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Eddd and Killer's Epic Ouray Ride

Bob Palin

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After all the snow on Saturday's expedition up Engineer Pass outside Ouray, CO Eddd and I decided to take another look on an absolutely perfect Colorado afternoon. Just a taster here as today looks the same and there's ridin' to be done.


Ed at the bottom of the Engineer Pass Road



A couple of Hippies enjoying the flowers



approaching the summit of Engineer Pass, our high point was 13,002 feet



On top of the world (apart from the bit in the background...)



Ed at the pass



We just kept going and going up California Gulch to the pass


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WOW, beautiful!

(the last pic) They plowed the road just for you two, I can tell.


Thanks for sharing those! :thumbsup:

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Looks easier in 2D. :grin:

No doubt. Ophir Pass caused plenty of pucker moments a few weeks ago for me and my wife in a Jeep. I kept saying, "There's no way I'd bring the GS up here!" Yet when I looked at the pictures later I thought, "Uh... maybe I could do it on the pig." Funny how different things look in retrospect (2D!).

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Looks easier in 2D. :grin:

No doubt. Ophir Pass caused plenty of pucker moments a few weeks ago for me and my wife in a Jeep. I kept saying, "There's no way I'd bring the GS up here!" Yet when I looked at the pictures later I thought, "Uh... maybe I could do it on the pig." Funny how different things look in retrospect (2D!).


I think it's actually a lot easier on a bike than a jeep. Certainly you don't take the beating, and speeds are much higher. Just ask the ranger that was running radar on Ophir (yeah, way up top) Sunday. Engineer is much, much tougher than Ophir. Last year we saw a 12 GS up there, and believe me when I say it, a Brick... K100 or the like. This year Joel ran Ophir on his 12 GS, but called off Engineer. However we did see one 12 GS up there, and it had come over Cinnamon Pass... wow. Danny rode an airhead GS all weekend. I think we can conclude that the big GS's are capable of these 4wd roads in the right hands, but it takes significantly more than average experience and skill. On our little dual sports (DR-Z, WR, XT) we were having a blast.

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I do not doubt that it can be done. Just not by me! :grin: I don't have the requisite skills or kahonies.


Which makes the pictures at the beginning of this thread more enjoyable to view vicariously!



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... but called off Engineer.


That was very politely put. :grin:


Film at 11, or whenever Whip or Killer post theirs, whichever is sooner.

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It's 2009.......or I would say somethin like.



Why did ya wait for us to leave to ride your bike????






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Dang! Wish we could've seen some of that gorgeous scenery on Saturday, instead of white out conditions. :P


I gotta go back now . . .

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Dang! Wish we could've seen some of that gorgeous scenery on Saturday, instead of white out conditions. :P


I gotta go back now . . .


I'm with ya sister!!! And this time, I am bringing the F800GS and riding with you all!!!!

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Why did ya wait for us to leave to ride your bike????
Even when I do go dirt riding with you you never see me...


(And you complain too much about the lack of road signs)


hmm, hmm?

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Why did ya wait for us to leave to ride your bike????
Even when I do go dirt riding with you you never see me...


(And you complain too much about the lack of road signs)


hmm, hmm?






(You sound like Richard)



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