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New signal


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I have , this morning , on the ride into work , added a new hand signal to the list of those used by bikers .........it's called " the pigeon deflection " .........


Needs some practise to get it just right , but luckily for me I managed to master it at the first attempt .......


Ride along an A road at 60 mph , preferrably on a long sweeping left hander , with no turns or junctions , but hedges both sides ...........then , as the missile that is the pigeon flies over the top of the hedge from your left on a collision course with your shoulder , just lift your left hand , and with perfect timing , " redirect his course " so that he ends up going around the back of you without causing injury to either him or you , and all the time " maintaining a safe position in the road at a constant speed without deviating from your current course , nor causing danger to any other road users " .


Afterwards , you may pull over and wonder how the hell that happened !!




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Afterwards , you may pull over and wonder how the hell that happened !!




Sheer blind luck?


We may have to rename you Muttley, Snhh Snhh Snhh

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Upon reflection , it appears I have had a slice of luck .

Although I didn't notice it at that moment , it's probable that the daft bird swerved at the precise time that it saw my hand come up , as although I did make contact with it , it was only slight .


When I got to work , there , sat in the middle of the car park , was a big fat pigeon ............. !!



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Upon reflection , it appears I have had a slice of luck .

Although I didn't notice it at that moment , it's probable that the daft bird swerved at the precise time that it saw my hand come up , as although I did make contact with it , it was only slight .


When I got to work , there , sat in the middle of the car park , was a big fat pigeon ............. !!




You are being stalked. One bird for now............ just watch for flocks.

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Better a pigeon than a buzzard! (Don't ask me how I know that) Glad you came out O.K., a lesser rider might have swerved then bailed.

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Steve, I learned that very move a few years ago and found it effective on inanimate objects as well as birds.


Traveling on the interstate highway a large 2X4 piece of lumber flew out of the pick-up truck ahead of me in an adjacent lane... passed just barely over my helmet and fortunately also missed my passenger.


Maybe we need to add that maneuver to the Riders Safety Training Course.



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You are being stalked.


They hunt in packs like velociraptors. Rent Jurassic Park for details.


did you say WAX OFF as you deflected the pigeon?

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You are being stalked.


They hunt in packs like velociraptors. Rent Jurassic Park for details.


did you say WAX OFF as you deflected the pigeon?


Never mind Jurassic Park. Rent Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds". Eek!

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Dad screwed that one up a few years back . Pidgeon blew a hole in the front of his Pitchler fairing, feathers were sticking out around the radio. Pidgeon failed that test as well.

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Small birds leave a quite large bruise when they go bansai on you, so hope you mastered that move on the first shot because something the size of a pidgeon is going to leave a fairly noticable mark! I caught a Japanese Beetle( large irridecent green bugger near 5cm) on the forehead just below the helmet once, and it left a large bump and nearly took me of the bike, of course I was doing somewhere around 90mph when it hit.

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