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Coffee Klatch?


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I missed last month. Are we doing the Coffee Klatch tomorrow, Tuesday? Will there be another installment of lies and stories? :S

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Hi Sam,

I have some personnel business I have to attend to, But i think I can wrap that up by 6 or 6:30. So I'm probly in.

Missed ya last month, AND I have alot of new and improved lies and stories. :lurk:

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After months of being unable to ride a motorcycle, I am thinking that tomorrow would be Coffee Klatch day. I logon and there is the info. Glad I didn't look a couple hours earlier.


I should be there, even if I am riding mostly with one hand. I guess I will spend this evening charging the battery, airing tires and getting rid of 4 months worth of dust.

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I missed last month. Are we doing the Coffee Klatch tomorrow, Tuesday? Will there be another installment of lies and stories? :S


I might be able to make it. My RT is in the garage with her nose pointed towards the door. I guess she wants out.


What time is it again, 7 or ?


BTW, what is the difference between "lies" and "stories"?


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The difference between lies and stories.... ahhhhhhhhhh ..... if you get caught it's a lie, otherwise it's a story.

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