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Need a front wheel for an 04 R1150RT

Rev. Jerry

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Rev. Jerry

I need a GOOD front wheel for a 2004 R1150RT. I got blown off the road by a sudden gust of wind and hit a huge chuckhole on the shoulder only 70 miles into a Saddlesore 1000 mile ride last week, and bent my front wheel and blew out my left fork seal. Before springing for a new wheel, I wanted to see if anyone has a good used one. Part numbers on the wheel is: 2 335 507, HL 2051 5C (MTH 2 3.5X17 E)

If anyone has one for sale, let me know ASAP as I'm going to turn it into the insurance and get new parts if I can't fix it with used parts. By the way, the tire didn't go down, I didn't crash, and I finished the event, howbeit, with two numb thumbs from the vibration.

Thanks! You can call me at 573-690-4367 if you have one. :wave:

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Look for a wheel repair guy in the midwest, it is most likely fixable if the tire did not go flat. Way cheaper than a new one...

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I have seen them listed on ebay. Haven't checked lately, on ebay put R1150RT in the search block and you will find all sorts of things.


Also try Beemer Boneyard.

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