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The Solstice is upon us and there is no other place in the world I would rather spend it than in Colorado. Colorado rocks! And most of my dear friends are willing to take a little break from our realities and get together for a weekend of fun. We have our condos there that we have rented for years and now it is all a matter of getting on the road.



The boys from San Diego get to my house and immediately surf the net to see the weather in Ouray. Since they just crossed the desert I can't blame them. Jamie and Bill are always welcome in my house, even after Jamie refuses to honor the "Rules for 2009".



Nothing like waking up in the morning to a garage full of motorcycles ready to go.



The GPS is set to zero, and Jamie checks the map. We are in fact ready to moto!



My moto is pretty much loaded with gear. My hardest decision was to take my sticks for hiking. Since it is June, I strap the Camelback onto the tank bag so I have extra water. The Top case pretty much has all my cameras packed in there.



Our first stop is Flagstaff where it is already in the 60's. We are amazed that the temps are not colder.


For those in the know, Cafe Express is a great local joint for breakfast. The wait staff is fun, and I quickly make friends with Dana there who treats us like kings.



Dana and I have trouble parting and I am pained to tell her that I need my hiking sticks more than a Pillion. But for a minute I think about letting Bill carry the sticks :)



But it is time to Moto!



We eat the miles and soon find ourselves back on the Navajo Reservation heading towards the fake Four Corners Monument.



A quick pass Tuba City on the way to Kayenta.



The V1 Radar Detector is worth every penny to me. That along with great sightlines let us just eat the miles.



The views are pretty good the closer we get to Colorado.



Just over the border in Colorado, we hit some road work.



Having a GT on these roads gives me a big advantage over the guys on the RT's. My ability to pass other cars is a lot easier. By the time we get to the Flag Girl, I am several cars in front. She tells me to get the boys up in front. We wait about 20 minutes there and then have 10 miles of nice road beyond the construction with no traffic. I wish I had looked down to see how fast I was going over most of it :)



After a short stop in Cortez, we make our way up past Delores and then into the Mountains!!!!!! WHOO HOO! Traffic is really light even with the BlueGrass Concert in Telluride over Lizard Head Pass.



It just keeps getting prettier and prettier.


We are really enjoying the ride when out comes the one big buzz kill to any sport touring ride



Our pal LEO


We arrive and some of the hoons are there waiting for us. Nothing like a great ride and seeing old friends



All of the usual suspects are there. But hold on. The guy on the left looks like my buddy Danny from Florida.....



It turns out two of my favorite hoons from the Grapefruit League are here!!! What a grand suprise!



As day one comes to a close, it is clear that this is going to be a special weekend.



We have a grand dinner


After walking home somebody tracks mud on the carpet. His name is Bill Walker



He takes on the job of cleaning person and does a good job. Little do I know how his cleaning abilities will cost me tomorrow.



Jan has a plan I am sure for tomorrow



Janet laughing at something funny I said. One of the many reasons we love her. Her ability to laugh at lame jokes.



Bill taking out his road rage on Larry


More later.....




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Nothin better to come home to than a Ride Tale.........not like Killer's(Ride Tale) where he waited for us to leave before he did any riding.






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I keep telling myself I should make the trip across the pond with my RT to ride some of the great roads you have over there and of course to meet up with the happy family of BMWST'ers that always seem to have so much fun.


A great ride tale in prospect and some great photos - keep it coming.


Safe travels



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Waking Up in the morning is always one of my favorite times of the day. Waking up to the sound of a river outside and knowing it is cool because the window is open and not the AC is a bonus I only get once a year at the condo in Ouray! Today is going to be a great one!!!



The view from my condo


I need to excercise since I am back at the doc next week. This getting in shape thing takes no breaks and neither does Tommy. Today, me and Louise are going to hike up to Cascade Falls. It is a big deal because while it is right in town, the hill to the falls is LONG. Steep and LONG. My man Larry and Bob are already up as I get to the other condo and Louise is just about ready. We set off for the Falls.



This is about half way up the hill. Way down at the bottom is where we started. I am breathing...sort of. Ouray is almost 8000 ft and this hill is double tough for me. But I am not a quilter....or a quitter :)



It is worth the walk though to see this. Amazing place


On the way down we run into Danny walking the town taking pictures.



This old Jeep catches my eye on the way down. It is pretty cool to see old relics like this guy still working for a living.


