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clock running slow...


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I've noticed my clock on the temp/gas gauge losing a couple minutes the past couple weeks.


Is this an indication of anything I need to be concerned about?

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I've noticed my clock on the temp/gas gauge losing a couple minutes the past couple weeks.


Is this an indication of anything I need to be concerned about?


Yes, it means your battery is going to go dead on you. I had the same thing happen to me last winter and a few days later my battery went dead when I stopped on a ride. It's time to charge OR replace your old battery.

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Hmmm, my battery is on a battery tender.


Where would I get a good deal on a 99 r1100rt gel-type battery?

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Hmmm, my battery is on a battery tender.


Where would I get a good deal on a 99 r1100rt gel-type battery?


You really do not want a Gel battery, they are not suited for motorcycle use. Get an AGM. Oddysey PC680 is a popular choice but pricey. Another popular pick is a Universal AGM, much cheaper. Do a search on the forum for Universal Battery to get type and supplier details.




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BatteriesASAP.com - -


Several models to choose from depending on how much you want to spend. Speedy delivery.

Satisfied customer.

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I replaced mine a month ago. I was getting the intermitant ABS flash at startup. I haven't had it happen since. A number of folks on this forum have been running this battery for the last couple of years. At this price it is painless to replace. I'll use it again.




I think it was $55 after shipping.

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You do have to enlarge the bolt holes, so if that is a deal breaker go for the $178 BMW battery. Hey,, some folks would rather.



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You do have to enlarge the bolt holes, so if that is a deal breaker go for the $178 BMW battery.


Enlarge the bolt holes... How do I enlarge the holes? Drill them out? Do I need a special bit? Anything else to worry about?

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Go through your bits till you find one that just fits your current battery hole. Nothing else to worry about except that the new battery is about 1/8th - 1/4 shorter, shim it or live with it. (live with it)


Besides your current is probably 18ah and the new one is 22ah. More oooomph.

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That is a good one, but the thread link incorrectly states that the Universal is not maintenance free (checking the levels statement). The Universal is a sealed battery as well.


Just thought I'd mention it. It's your bike, it's your money. Batteries have come a long way in the last 10 years.

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Yes, it means your battery is going to go dead on you.

A RID resetting to 0:00 hours might indicate a battery issue, but digital clocks will not lose time due to low voltage. The internal oscillator runs at the designed frequency, or not at all.

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Yes, it means your battery is going to go dead on you.

A RID resetting to 0:00 hours might indicate a battery issue, but digital clocks will not lose time due to low voltage. The internal oscillator runs at the designed frequency, or not at all.


What smiller said above, Digital clock typically have a crystal oscillator running at 32768 Hz being fed into a sixteen stage digital divider to give one second pulses. The crystal oscillator circuit is very accurate and is immune to supply voltage changes so I doubt it running slow would be a slow death cry from your battery.

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You are just driving too close to the speed of light. :rofl:


Theory of realtivity: as velocity approaches the speed of light time slowes and mass expands.

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You are just driving too close to the speed of light. :rofl:


Theory of realtivity: as velocity approaches the speed of light time slowes and mass expands.


No no it needs a good diet and exercise program. :grin:

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To go along with the theory of relativity, it may be the the altitude where you're riding.

Time becomes slower (relatively) the further you are from the center of the Earth.



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I called the service department at BMW of Western Oregon and he too was dismissive of the battery dying issue. He said that the gel type batteries don't die slowly, they have a tendency to just stop holding a charge. That would stink. Maybe get a cheap pair of jumper cables and throw in the side bag for a backup.


He told me how I can test my battery with a multimeter, which I will do at some point this weekend.


I do however, like the theory that my velocity is approaching the speed of light. THAT would rule.

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Knight88 is correct, all these LCD clocks use a 32768Hz crystal as master oscillator reference. I would suspect water has got inside the "sealed for life" components, I would take it apart and give it a good cleaning out / drying. It that doesnt fix it then pull the crystal out of a dime store watch and swap it out.


Quote from http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/gadgets/clocks-watches/quartz-watch2.htm


Modern quartz watches now use a low-frequency bar or tuning-fork-shaped crystal. Often, these crystals are made from thin sheets of quartz plated like an integrated circuit and etched chemically to shape. The major difference between good and indifferent time keeping is the initial frequency accuracy and the precision of the angle of cut of the quartz sheet with respect to the crystalline axis. The amount of contamination that is allowed to get through the encapsulation to the crystal surface inside the watch can also affect the accuracy.


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I've noticed my clock on the temp/gas gauge losing a couple minutes the past couple weeks.


Is this an indication of anything I need to be concerned about?


I think if you can live with the clock being wrong, or resetting it regularly, forget about it, or get another RID from a breaker. If the clock was 00.00 regularly then I would look at the battery.



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