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Out with Andy again


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Met up with Andy again today , but as the trip was to find various landmarks for the Round Britain Rally , I'm somewhat sworn to secrecy as to our destination , so here goes with a few photos .....



Carved in 1824 .....




Something old ,and something a bit newer ...




Longleat ......




Opaque reflection ....








I had to leave and head home ,but ......

He's still out there somewhere , possibly Somerset ....... hope you get back safely Andy .




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Awesome. But Steve a big favor please. Can you rub some dirt on Andy's bike please? It is way too clean

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Awesome. But Steve a big favor please. Can you rub some dirt on Andy's bike please? It is way too clean



:grin: :grin: :grin::rofl:


I reckon by the time he gets home , it'll be dirty again .



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Awesome. But Steve a big favor please. Can you rub some dirt on Andy's bike please? It is way too clean


...maybe it will rain..... :D

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Clean bikes....much too over rated.


Cool pics though.


Some more photos .....











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Francois ,

Andy told me it was a Pitts [ I told him I didn't think it was the pits , I thought it was great :grin: :grin: :grin: ] .


That was at Kemble airfield in Gloucestershire .



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Marty Hill

Brings back memories. Used to land my Tiger Moth at Curtis Pitt's airfield in homestead, florida. Short grass field with large trees at both ends. Knocked some branches off the top with my undercarriage the first time I landed.


Thanks for the pics/glad to see you both out enjoying your moto's. :wave:

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Well I got home safe and well a couple of hours ago having cut short my planned ride due to impossible holiday traffic heading back toward London at the end of a three-day weekend.


That Pitts was fun to watch and was a visitor, it had an US registration. The trip over the pond must have been fun :D


I thought I would add a couple of my pictures.


We had a short stop in Lacock, home of Lacock Abbey famous as the place where William Henry Fox Talbot invented the negative/positive photographic proceess. In recent times it has been used as a set for some scenes in the Harry Potter films.


Parked up in Lacock:






An ancient preaching cross outside the village school:




Steve in the schoolyard:




This imposing pub caught my eye:




Perhaps his wife kept asking what time he got home last night?




The rest of my photos are Round Britain Rally landmarks and therefore not to be published before November.


Once again, a great days rideing made all the better by sharing at least part of it with Steve.



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Kemble's one of my frequent weekend ride out haunts - usually to have a cup ofcoffee in the cafe and watch the aircraft come and go - I might have seen you there today, if I hadn't been stuck at home trying to shake off a cold!

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Pub caught your eye, did it now?


Well I'm not surprised. It seems you Brits have integrated training for passing sobriety checks into your grade school curriculum, you can never start too early you know. Sobriety check training field:





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Carved in 1824 .....




.and before anyone says it , there is no truth in the rumour that this photo is Andy's driving license :grin: :grin: :grin:


Glad to see you got home safely Andy - it took me over two hours from Longleat , the traffic was already building up then .





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Pub caught your eye, did it now?


Well I'm not surprised. It seems you Brits have integrated training for passing sobriety checks into your grade school curriculum, you can never start too early you know. Sobriety check training field:





Andy has done many hours of " research" in pubs throughout the land , purely historical [ or should that be hysterical ] ........



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Steve / Andy

I too enjoy your pics for their clarity, richness of colour and thoughtful composition. I would be interested to know what you are using in the way of cameras / lenses.


Paul D

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Steve / Andy

I too enjoy your pics for their clarity, richness of colour and thoughtful composition. I would be interested to know what you are using in the way of cameras / lenses.


Paul D


I've got a Canon EOS 400D and a Tamron lense [ can't recall the specifics without having it in front of me ] - I am truly ignorant of its technical capabilities , but one day plan to find out - in the meantime I learn as I go along - Andy has far more technical know how than I do .



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