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Yellow line retraction ...


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I have been known to state that there is no reason to cross a double yellow line on the road. I've even been a bit opinionated on the topic. :) And while I was riding for leisure I pretty much stuck to it. Well that has changed. Maybe I have seen the light. Or maybe it is just the day-to-day frustration of following a slow driver on a twisty mountain road (or back roads), but ...


I do pass cars now on a fairly routine basis on my commute. After a few really stupid (like brain dead - due to high testorerone levels or something, serious power and manuverability) I've kept my passing to much safer opportunities, but I do pass cars/trucks/etc. pretty much every day on my 2 hour (one-way) commute.


So, I have stepped off my high hors, feel flat on my face, got up and decided I should apologize for my previous remarks. So,...


I apologize and will try to keep my attitude more flexible in the future.

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My first time was following 3 trikes in Ar in the summer, Every single passing chance there was traffic. The bike hit 7 bars, that is how slow these jokers were going. I was at about 9 bars, the audacity of these slow pokes. Never pulling over to let the ever growing line of bikes, cars, trucks, motor homes, tractors, lawn mowers, blue hairs in caddies pass them. I hit red line in first, and second and third, had to brake very hard for the turn, love those brakes, Looked back and there were more passing. Hope they slowed for the curve.


Probably on some trike forum there is a thread about how awful it is to be passed on a double yellow.


Heck maybe a contest for how many people you can stack up behind you.



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"...I apologize and will try to keep my attitude more flexible in the future...."


Don't get carried away and over do things. The most I ever scared myself when doing something stupid (and dangerous) involved a double yellow line. I don't need to share the details, but let's just say the experience has made me much more cautious......regardless of how great these motorcycles are, once the throttle is fully open and you're moving a great speed, you cannot accelerate too much more....... :Cool:

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Just remember, if anything bad happens, you're in the wrong. That makes you an idiot if you get caught. If you get a ticket, your wife will find out and tell you about it for the rest of your life. Every time you hit your thumb with a hammer she will bring it up. Every time you buy a new tire for the bike she will bring it up. Every time you say, "Good morning Dear," she will bring it up. She will even pick out a grave stone for you with, "I told him so" on it.


Just a reminder. :)



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So it's Ok to sin if we disagree with the commandment?

Or, is it OK to sin if we feel we won't get caught?

If the premise is that the commandment is wrong, how do we then deal with other commandments that we support, but others don't?

When they break the commandment that we endorse are they as right as we are when we break the commandment we don't support?

Just wonderin...


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Kurt Snyder

In Vermont it is legal to pass on the double yellow. There are exceptions such as not within 100 ft of an intersection, area marked with a no passing sign, or around a curve with limited sight distance.

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It's always a cause for celebration when another sinner joins our ranks. :grin:


Personally, I find this whole thread idiotic and offensive. BMW riders are supposed to be ambassadors for our sport, not just another bunch of punk kid hooligans.


I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. Shocked.




















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The only times I have crossed the double lines is to pass something that was essentially stopped. If I have to slip the clutch to stay behind, I am going around, and my defense will be that I thought the bastard was stopped or stopping. I did pass a motor home once on a twisty section, because I did not want to be around when he hit someone head on, which appeared to be imminent, given his inability to stay on the correct side of the road.


I have been passed over the double when I was going waaay over the limit. Not something I would do, but we all set our own limits, and should live with the possible consequences. I do try not to piss people off, though.

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Just remember, if anything bad happens, you're in the wrong. That makes you an idiot if you get caught. If you get a ticket, your wife will find out and tell you about it for the rest of your life. Every time you hit your thumb with a hammer she will bring it up. Every time you buy a new tire for the bike she will bring it up. Every time you say, "Good morning Dear," she will bring it up. She will even pick out a grave stone for you with, "I told him so" on it.


Just a reminder. :)



Geez, I thought only my wife did that.


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In Vermont it is legal to pass on the double yellow. There are exceptions such as not within 100 ft of an intersection, area marked with a no passing sign, or around a curve with limited sight distance.


Sure glad some traffic engineer figured out we need a double yellow line to tell us not to pass around a curve with limited sight distance.

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Waiting for this to turn into another "don't ride The Dragon" thread". :lurk:


On the other hand, I like what Russell said. :thumbsup:

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What's next? Passing on the right??? :dopeslap::grin:


Actually, I have done that a few time at traffic lights when the traffic is stopped, but out here in CA it is called lanes plitting. I haven't done it while driving ... okay I actually have to take that back. But in my defense I will say the mountain road does have two lanes and the slower traffic is supposed to use the right lane. But when they don't (as happened today) I passed there too.


I should hang my head in shame, but the fault is not mine. Really! It's the 2009 RT's fault. It handles so much better than my '96. It is so much more capable. It actually makes it too easy to ride like a InsertWordOfChoice here .


