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Well folks the summer is here again and it is time to talk about my annual BB&B (Beer, Brats and Beemers). I came home earlier than expected from Afghanistan so this one has been planned by Jim Kalahan and will be held in conjunction with the monthly Alabama BMW club meeting. I am going to limit the number of attendees to 25 this year for this reason. Next year I will have it on a different weekend and open it up for all.


It will be Friday, August 28th through Sunday morning August 30th.


The cost this year has been set at $20 per person which covers dinner Friday and Saturday night as well as breakfast on Saturday and Sundy, and lunch on Saturday. We will also provide soft drinks and water, and a fair amount of beer.


Friday dinner will be the low country boil that Jim does so well. Breakfast for both days will be an egg casserole and a cheesy potatoe bake as well as fresh fruit, juice, coffee. Saturday's lunch will include sub sandwiches chips and potatoe salad. Finally, Saturday evening the brats will be grilled by our own Alabama club member Tim Flynn (a Wisconsin native). We will have brochen, German potaoe salad and sour kraut.


There is plenty of camping space outside and a fair amount of floor space inside.


There are also several hotels within 4 miles of the house and we will provide transportation for those that wish to indulge and not ride (the smart thing to do).


Okay then, send me a PM if intersted and I will start the list.

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Considering what you've done to serve our country, the least I can do is show up.


I'll gladly bring the twenty bucks for admission.


If something comes up at the last minute, I'll send the twenty spot with Matt. :grin:

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I have a few extra vacation days to burn this year


Unfortunately I don't. Between two BRR's and a week for the UN, I only have one day left and this year and my oldest starts college. I aint a missin that. Have a great time everyone....


Steve... Once again, We're all glad your back safe and sound. :clap:




P.S. The pic of the Garmin 276 on the Helicopter dashboard was priceless. :thumbsup:

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Should be in but may be cramped for time since the UnRally is the week before. I haven't missed one yet and it'll be good to see Steve. :wave:

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Hi Steve,


It's good to see things are getting back to normal around here.


Brynda and I have an 8 day trip planned to start that weekend, so we'll leave a spot open for some lucky soul. I hope to see you sometime soon.

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Sorry, but...








Beth and I are IN!


I think I'm strong enough to handle this again.


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Evening Steve,


I think I can make that. Will bring my 96 and a new front master cylinder if we can install and then complete a bleed.


Good to see you home safe and sound. Thanks for your service.



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Sorry about that guys. We are located in Enterprise, Alabama in Coffee county. There is another Enterprise up near Montgomery. We are west of Dothan about 25 miles in the south east corner of the state.


Sounds like a good group so far.

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A very easy job Dean. We can knock that out pretty quick.


Okay Tim and Beth. PM sent.

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Another easy job although a little more involved. We can do that as well. Bring at least one large bottle of fluid. I have the funnel.

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Hey Shawn,


We will miss you again! Wow, one starting college. They grow up so fast. My oldest just graduated and is looking for a teaching position. Krista just started nursing school and is looking at the Army for the nurse candidate program. Crazy!!


The Garmin belonged to one of the guys I flew with. We did not have any moving map displays so he bought that. It was nice to use.


Maybe I will be at the BRR this year with the Ms.

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want to make this so bad. possibility that we're renting a place on beach in midatlantic area with college buddy. if not i'm in. when i know will reconfirm.


look forward to catching up some steve.

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I'm going to try to be there on Saturday...only a short hop up from Tallahassee. I have to be in Savannah the next day...but I think I can squeeze it in. Since Danny's a definite, I got his rate at the Probably Inn.

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Okay gang,


So far I have Tim and Beth, Marty, Steve Foote and Chris K staying at my place. Several others have chimed in about coming. I still have room for one more on an air mattress and then 4-5 on the floor. There is plenty of camping space in the back of the house that is in the woodline and shaded.


Jim lives about a mile from me and is hosting this at his house this year. He has plenty of shaded camping space. He also has a pool and hot tub so bring your suits.


We have a HI Express, a Hampton Inn, Best Western, Comfort Inn and Days Inn in town all within 4-5 miles of the house if you prefer that. I need to know how many want to stay in hotels and I will try and get a discount rate. The HI Express has been very supportive of this in the past.


We are trying to get two aircraft for static display. That means that Jim Kalahan and I will be sitting in the right seat while you sit in the left seat. We will have auxiliary power applied so you can play with the mast mounted sight and see all of the screens/toys.




We are going to coordinate for some gunnery again as well as the museum on Saturday morning. Those that do not want to go to the museum can go on a ride that one of the Alabama club members will lead.


Should be a very good time.



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Evening Steve,


Let me know about hotel rates. Not sure if my wife will be with me or not. Thinking it may be safer to trailer the bike over for the brake work. Master cylinder is leaking around the piston a bit. Nice have a complete spare bike now days.



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Steve so glad your back! I would like to attend but did to clear it with the other half first. If she says yes I could use some floor space.



