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Trick to replacing valve cover without futzing up the donut seal? >>


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I checked my valves today and had a pretty exasperating time getting the grommet that seals the spark plug hole to stay put. Is it generally better practice to line it up inside the passage way or put it on the valve cover and try to avoid knocking it off? I'm pretty sure I will have to pull one cover off again tomorrow because a test ride seemed to indicate a leak, although it's tough to tell whether it's a leak or just oil that slopped out when I put the cover back on... I didn't wash the cylinders off after doing the job, just fired it up and took it around the block a few times.


On a positive note, at 30,000 miles my valves seem to have settled in pretty nicely. No adjustment needed the last two times.

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I place the donut firmly on the valve cover. If there is a trick, it is to line the cover up properly and slowly move it to the head. I check right away with a flashlight to make sure it is in place. Sometimes it takes more than one try

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I place the donut firmly on the valve cover. If there is a trick, it is to line the cover up properly and slowly move it to the head. I check right away with a flashlight to make sure it is in place. Sometimes it takes more than one try


Frickin thing. Just took a test ride. Note to self: If you suspect hot oil may spray from the rear of a cylinder, skip the shorts for the test ride. Off comes the valve cover in the morning.

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Make sure you are cleaning your gaskets and cover of all oil before assembling, or you will have more leaks soon. It only takes a few more minutes.

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Wipe everything dry with paper kitchen wipe paper when you pull it all apart and then again before you put it back together, especially the donut and the tappet cover gasket.


I always test ride on a short local run to check.


To Mr Frank: You check down the plug hole to check alignment? Very smart and I like it.


Linz :)

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...put it on the valve cover...





As long as you put it on firmly, it won't fall off.


From experience, I've done it incorrectly, & been rewarded with a distinct pppphhhhttttt from the offending side. :P

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