As we work our way back down to the condo to change and meet people for breakfast, we take a back alley as a short cut



This young lady must have been taking a nap but decided to not be friendly. Her loss


At breakfast we decide to set off and conquer Engineer Pass. A few of the crew lugged in dirt bikes and my man Joel has a GS and wants to make the trip as well. Those of us with street bikes will rent jeeps. We head off to get them and after a few diplomatic calls we have 3 jeeps (well Roy already had one) and set off to the launch point.


Honestly I am concerned and have told most of the folks that I think the road up to Engineer Pass will be tough in the best of conditions. This is Colorado and even in June, conditions can be goofy. Clouds are building as we set off.




Phil in one of the jeep with Bob, Larry and Louise in it.

Following close behind is Roy and the Rock Star who also happens to be Roy's Son.



Our Hero's Kick Ass Rubicon. Now it isn't as Plush as the Mr JK or even the Mr. G, this guy had some serious ability to make Billy Goat Mountain Men shudder. It is a worthy steed for the day. Though Jamie in the back wishes it has more weather protection. I tell him it may sprinkle.



The big GS heading up the hills.


So as we climb up the first set of crazy switchbacks up the pass I see Phil in the Lead Jeep stop and jump out. Seems that Joel's big GS has decided to take a nap in the middle of the road. For those of you who are not adventure riders out there that means his bike fell over. It is now facing down hill and missing a few minor parts. It still runs though! Joel decides to park the bike and jump in with Roy and the Rock Star.



Phil not buying for a minute that the Giant Ouray Snow Yeti knocked Joel over


The other 4 riders have pressed on and I take up the chase while the others bring up the rear guard.



As I catch the Florida boys and the SLC crew up the hill, it starts to Rain. We decide to press on. I give them some space


It is raining pretty good now and as we climb higher the weather is getting a tad more iffy. I put on a rain jacket to keep me dry in case I have to get out.



Pretty soon I have to get out. Jan has caught napping disease himself and his bike sits on the side of an overhang. He dodged a pretty big bullet.


While the picture above doesn't look bad,



This shot looking down says it all. How the bike didn't slide down that cliff will be a mystery forever.


Jan talks hard about going back down but we convince him to press on. Not because we want to see him get in worse, but the Animas Fork Rd down to Silverton is a much easier grade and going down what we just came up in the rain is really a bad idea.



We group up at one of the little ghost town. Here Rock Star and his Dad are having the time of their lives. Pretty damn cool. I think again about all of the folks that should be with us but aren't and I sigh. Then I laugh as I see some people riding up on 4 wheelers.



Not often do you get to see a German Shepard in Camo Raingear.



We keep a chugging along



Cool old Willy's


As we climb up I talk to a guy coming down and he says that up on top it is starting to snow. That's right, June 20th and it is snowing up ahead. I love Colorado



Jamie laughing and fully understanding that the reason we brought him and Phil wasn't because we love their company as much as it was because they are both paramedics in real life.



Even Rin Tin Tin thinks we are nuts to keep climbing up. But how bad can it be?



The First few flakes



Ok maybe it is a bit more then a few flurries. But the road is still clear.



The Bikes are thinking this is not as much fun. The temp is now near freezing which is tough on the Florida guys who aren't used to this. They moto on though. We may be nuts, but we sure aren't too sharp either



Jan at the top of the crossroads where we can take the road down towards Silverton. Looks like Engineer Pass will have to wait for Ouray V.



I step out for some fresh air



All bikes are still up though and running and we head down the hill.



There is a reason they make red jeeps I guess. To see them in the snow!



Eventually we get down off the mountain enough to be in the rain again and not the snow. All safe and sound and laughing at the simple of thrill of living life to its fullest. There is something about getting out of a tough spot that is better then any drug on the planet. Having your friends around makes it all the better.



I love all you guys and can't think of a better bunch of people to call friends.


Next up Sunday.....








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Perfect. Now I don't feel bad about not taking any pictures. You've captured the story, and it's essence, completely. Some good pics too.

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You are the Man!



.....and always will be.




Bingo!!!!! Could not have said it better!!

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Hard to top this ride tale.


Great stuff Tommy.


It's now on my list.


If the dudes from Florida can do it, I think I can... :grin:


Great cast of characters. :wave:



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The dudes from FL did it on a KLR with bald tires and an airhead GS. That was some riding from both of them. I'm totally impressed.


Bullett too. It was her first really tough, long climb ever. She rocked.

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Nice Tom, really nice.


Sharon was simply amazing, couldn't believe what she was doing. That's probably the toughest conditions I've ever seen and we were all lucky to have made it back down. But for some stupid reason it was about the most fun I've had on a bike. :grin:

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+1 to what Bill said. We all should have been totally miserable, but the ride was a blast!