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It looks like a good turn out from the board. I will get back with everyone in a week or so as I am headed out tomorrow on the GSA for a weeks worth of riding and camping at the MOA rally.



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Confirmed, Dianne and I are in, and we'll be celebrating her birthday that weekend too!


If there's room at Chez Hebert that'd be great, otherwise we'll head for the HIE!

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Steve, Have heard so many wonderful things about you from mutual friends here on the board ... really wish I could make it this year. But, should be on the last leg of a tour up into Jasper and Banff with my brothers that weekend.


Hope everyone has a great time and that I'll get a chance to meet you at one of the other gatherings!

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Shannon, your going to love the ice field parkway. Truly a beautiful road. MikeRC showed it to me on my way to alaska 5 years ago.

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I'll look forward to it!! The trip is slowly but surely becoming a reality ... my brothers and I haven't ridden together since 2004 when we made the trip from Phoenix to Nashville to get my first R11 home.


What a different trip this will be!! (Thank goodness for them :grin:)

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I can't believe I'm going to miss this...again! Celebrating daughter's 21st birthday in the Keys with family and her crazy girlfriends.


D'ya think you could arrange a little live fire excercise on Key West just prior to me paying the bill?


See you next year. Glad you're back! :/


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Bring them along.

Free mc rides and demolition/explosions.

Much more better than the Conch Republic.

Turning 21 in LA is a blast, literally.



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Family first man! Key West should be fun!




I am sure that you heard a bunch of lies from this group! Have a great trip with your brothers.


Here is a little info that Jim Kalahan did for the event:


So you want to know what a BB&B is. Well thanks for asking.


BB&B stands for Beer,Brats and Beemers. It is a get together that was started six years ago by one of our members Steve Hebert. I got involved three years ago and last year to keep things running, we held BB&B here at our house which is only a mile as the crow flies from the Hebert’s while Steve was in Afghanistan. The get together will be held at our house again this year. Following is a schedule of events.


Friday August 28th


Arrive and set up camp

12:00-2:00 Finger food

2:00 Depart for Mollinelli aerial gunnery range for aerial firepower demonstration

3:00 Depart range for airfield for Static Display of OH-58D aircraft

4:30 Depart airfield back to house for beverages and tall tales and swimming or Hot Tub

6:00 Shrimp Boil

6:00 Eat,drink,be Merry and more tall tales around the camp fire


Saturday August 29th


7:00am Breakfast-Coffee,juice,bagels etc

10:00 Possible tech day and local area ride(ABEES)

12:00 Lunch-Sub sandwiches,Tater salad,chips and drinks

2:00 Depart house for Guided tour of Army Aviation Museum

6:00 Brats,German Tater salad,sauerkraut and rolls and German Beer

6:00 until Eat and more tall tales around campfire,swimming and or Hot Tub


Sunday August 30th


7:00 am Breakfast- Sheila’s special Eggs,sausage,etc,etc caserole,coffee and juice

Time of your Choice- Depart back to whence you came from with a full Belly and more lies and tall tales to tell your friends.


Camping is available in the back yard,here at our house and next door in my mother in laws yard and at the Hebert’s 1 mile away.

Rooms are available here in the house but all have been reserved already. There are a few air mattresses for floor sleeping at both houses. There are Motels 3 miles down the road. If you would like to stay on Post you can call the Ft. Rucker Guest housing at 334-598-1242 or on the web at ft-ruckerarmylodging.com


Please try to bring something reflective to wear to ease getting on post. Sometimes they can be a pain in the butt at the gates. Also have your drivers license and proof of insurance


Now you ask, how much is this going to cost me--$20.00 and we need to know if you plan to attend NLT 25 August so we can get the food and get the arrangements made to get everyone on Post.


The address here at the house is 312 Arrowhead Dr

Enterprise,Al 36330


The GPS coordinates for here at the house are N 31 23.153 W 085 51.524


More directions and Info to follow as we get nearer, if you have any questions please feel free to call us. Phone Number is 334-347-0199 (Kalahan) 334-894-0230 (Hebert)


The address for the Hebert house is 509 Private Road 1106

Enterprise, AL 36330


The GPS coordinates for the Hebert house are N 31 23.230 W 085 52.029


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You do realize, I'm sure, that your event shares its initials with Bed Bath and Beyond, don't you? :rofl: I'm not sure if you should be embarrassed for doing that or me for knowing. I think the latter. :dopeslap: Sounds like a fun time, enjoy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a bump tp keep this thread going. Does anyone need a hotel room? If so, I am planning on going to the Hampton Inn and the Holiday Inn Express to see what type of rate we can get. I would plan on $80 or so per night but I will see what I can do.


Let me know.


I also plan on doing a brake service on a non servo R1100RT and the servo R1150RT with the help of master mechanics Chris K and Steve Foote.


One guys needs to replace the master cylinder on the R1100RT. Piece of cake.


That's all for now.

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I mispoke. Your bike will be the newer bike service I think. Plenty of time if not for three.




Yes I did see it. Not bad writing for an Army guy!

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