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Torrey 17


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Part One


Suspicious Germans



We have not missed a Torrey since our first visit(T 10)......if ya don't know why, you ain't been payin attention.


This trip to Torrey started in the usual way. A late start and a smooth ride. No issues the day first except I had to add some water to the reservoir a couple times, not much water, but enough to get may attention.


We stopped in our usual places for gas and food along the way. The temps were below normal and every thing was as it should be. Mrs Whip even turned on her electrics a few miles before Albuquerque.


Things started to get interesting as we pulled into Hanksville for gas and a visit in the cave/convenient store.


We found these two lurking in the shadows. Somethin wasn't right about them so I approached with caution.



They seemed normal enough, but Billy(Lawman) as always told me to be suspicious of cute blonds and old men. I viewed their bikes with a skeptics eye.





After a few words with them I realized, "they ain't from around here". They sounded like Euros, I figured they may wanna hang out with a few more Euros, so I invited them to Killers house. I prolly should have checked with Killer first, but I didn't think they were French so I figured he wouldn't mind. They had some other things planned for the next few days and would, maybe, find us later in Torrey. They claimed they had been traveling for almost two years in South America. They also said they were of German decent. I knew right then, they were fibbers. No self respecting German would travel for years on anything other than a BMW......hmmmmmmmmmmmmm????


We soon arrived in Torrey hugs and kisses all around. Tom was waitin for us, Killer was working on somethin and Janet would soon appear. Calvin had made it to our home back in SA and Tasker was fixin him dinner.Everything was great. Over dinner we made plans to take Tom's jeep for a little back country adventure the next day.



Somewhere down there is Torrey.











It was a grand day......


The next day was gonna have a different twist. Janet was joining us and we were gonna meet in Escalante for Lunch. I was gonna ride the KTM up and over 12 with a couple stops along the way and they were gonna take the back country dirt roads in the jeep.


Burr Trail



Grand Staircase







We had a great lunch and I put some more water in the KTM.....





...more in a bit.










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...more in a bit.


Uh, yeah, riiiiiiiight. Ya ever gonna finish Alaska..... just askin'












Ok, good start, I'm along for the ride.... :lurk:

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Look what the northern blew in.





Seein how they were all dressed up with no place to go. Killer decided to take us on a little ride.


Killer likes to show off.



Sharon getting dirty...



Jan put some more air in that front tire...



Lookin down on the Freemont River.



Is that Bicknell



I think I can make it..



Power Rangers next album cover... ???



Jan and Sharon went back to town and Killer said he had some unfinished bidness back on Boulder Mountain. He wanted to complete the ride that was started last Fall and ended with a rescue mission to get Lisa's bike back from the muddy grip of Mount Boulder. I really enjoy this ride, a bit more challenging than some of the other stuff in the area, but Killer waited on me and I didn't get lost or left behind.


We only left the boys alone for a few minutes and look what happen. The Yammie bloodied the Honda.....


Rossi.....please stop picking on Danny.



...I gotta get to work. I'll post some more lix later





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Cool tale Whip. Just got back for a 9 day trip that included my first stop in Torrey, so I can finally relate! Can't wait for the rest.

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More please!

I think I need a dirt bike and a truck.

Be careful Joe, that's a bit carbon footprint to fill.. :rofl::wave:

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Well, your post made my mind up - I'm not going to miss the next Torrey no matter what. Thanks for posting - great pics.


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...sooooo.....while Killer was leaving bread crumbs for me to follow...... Mrs Whip had my camera and was in the jeep with two very fine fellows.


I have no idea where this is, but it looks interesting.



..this does too.



It must have been Friday by now??????....I don't really remember.


We had a birthday in Torrey.





This guy looks he forgot to bring a present... :dopeslap:



Jerry looks like he's forgotten a few birthdays and knows how Jan feels.



Bill has prolly never forgotten anything??????...sept maybe why he can't make it to Ouray next week.



I never forget anything....cause this face is always there to remind me......Calvin is there to help Richard.



The Torrey "Rat Pack"....



