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Torrey - Friday Night Poolside?


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Been a lot of talk after last fall's event. I thought the consensus was to go forward with the Friday Night Poolside Dinner at the CW.


I think if that's the plan we had better let Randy know. I say Randy's choice... whatever is easiest... it's about the people, not the food.





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Is it possible this late? But I'm in if it can be pulled together. Randy used to just put out snacks and it was great. As Jan said, "It is the people". Heck I'll just go out for a burger after and be happy as a clam! After Phil and Jamie's BBQ chicken, Corn on the cob and salad at Joshua Tree I'm spoiled forever anyway.

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Dessert is having your friends around to lie to, what's for dinner is secondary. I'm in if it happens. Some year it would be fun to have a chili feed ala Blazing Saddles.

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Dessert is having your friends around to lie to, what's for dinner is secondary. I'm in if it happens. Some year it would be fun to have a chili feed ala Blazing Saddles.


I don't know if I wanna bunk with you after the old Chili feed. :eek:







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Poolside food is great. I'm in if it's available. If not I'll be looking companionship to eat somewhere. We had some BBQ porkchops a couple years ago that were awesoooome. I think Randy's staff did them at the campground. Whatever happens...it is starting to look like it might be a little more intimate than previous Torreys that I have attended.

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Yeah, the head count is down this year it appears. I enjoy the poolside chats but don't think it will be a big turn out. I will try and get a head count Sunday, and then talk to the powers that be since I will be up there this weekend already.



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Yeah, the head count is down this year it appears. I enjoy the poolside chats but don't think it will be a big turn out. I will try and get a head count Sunday, and then talk to the powers that be since I will be up there this weekend already.





I appreciate you taking the lead in this matter...but...


Did you have to mention you will already be there this weekend??? :cry:


You've made some of the less fortunate among us sad, and it could even border on violating the 2009 agreement.

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...it's about the people, not the food.


Are you kidding? It's about the food. It's always about the food.


(do you really think I would ride 1,400/2,800 miles just to see all you bozos?)




(Of course the food is more enjoyable around good people. I sure hope that some good people are there.)




Ok, a lame attempt at humor. Very, very few of you are bozos, (like me) and the reasons I go to Torrey, in order, are the people, the roads, the people, the roads, the people, the roads, etc.


Food, well, anything as long as it doesn't have lima beans.




Man, Imagetten ansy. (is "ansy" really a word? Ants in the pants?) Leaving one week from yesterday morning!



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Yeah, the head count is down this year it appears. I enjoy the poolside chats but don't think it will be a big turn out. I will try and get a head count Sunday, and then talk to the powers that be since I will be up there this weekend already.





I appreciate you taking the lead in this matter...but...


Did you have to mention you will already be there this weekend??? :cry:


You've made some of the less fortunate among us sad, and it could even border on violating the 2009 agreement.


Eddd, you can't put the blame on me for your not coming early. I offered to write you a note!

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I offered to write you a note!


And he's a great note writer! Unfortunately, my boss doesn't seem to understand the power and force that could reign down on him for not accepting same said note from 'The Kaisr' for my excused absence.


Pity, he was a nice boss.

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Oh yea, the pool, where people do this . . .



Shot with FinePix Z1 at 2008-10-07


and sometimes this . . .



Shot with FinePix Z1 at 2008-10-07


but hopefully not this . . .



Shot with FinePix Z1 at 2008-10-07


You guys are killing me. No Torrey for me this year but, in the future, who knows . . . .

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Unfortunately, my boss doesn't seem to understand the power and force that could reign down on him for not accepting same said note from 'The Kaisr' for my excused absence.



Could it be that your boss knows of your tendency to fall down a lot when Torrey & motorcycles are mixed?


Maybe THAT'S why he denied the note. :grin:

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Unfortunately, my boss doesn't seem to understand the power and force that could reign down on him for not accepting same said note from 'The Kaisr' for my excused absence.



Could it be that your boss knows of your tendency to fall down a lot?


Maybe THAT'S why he denied the note. :grin:


There fixed it for ya! Yep, I can laugh at me, P . U . . . . !!!!!


Hey, I'm just trying to catch up to the original Bounce AKA Russell!

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Hey, I'm just trying to catch up to the original Bounce AKA Russell!

At least Russell has always needed a bike..... :grin:

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Bob Palin

Just talked to Randy, we have the pool area as always. Too late to organize a special feast for us but we could do pizzas again or people could wander off after our gathering. Randy mentioned that the deli in the CW has been refurbished and has a new menu, all sorts of sandwiches and salads etc. If a lot of people think they might do that on Friday night please let me know so that Randy can get an extra serving person in. (Or else Amy will have another Torrey job)

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Deli sandwiches around the pool sounds great to me. We can just order individually and sit around the pool to eat and visit. Easy for everyone. I'm in!

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Deli sandwiches around the pool sounds great to me. We can just order individually and sit around the pool to eat and visit. Easy for everyone. I'm in!



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OK, so it looks like that will work, how about we push back the gathering at the pool by half hour or so to 6:30 so that people can get their food from the deli first, that shouldn't make it too late for those that want to eat out afterwards. We need a speaker, no, not me.

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Maybe the two Turk's will actually meet at this Torrey!


Are you sure the universe can handle it? I don't know you, Gregg, but from your posts in comparison to Richard's, I'm kinda thinking of an old Star Trek episode where an anti-matter Kirk was somehow created, and if the matter Kirk and the anti-matter Kirk ever got together, blammo!


Turk, Kirk. A little close for comfort if you ask me.




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Marty Hill

JM, be great to see you again/been 2 or 3 years. Remember out speedy jaunt west with Michael the sagerider?

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I believe Richard is up for it.
Only if he wears the hi viz yellow suit to the poolside again. :rofl:


be careful what you wish for ... :rofl:

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I believe Richard is up for it.
Only if he wears the hi viz yellow suit to the poolside again. :rofl:


be careful what you wish for ... :rofl:

I knew the job was dangerous when I took it. I'll bring my sunglasses protect my retinas, just in case.
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JM, be great to see you again/been 2 or 3 years. Remember out speedy jaunt west with Michael the sagerider?


Yeah, I kinda remember it Marty. I think my rear tire was burning nylon belts and our group was spitting riders off at every gas stop.


What else is new?


It will be good to see you again. Don't let any moss grow on your southern hemisphere and I'll C-ya in "Rider's Heaven" (Torrey).

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