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Ridin' and thinkin'


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Yesterday afternoon, I got in 95 or so miles on the backroads of Wilson, Rutherford, Cannon, and Dekalb Counties, TN. It was fun but muy caliente ! About 15 miles from home, my iPod powered down so I rode on w/o music.


I remebered that years ago my wife, then girlfriend, rode 2-up everywhere on a Nighthawk 250; no tunes, just us. I have often wondered if riding hasn't been super beneficial to our marriage. I've several bikes to the present, all w/o iPod or stereos. As a young couple w/ lots of growing to do, conflicts were inevitable. Many times I would ride around w/ nothing but my thoughts in my helmet; it was my Zen time (see Robert Pirsig). By the time I got home, I had a whole new perspective and the conflict could resolve and dissolve.


I still have fun but I find I'm not as relaxed as I used to be when I get home (but I have a big grin!). With the right tunes, I hoon a lot more now instead of just motoring and thinking. Maybe I've lost something since plugging in. Maybe I need to dedicate an occassional ride w/o tunes to seeing the sights and getting back in balance. Oh well, just a deep thought moment.

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You may be onto something there


(one bad word)


Yes Miss Wilson, I do belong in math class. :grin:





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I don't need music when riding and do find it distracting! I really like the Zen aspect....when riding I like to be more in tune with my bike, myself and the planet. I always return refreshed...even in 95+ weather :eek:


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Wow! Motorcyling without tunes, GPS, XM...what a concept :thumbsup:


Actually, trying to think of the last time I rode without them...might be on to something here...thanks Cycler!



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I shut it all down a couple of times a week. I do love my music but I find as you have that the quiet time is valuable.


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A long time ago, I had a Goldwing. Could not stand it until I added the Hondaline fairing, along with the oh so pricey Honda radio and speakers. No cheesy aftermarket add on for this guy!


Talk about wasting money. I used the radio at first, but after a short while I just left it turned off. I could hear it fine, as could anyone within a hundred miles I suspect, but I never really cared for it, other than bike cleaning time.


When I bought the RT, one of the things I looked for on a bike was the lack of a radio. Any that had them, I passed on.


Besides, when you are as good a singer as I am, and know some/most of the words to a lot of songs, or make up new lyrics, who needs a radio? :eek:

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Now that's agood one Dave. I never thought of singing. Is moto-singing as quality as shower-singing? ;)

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Two of the most effective opportunities for me to problem solve and perspectivise (word?) are when I ride my RT or mow with my JD tractor. I have no interest in adding tunes to either.



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I don't need music when riding and do find it distracting! I really like the Zen aspect....when riding I like to be more in tune with my bike, myself and the planet. I always return refreshed...even in 95+ weather :eek:

+1 :thumbsup:

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Now that's agood one Dave. I never thought of singing. Is moto-singing as quality as shower-singing? ;)



You won't have the nice echo........ and there are more flies..... :rofl:

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Gotta have the tunes. I have an Ipod playing into the RT with Autocom headset. The music is from the sixties - when music allowed me to still think while listening.

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Two of the most effective opportunities for me to problem solve and perspective (word?) are when I ride my RT or mow with my JD tractor. I have no interest in adding tunes to either.






The only differences are that I don't have an RT (yet, anyway) and I drive IH and AC tractors.


Don't need no stinking 'tunes....riding (or working with/on one of the tractors) is my entertainment.



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I can't stand 'noise' either when driving or riding. Never have and never will, most I use the radio in the car for is to be alerted to traffic jams on the German and French highways.


I just LOVE to be busy with riding ONLY without distractions. But that's the nice thing about this all... we can all enjoy our separate things and still 'moto' !

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Most times I like to just let the noise of riding put me into a kind of hyper Zen state where "everything" becomes clear (or not) and then other times I like my iPod which puts me into a completely different space. I seem to go faster with music than without.

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Now that's agood one Dave. I never thought of singing. Is moto-singing as quality as shower-singing? ;)


Moto-singing is the best. Nobody tells you to STFU when you are at your best. :rofl: The full face helmet keeps bugs out, and tunes in.

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Two of the most effective opportunities for me to problem solve and perspectivise (word?) are when I ride my RT or mow with my JD tractor. I have no interest in adding tunes to either.




I do the same, except with music, much like background music in a movie. Yep, I'm finally in a movie!

Singing, I'm much better in the shower. You would would agree if you could hear me. :)

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On my weekly mountain rides the tunes are almost always in... its my personal soundtrack to the amazing experience of bombing through the trees.


That being said, nearly every other day I am on my bike is sans tunes. Commuting? earplugs. Errands? Earplugs. Friend's house? Earplugs.



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I've always liked listening to music as a way to clear my mind from all the serious problems that life throws at you. When the music is playing I can't think about the job or the family or the bills. All of life’s little problems disappear and I become fully immersed in what I'm doing, which means enjoying the ride, even if I'm riding to work. I also listen to tunes when I ski. Long before the mp3 and minidisk and even before the walkman, I had a small automotive cassette deck with a small rechargeable 12v battery (all weighing about 5lbs) strapped to my chest in a padded bag as I flew down the trails. I still get a similar rush when I fly down the road on my RT with the tunes from my Sirius radio playing in my custom molded earphones. I am of course concerned for my hearing and my safety and am able to hear the music at a reasonable level and still hear what’s going on around me. For me, it's the only way to fly!

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I rode for years without music because I wanted to be at one with the bike and what's going on beneath me. I finally caved one day and bought an I-Pod to give this tunes while riding thing a try. Frankly it was weird, didn't like it and stuck to washing the truck or doing yard work with it. I eventually had Arizona Al make me up a few sets of ear plugs sending one set to Ear-Inc. for speakers. I slowly kept trying the ride with music and finally got use to it. I never ride in city traffic with music but while commuting to the house in Wrightwood I will turn it on when I hit Hwy2.


Can I live without it sure, but there are times I just don't want it and work out my thoughts. It's crazy the things I come up with and design while riding without music distration. It ain't easy being me sometimes... :eek:

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