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BMW rentals in or near Dallas/ Ft. Worth


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The wife and I are planning to do Thanksgiving with family in the DFW area this year, and I may want to do a side trip to Austin to see friends by bike if possible. Any suggestions on a place to get one, or ideas if it will even be possible due to weather?

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Weather wise, that can be a nice time of year but it can rain so you'll need to check the rear-term forecast. Rent-wise, someone else will need to chime in.

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Just checked Eaglerider Dallas, they only seem to have HDs ands Hondas. There is no way that I'm gonna let the wife on the back of a Wing, if I do there will be one in my near future considering how much she misses my HD Ultra. I'm having a bit of trouble getting her used to the back of the RT as it is and would love it if she would ride her own enough to get her something better with luggage that we could tour on, but if I put her on the back of a Wing I know what my next bike will be and the trailer for camp stuff will be soon after that!

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Just checked Eaglerider Dallas, they only seem to have HDs ands Hondas.


I hate it when web sites aren't kept up to date. Bummer.


There is no way that I'm gonna let the wife on the back of a Wing, if I do there will be one in my near future considering how much she misses my HD Ultra. I'm having a bit of trouble getting her used to the back of the RT as it is and would love it if she would ride her own enough to get her something better with luggage that we could tour on, but if I put her on the back of a Wing I know what my next bike will be and the trailer for camp stuff will be soon after that!


And an LT would be different how, exactly? Other than costing more and having a BMW badge on it?

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The LT would be different in that I would not mind having one, I am just not old enough for a wing yet...

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