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V1 from Aurocom volume


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Any way that the volume from my autocom AVi super pro can be increased for my V1??

I'm using AZ als ear plugs, newer style with the speakers below plugs

As per instructed I'm using aux 1 form the V1 but the volume is too low at speeds to hear. V1 through remote display set up.

I tried direct to the V1 , diff Aux ins and no diff.

Maybe I just need hearing aids. :rofl:

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I too have such a problem, but for me it was with foam earplugs and the standard Autocom speakers. The solution for me was putting a boosteroo mini amp between the V1 and the Autocom. The batteries in the boosteroo last about a year if you remember to turn it off when not in use.


Works fine now. I can hear the V1 just fine.

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Any way that the volume from my autocom AVi super pro can be increased for my V1??

I'm using AZ als ear plugs, newer style with the speakers below plugs

As per instructed I'm using aux 1 form the V1 but the volume is too low at speeds to hear. V1 through remote display set up.

I tried direct to the V1 , diff Aux ins and no diff.

Maybe I just need hearing aids. :rofl:


Is the volume from the V1 and remote up?? check that first. The V1 has a very loud sound...there must be some impedance if the volume is up on both.

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Make sure that you're using the plug in in the back of the V1's remote sound module and not the front plug-in. Huge difference.

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Plug in back?? I didn't know there was one :dopeslap: I am plugged in front so I will try that as soon as I get time, :thumbsup: Since the BRR the wife has worked me like a rented mule in the yard. Major re-landscaping. Does BMW make a powered wheel barrow ? :rofl:

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Plug in back?? I didn't know there was one :dopeslap: I am plugged in front so I will try that as soon as I get time, :thumbsup: Since the BRR the wife has worked me like a rented mule in the yard. Major re-landscaping. Does BMW make a powered wheel barrow ? :rofl:



You obviously didn't know BMW stood for "Bavarian Multch Wagon" right? :dopeslap:

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the plug in the back of the control unit is a different size but it will correct your problem and will be controllable by the remote sound module

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Went to RS got adapter, no diff.front or back. If I bypass the autocom AB box and go directly to V1 with ear speakers,WOW, lots of volume. Maybe I will call top gear and ask.

Last resort would be a separate helmet speaker for the V1.

Anyone have an idea I haven't tried??

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More update!!

Called Top Gear and got answer. I removed the ground loop thingy and now I have LOTS of volume. :clap:

Now if I could just get the mike not to switch on when I get bad crosswinds it would be perfect. :thumbsup: More foam and experimentation needed .

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More update!!

Now if I could just get the mike not to switch on when I get bad crosswinds it would be perfect. :thumbsup: More foam and experimentation needed .


can't you just adjust the VOX setting on the autocom to take out the wind noise setting off the mike?

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