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BMW LED Turn Indicators


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Jerry Johnston

That's all you're going to tell us about them? Not where you got them and how much?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry all. Thought post notices were on auto and they were not.


I got these from Chicago BMW, 2 x 63137708048, discounted price $99.90 after an ordr price of $113 (they can't give the 20% discount on the website but still provide it after ordering).


Visibilty from any angle other than directly behind the bike is excellent, as the lights give off a lot of flash (glow).

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How about a pic of them lit up?


In garage, on battery power. Flash makes it look a little dimmer than shown, but it lights the garage. And compare their output to LED tail light.


They are brighter when the engine is running. But we're still 92 outside, over 100 in garage. Enjoy!


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All I can say again is the flash shows on the plate a lot! So if you think look bright from this, wait until you see them with bike on out in the street. Cars stay an extra degree behind you @ stop lights, with these going.

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