Truthfully, I have to seriously reign in my impulsive nature and get a handle on my mental state while riding the 1200RT. Soem days, it is really really difficult too! But I did promise my wife I'd do my best to make it home alive every day/night. Although I can't control the drivers on the otehr side of the yellow line. Sometimes they really scare me. On my RT or in my car. It can be unbeleiveable what some people will do. Even above and beyond what I would even dream of much less consider.

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I live on a very rural two lane road with lots of twists. I can't say I have never done it, but I try not to. I have a really good relationship with our local Officers and don't want to do anything to hurt that. When you live in a rural area and know most of the LEO's (and were one yourself in ancient times), it's nice to keep on their good side so as not to cause embarassement when you meet in the store, or at the park. Also, word gets around like: "Hey Joe, was that you that I saw pulled over by Jake two days ago? What did you do, rob the bank? Har Har!!!" We in fact had a real shoot out two weeks ago about 1/2 mile up the road from where I live, and unlike most areas, when you call the Sheriff, he gets there pronto. About 5 years ago, I tried to call 411 but dialed 911 by mistake, and told them I was very sorry, etc. etc, then left to go walk our dog down by the creek. 5 minutes later a deputy shows up at our door and is just checking to make sure everything is ok. My wife told him I was down by the creek with the dog and everything was ok. He walked down to the creek to see me just to make sure. Heck of a nice guy, and we have been friends ever since.

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Just remember, if anything bad happens, you're in the wrong. That makes you an idiot if you get caught. If you get a ticket, your wife will find out and tell you about it for the rest of your life. Every time you hit your thumb with a hammer she will bring it up. Every time you buy a new tire for the bike she will bring it up. Every time you say, "Good morning Dear," she will bring it up. She will even pick out a grave stone for you with, "I told him so" on it.


Just a reminder. :)



Geez, I thought only my wife did that.




My former wife had the same problem.....



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Just remember, if anything bad happens, you're in the wrong. That makes you an idiot if you get caught.



Thats why I do it only when necessary, and if you are on a long enough ride, you are going to do it, or go insane following others for too many miles! :dopeslap:

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"...If the premise is that the commandment is wrong, how do we then deal with other commandments that we support, but others don't?

When they break the commandment that we endorse are they as right as we are when we break the commandment we don't support?

Just wonderin......"


I cannot speak for everyone, but the time I have passed with a double yellow are only when I'm on a motorcycle and reasonably sure I can pass a slower vehicle in the "clear road" ahead. The placement of those double yellows are surely predicated on a driver in an average car, not a motorcycle which can accelerate and stop much quicker than the average car.


However, having said that, I have become much more conservative in breaking the "commandment" not to pass - I won't bore everyone with what happened to me, but that memory will keep me a lot more conservative about when to pass.....with or without a double yellow.


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I have been known to state that there is no reason to cross a double yellow line on the road. I've even been a bit opinionated on the topic. :) And while I was riding for leisure I pretty much stuck to it. Well that has changed. Maybe I have seen the light. Or maybe it is just the day-to-day frustration of following a slow driver on a twisty mountain road (or back roads), but ...


I do pass cars now on a fairly routine basis on my commute. After a few really stupid (like brain dead - due to high testorerone levels or something, serious power and manuverability) I've kept my passing to much safer opportunities, but I do pass cars/trucks/etc. pretty much every day on my 2 hour (one-way) commute.


So, I have stepped off my high hors, feel flat on my face, got up and decided I should apologize for my previous remarks. So,...


I apologize and will try to keep my attitude more flexible in the future.


Hey Arthur---But those DOUBLE YELLOWS are only "advisory" lines for motorcycles, right??????? :)

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So if, hypothetically, if I pass someone where there is a double-yellow, but I don’t actually cross (or touch) the double-yellow, have I committed the sin? Hypothetically of course.

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So if, hypothetically, if I pass someone where there is a double-yellow, but I don’t actually cross (or touch) the double-yellow, have I committed the sin? Hypothetically of course.


Hi Ken


I'm not to sure. When it comes to SIN---------I believe in "Judge not least you be judged!"


So "hypothetically" I think you are good to go! :)



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So if, hypothetically, if I pass someone where there is a double-yellow, but I don’t actually cross (or touch) the double-yellow, have I committed the sin? Hypothetically of course.

You wouldn't be charged with crossing a double-yellow but you probably would be charged with some other offense. There's always an extra weapon or two the the arsenal.

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So if, hypothetically, if I pass someone where there is a double-yellow, but I don’t actually cross (or touch) the double-yellow, have I committed the sin? Hypothetically of course.


Of course you could always ride the part between the two yellow lines and ne4ver actually cross the double yellow.

You wouldn't be in the same lane, so not "sharing" and yet you wouldn't have transgressed over the double yellow.

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