problem?


I question the mechanic's unwillingness to warranty their own work. However, I could understand if they stated, "We'll put the new main chassis wiring harness in, but it may not run if it effected other components." This they may not know until completion of the electrical repair. But, they should warranty their work otherwise. If not, shop around.

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Anton Largiader

Ask the dealership for a copy of the 2-year warranty (I bet they will try to tell you they can't do it). Last time I read it, it clearly covered labor as well as the part.

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That is dead wrong. I worked in a BMW shop in Canada. Any repair done by an AUTHORIZED BMW dealer carries a warranty on the parts AND labour.


They don't like to publicize this fact, but it is fact none the less.


Your dealer is not telling you the truth.


BTW, changing the wire harness on an 1100/1150RT is a BIG job and I would want to make sure an experienced tech. does the work. Don't let them put the new guy on it, lots of room for error.


Good Luck on what ever you decide to do.

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der Wanderer
Any repair done by an AUTHORIZED BMW dealer carries a warranty on the parts AND labour.


That's pretty much the only reason to pay the labor rather than do it oneself, if one intends to resell the bike for example - That's also why I like to see complete maintenance records if I am buying, and am willing to pay more...

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When I had my problems, I considered replacing the wiring harness. If you are referring to the main harness (terminating under the fuse box), the problem is that it's one part number and lists for about $800. It's also difficult to install. I got a quick quote of 8-10 MH to replace. Even though that sounds expensive (~$1,600), it is still about a grand less than your quote. I'm curious why yours was so high.


If you are of the mindset to sit around and wait for something to fail, then you are going have a miserable time of ownership. OTOH, if you arm yourself with some knowledge and a little skill, you can anticipate and minimize the seriousness of the shortcomings of a man made product. Two areas to study are the alternator belt for the RT and final drives for both bikes.

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I am probably more inclined than most to attempt difficult repairs. I ride my bikes like they are meant to be ridden, and up to know my RT has been solid as a rock. It's a machine, it will break! My good friend always told me to: Remember, the adventure starts when everything turns to shit...;^)


Don't know why the huge difference in what they were going to charge you for your harness compared to mine? I checked A&S site and they are right on target to what my dealer wants. They also have to replace the right handle bar control. So that adds a couple of hundred. Just thankful insurance is going to cover most of it.


I guess the LT is going to the national this year..










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