More in a few...











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The Chuckwagon....Friday night. I think if ya look closely you can see Marty's bike before it was vandalized. You'd never recognize it after the mirrors were moved.











I relaxed most of Saturday and didn't do much. I got to talk with Mama-Hoon and Sue, got to sleep on Killer hammock in the front yard. It was a very peaceful day.


Sunday started with the arrival of the absent minded professor.


Jan PHD Twistie.



Without a lot of work he was able to talk me into riding over to Fish Lake for some Hoonin and Pix.


The Fish Lake loop is my favorite road in the area.


I like the form.....but I ain't no expert.





If BMW could come up with a paint job like this.....Jesse James would be envious.



Ridesmart as I understand it.....nice job Sharon.






I still get a bit crossed up.......I wanna blame it on the wide bars especially after riding the R1 around. It(ridesmart) was no natural on a sport bike with clip-ons.


















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I think if ya look closely you can see Marty's bike before it was vandalized. You'd never recognize it after the mirrors were moved.


Huh? Why would anyone mess with Marty's bike? That ain't right, I tell ya...

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I relaxed most of Saturday and didn't do much. I got to talk with Mama-Hoon and Sue, got to sleep on Killer hammock in the front yard. It was a very peaceful day.



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On one of my several trips around Fish Lake I went over to pay my respects and spend some time with a friend.



On that same trip. I saw this cool pic opportunity at the beginning of the lake. By this time I was adding water to the Katoom every time we stopped. No water was appearing on the ground so I had a good idea it wasn't gonna be an easy fix.


Anyway....I rode around a barricade and ask permission to ride out on this little peninsula and take a picture.



Won't those guys over at ADVRIDER be impressed...I was thinkin to myself as I snapped the pix.




Now from the other side.....



As I looked through the camera......somethin doesn't look right???????



I got issues.....I bet Gleno would have been laughin his a$% off at me.



My Katoom is so thirsty it's tryin to get a drink.......



eddd and Bill Walker were with me when this happen......eddd ran over and took some pix before helping me pic it up. I think I was laughing harder than anyone.


One more pic should wrap this up.


...in a few.







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For those of us that fear traveling on a motorcycle.


....fear being away from home.


....fear traveling to exotic places for long periods of time without guides.


....fear of eating something you've never heard of.


....fear traveling without hotel reservations.


....fear not speaking the language.


....fear not knowing where you'll sleep tomorrow let alone next week.


....fear breaking down and not getting help.



....if your afraid of being afraid.


































Look into these folks eyes and tell me what you see.



Katharina and Thomas




It ain't fear.


I think it's somethin we all wish we could find and I don't have the words to describe it.



The End






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Whip! You are a gift my friend!


Great write up.


Also, the perfect end to another mystical Torrey.

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I relaxed most of Saturday and didn't do much. I got to talk with Mama-Hoon and Sue, got to sleep on Killer hammock in the front yard. It was a very peaceful day.





I sure miss my friend........

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Fantastic as always!


What a fantastic picture of the katoom in the air! sorry it happened and I sure wish I had been there, to help pick it up of course!

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I relaxed most of Saturday and didn't do much. I got to talk with Mama-Hoon and Sue, got to sleep on Killer hammock in the front yard. It was a very peaceful day.





I sure miss my friend........






............I don't know how much he misses you after the brusin I gave him on his shins for you and The Moo this afternoon. :thumbsup:

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For those of us that fear traveling on a motorcycle.


....fear being away from home.


....fear traveling to exotic places for long periods of time without guides.


....fear of eating something you've never heard of.


....fear traveling without hotel reservations.


....fear not speaking the language.


....fear not knowing where you'll sleep tomorrow let alone next week.


....fear breaking down and not getting help.



....if your afraid of being afraid.


































Look into these folks eyes and tell me what you see.



Katharina and Thomas




It ain't fear.


I think it's somethin we all wish we could find and I don't have the words to describe it.



The End






And with that I have just broken down in tears! Seriously, that statement has such power.