It was a great privilege to ride with Danny and Bill, those guys rock! :Cool:

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I love all you guys and can't think of a better bunch of people to call friends.


Back at ya, +1 and all that. :clap: Day 2 was one of the most memorable of my life.


But wait, there's more ...

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The dudes from FL did it on a KLR with bald tires and an airhead GS. That was some riding from both of them. I'm totally impressed.


Bullett too. It was her first really tough, long climb ever. She rocked.


Don't let the Florida guys fool you.... Florida might be flat but they are some of the best riders I know :clap:! (They get out once in a while! :thumbsup:)

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Tom... love the pix and your great ride tale. I really wish I could have made the trip. Can't wait for the next chapter. :grin:

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Grapefruit League ????? Hay, it's 2009!


Great tale! Glad everyone had a good time.


Are you suggesting that the Grapefruit League isn't in Florida?

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Tom... love the pix and your great ride tale. I really wish I could have made the trip. Can't wait for the next chapter. :grin:


You would have had a hoot and there is even some geology discussions we need to have next year.


And you were missed amigo

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Bill's right. Even when my fingers were turning purple up on the mountain, I was still glad I was there.


I'll put up a tale of Sundays off-road ride as soon as I get the pics uploaded.


Sharon, I'll need that pic of Ranger Barker. :grin:




P.S., Phil, remember that pic of you hunched over Whip's 950 at Torrey where you were warming your hands on the engine, & I made fun of you? I take it all back. :P

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P.S., Phil, remember that pic of you hunched over Whip's 950 at Torrey where you were warming your hands on the engine, & I made fun of you? I take it all back. :P


Hee hee hee . . .





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**   Chris   **
So as we climb up the first set of crazy switchbacks up the pass I see Phil in the Lead Jeep stop and jump out. Seems that Joel's big GS has decided to take a nap in the middle of the road. For those of you who are not adventure riders out there that means his bike fell over. It is now facing down hill and missing a few minor parts. It still runs though! Joel decides to park the bike and jump in with Roy and the Rock Star.



So did you have to climb back up out of Ouray to get back to the GS? Or did he just report it stolen and leave it there?



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So as we climb up the first set of crazy switchbacks up the pass I see Phil in the Lead Jeep stop and jump out. Seems that Joel's big GS has decided to take a nap in the middle of the road. For those of you who are not adventure riders out there that means his bike fell over. It is now facing down hill and missing a few minor parts. It still runs though! Joel decides to park the bike and jump in with Roy and the Rock Star.



So did you have to climb back up out of Ouray to get back to the GS? Or did he just report it stolen and leave it there?



I needed to ride it home, so a rescue had to be arranged. Details later, but big ups to 1bmwfan, Whip and Killer for the assistance later that day.

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Tom, please post some Jeep Pictures. You guys are killing me. Did you guys do any of this?




or any rock crawlin'?





I'm definitely in for the next Ouray and September Torrey. See you then if not sooner.

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Nothing that technical amigo. Even though they were rentals. I will say that I have really seen the need for good equipment out there. We didn't have a tow rope even so we had to be really cautious. Plus out there the trails are goofy but not that technical unless you go looking for them, and then you need your AA+ game if you know what I mean. I need to get the JK upgraded but can't do it until 2010. But watch out Ouray V!

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Tom, please post some Jeep Pictures. You guys are killing me. Did you guys do any of this?


pathetically wimpy pictures deleted


We don't bother with the easy stuff. :wave:

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I have had a few health issues that are causing me to be very cautious about what I eat. So I decide to skip dinner Saturday Night and just hang out with Bob and Janet. Now I have been to over 40 countries and have done some very interesting things. But tonight Bob and Janet have agreed to teach me a real new tradition....



Super Scrabble. Oh and there is truth to the fact that there is no mercy rule when it comes to playing with these two. As we finish up, the Hoons show back up and add comic relief.


The rest of the evening is spent enjoying each others company and doing what we do best. Be silly


Sunday Morning gets here and a few of the crew have to set off back to the world. Phil is first out the door around 3am but he has to get back to California.



The creek is running as I get up and the sun is above the Horizon. Another winner of a day awaits!


After breakfast the Jamie, Roy and Rock Star depart as well. It is sad to part but I also know that we are all better for the time together.


What to do today?



First up for me is to take a spin on Bill's Old Air Head. This type of moto is one that I am seriously thinking about getting somewhere down the line. It is a tractor, not super fast, but will go on the dirt and still do 300+ miles in a day. Best of all, it can be worked on in the garage. Worthy Steed


The bikes are going for Ophir Pass, but I elect to jump in the truck with Bob, Janet, Louise, and Bill and head up to Yankee Boy Basin. I want to shoot some photos today and just relax.



