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K1300GT Question


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My bike just stopped running today, I was pulling into a drive and had down shifted. I was pulling in and the bike just stopped running. The bike fired right back up when I was stopped. The outside temp was about 101 plus. Has this happened to anyone else? Also noticed the info switch no longer works. Figure this is related to my turn signal switch quiting last week. I already have one on order, just waiting on turning the bike in for the 600mi service.

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Most likely, you re experiencing the early signs of the right switch cluster going bad as well. My right cluster failed. In particular, the start/kill switch. There had been some intermittent issues with the heated grips prior to the failure. I would make the call to your dealer and get the right cluster ordered as well and get it changed ASAP.

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My bike is doing this quite often. I am in the middle of a trip. This did not happen before the trip. Anyhow the service manager at Chicago BMW guessed that it might be the throttle-EFI mapping was off. He said that this mapping had to be done every time that the battery is disconnectedand I had disconnected the battery to install the Fuzeblok. This made sense to me and I did the procedure and it did improve the situation but did not fix it. Could it be the qualiy of the gas?? Did not happen at all today-Up and down Pike's Peak and then over to Osborne, Ne. I think that we need to stay on this as it is happening on more than just one bike. I now have over 10K miles on the bike.


Don S

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Thanks Phil, for all the advice. I blame you for me getting the new K1300GT :wave:

I did have the right side ordered as well. I have read on the K-bike forum that the new switch gears are not in the US yet, just in Europe. I hope I get the new versions.

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My bike is doing this quite often. I am in the middle of a trip. This did not happen before the trip. Anyhow the service manager at Chicago BMW guessed that it might be the throttle-EFI mapping was off. He said that this mapping had to be done every time that the battery is disconnectedand I had disconnected the battery to install the Fuzeblok. This made sense to me and I did the procedure and it did improve the situation but did not fix it.


Don S


Don I think that the switch problem can manifest itself as an intermittent fault. Worth getting it checked out.


My left side failed yesterday and there are problems with supply. I'm off to mainland Europe on Saturday so fingers crossed I don't have any trouble with the right side

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Mine is quiting when I am pulling up to a stop, today it did it coming to a stop sign, I pulled in the clutch to downshift and it died. I released the clutch and it fired right back up.

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Mine is doing the exact same thing. Pull up to a stop, depress the clutch, the tach goes down to about 1000 rpms and then it dies. Restarts immediately. This has happened to me using different fuels, different outside temps, different altitudes(just got back from a trip). I haven't been able to isolate the occurrence to certain conditions yet. I almost dumped the bike when it happened as I was about to cross a lane of traffic and I didn't realize it had shut off.


Don S

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On another bike I had (non BMW) this exact thing happened to me frequently. IT turned out that the throttle position sensor was bad and ultimately they were recalled for frequent failures. A throttle blip before pulling in the clutch worked as a work-around until the revamped part was installed.


No idea if this would be related, but it wouldnt surprise me on these computer controlled bikes.



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Have you recently disconnected your battery?? The reason I ask is the SM from Chicago BMW thought that the shutdown could be caused by throttle/EFI mapping problem. This mapping must be performed each time the battery is disconnected.


Don S


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Well mine goes in on Friday for its 600mi service and the replacement of the left and right switches. So I will post once that is done, hopefully that will fix all my issues.

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WTF another problem with the 1300?? I am buying a concours!!!!

No no no, you're not drinking the Kool-Aid, the 1300 fixes all the problems... as does every new BMW model... :grin:

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