Larry, you are a master yarn spinner and have an uncanny capacity to hit the nail on the proverbial head every time!!


I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to have shared time, a meal, and a few stories with these fine folks and am forever a better person for it. Just as I am for you and all the others that make this big blue marble so wonderful.


Thanks. You're right! There aren't words! See you in a few days. First round is on me!

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...eddd ran over and took some pix before helping me pic it up...


I was just adhering to one of the most important BMWST regulatons....




Great shots and wonderful story telling. We'll make some new memories this weekend.



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I relaxed most of Saturday and didn't do much. I got to talk with Mama-Hoon and Sue, got to sleep on Killer hammock in the front yard. It was a very peaceful day.





This one's the BEST !!! :rofl:







Oh, the first series of Torrey is awesome too, buddy. Well done !!

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Mrs. Whip?? Hell I hope I don't see it again. :dopeslap:



Nice pics as always Whip.



I hope Mrs. Whip didn't see this. :P





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I'd probably have to say that they've found themselves. On Saturday's dirt ride Katharina was the first to be there when we were moving the bikes through the snow patches, or when anything else was to be done. She came with simple strength and competence... knowing what was to be done before we, and showing us the way.


They are simply in tune with the moment, confident in themselves and others, out doing what it is that they do. In a way, that they can do this is a testament to us all. Where ever they have gone they have found the support they have needed, as folks have a taken a moment from their own lives to contribute to the quest. On the other hand, as you point out, these two have truly stepped beyond the bounds of the western norm, and shed many of the trappings we consider so necessary.


I am reminded of David Levine (doc47), whose mission is perhaps more serious, but who has made many of the same decisions and faces many of the same challenges. Also of Ara (beemerchef) who has become a modern day Gypsy of sorts, and who reminds me of Edgar Allen Poe, who found art in the depth of his misery.


I used to feel that "Freedom" was something of a sham: Free only within a very well defined set of bounds, free to earn a bigger house for instance. These folks show that is not true. True freedom can be won, but as is so often said, it has it's price.


So it is that these few represent a challenge to each of us to be the most we can be.

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Fantastic as always!


What a fantastic picture of the katoom in the air! sorry it happened and I sure wish I had been there, to help pick it up of course!


I was there, and I was too busy LMAO and snapping useless pics with my point-and-shoot. Oh, and besides, Ed got there first and there wasn't room for all three of us on that little spit of land. Yeah, that's it. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

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If BMW could come up with a paint job like this.....Jesse James would be envious.



BMW did. On the R90S. In 1974.




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Bill has prolly never forgotten anything??????...sept maybe why he can't make it to Ouray next week.




I would love to come to Ouray. But it's Father's Day, I'm an only child, and I think I gotta go visit my Dad (who's getting a pacemaker this week) instead. Then again, he usually works at the airport on weekends, so maybe not. Maybe I'll visit him on the way to Ouray. Gotta see if I can swing it. There's hope.

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Bill has prolly never forgotten anything??????...sept maybe why he can't make it to Ouray next week.




I would love to come to Ouray. But it's Father's Day, I'm an only child, and I think I gotta go visit my Dad (who's getting a pacemaker this week) instead. Then again, he usually works at the airport on weekends, so maybe not. Maybe I'll visit him on the way to Ouray. Gotta see if I can swing it. There's hope.


We have a bed for ya :thumbsup:


























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Won't those guys over at ADVRIDER be impressed...I was thinkin to myself as I snapped the pix.




My Katoom is so thirsty it's tryin to get a drink.......





Its pretty obvious whats happening here, and I am surprised Whip, you don't see it.


The Katoom has sat in your garage day in day out watching you frolic with the dogs.


Finally enough was enough and so it rolled on its back wanting a belly rub!




I'm thinking not.


Shame, shame.

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All I can say is this is the next best thing to being there. Thanks and keep the pics and tales coming. :wave:


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The Katoom apparently has not managed to get the balancing on kickstand move down yet. Great pics and tale, I'm hoping I will be able to attend the next Torrey and get the wife to come along.

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