The road is just outside of town but soon enough we start to see the results of the spring runoff and it is so green.



Lots of birds on the trail doing their thing.



Bob enjoying the majestic vistas



Don't buy that silly grumpy fascade folks. Killer is one happy guy. I just wish I could figure out why :)



Bill dancing between the waterfalls Most Worthy



I keep getting the feeling like I am being watched though.



We make our way to the top of the road and look back down the valley. The view doesn't suck



Some lucky stiffs got to go skiing! Maybe for Ouray V



The road ahead is closed and we have to turn back down the hill



The mountain streams are ice cold but totally glorious to watch






I try and imagine what it would be like to have been here in 1909 instead of 2009. I am sure it would have been much more of an ordeal, but still as beautiful



I want to just take a nap in this meadow for a bit. We talk of coming back in August, when the wildflowers will be in full bloom



Heading back towards Ouray



We head back into town to wait for the rest of the gang to get back from their ride.



















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Grapefruit League ????? Hay, it's 2009!


Great tale! Glad everyone had a good time.


Are you suggesting that the Grapefruit League isn't in Florida?


Just thought you were poking fun at the Florida guys... :grin: I see now that there is really a Grapefruit League! Learn something new everyday! :wave:



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Tom, I'm rally sorry I didn't go now. Those pictures are incredible. Is there still talk of a August trip? Might be to close to Torrey for me.


I know what you mean about tooling up the Jeep for off roading. I just put a lift on mine and wheels and tires are next, then a winch and probably gearing, it never ends once started. Kinda like farklelizing (is that a word?) a bmw.


I'm not as extreme as those pictures. I don't have the huevos for that sort of stuff. I have to thank Stu for allowing me to post a few of his pictures. His site is a tremendous resource for Jeep owners.

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I am not around much lately, sorry... so I miss all the good tales.


Extremely worthy, Tom :clap:

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Jan, Jan, Jan. South man. South. Away from the weather. Get outta Dodge quick..... or is that only what you tell me :grin:. BTW....are u that masked man?

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Gratuitous, no-drama Jeep shot for Marco, coming down Corkscrew.




And to think it had been snowing just a few minutes before this.

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Jan, Jan, Jan. South man. South. Away from the weather. Get outta Dodge quick..... or is that only what you tell me :grin:. BTW....are u that masked man?


Hey I was for turning around, but they convinced me not to go off on my own. The rest were going up on Tom's advice. It worked, so who's to complain. No, the masked man in the vid is Danny, a surprise attendee. But Tom has already revealed him in this thread... so not much guessing left to that game.

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Borrowing a line from John Winger (BM) in Stripes, Tommy Neumann, you are a madman. I want to party with you, cowboy. :grin:

Seriously, you guys seem to be having the time of your lives and that's just plain cool! :thumbsup:





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**   Chris   **
So, you mean that in 1909 Colorado was in Black and White!


That explains a lot.


No, he just dreams in Black and White.

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Gratuitous, no-drama Jeep shot for Marco, coming down Corkscrew.




And to think it had been snowing just a few minutes before this.

Wow, we did Corkscrew on Monday and I don't remember any part of it being that smooth - when was that?
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Gratuitous, no-drama Jeep shot for Marco, coming down Corkscrew.




And to think it had been snowing just a few minutes before this.

Wow, we did Corkscrew on Monday and I don't remember any part of it being that smooth - when was that?


I think we were about 1/3 of the way down. We might have been stopped for that shot. I had to discard several pics that were taken while we were rolling -- too bumpy for the slow focus on my little old camera.

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Gratuitous, no-drama Jeep shot for Marco, coming down Corkscrew.




And to think it had been snowing just a few minutes before this.

Wow, we did Corkscrew on Monday and I don't remember any part of it being that smooth - when was that?


I think we were about 1/3 of the way down. We might have been stopped for that shot. I had to discard several pics that were taken while we were rolling -- too bumpy for the slow focus on my little old camera.


But I don't know if that is Corkscrew. There had been talk of going Corkscrew, but in the end we just went down the main road into Silverton. So if that is from the Saturday ride, below Animas Forks, its on the main road into Silverton. I always thought that was called California Gulch, but now Killer has me thinking CA Gulch is somewhere else, so I don't know it's actual name.

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You didn't do Corkscrew this weekend, you would have had to go up through the snow field in the picture of mine with the sun shining into the lens.

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