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Burning old gas


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I'm sad to say that my R1150RT sat in the garage all of last year due to an injury, so now I'm debating whether or not I should burn the full tank of gas I have in it. The gas is about 18 months old and I treated it with PRI-G back in October of 2007 before parking the bike for what I thought was just the winter.


According to the bottle of PRI-G, I can add some more to rejuvenate the gas, but I'm wondering what folks think about running this tank through versus pulling the tank and draining it.


Please let me know if you have any experiences with this sort of thing.


Thanks in advance!


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I'd take the hour and drain the tank or at least siphon most out and refill. I'd also change the engine oil.

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John, 18 months is a long time on modern gasoline even using a stabilizer.. The best advise baring other info is to drain off most of it..


You nose is your best friend here & if the gas smells like varnish or has that old stale gas smell to it then for sure drain it out..


If the gas is bad & you try to burn it off you might plug up the filter,, plug up a fuel injector,, or ruin an 02 sensor..





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I would replace the gas. As the others have said, drain or siphon off as much as you can and fill it with clean fuel. I take my left over outboard motor gas from the previous season and mix it with new gas and burn it in my lawn tractor.


Also +1 on the oil change. Good luck with it.

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Thanks for all the input! I was already leaning toward draining the tank, so I think I'll bite the bullet and get rid of it as suggested.


In regard to swapping the oil, do you think this is necessary if I only have 200 miles on the oil that is in the crankcase?


Please let me know what you think.


Thanks again!


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One other thing you might want to do is pull the spark plugs, spray some penetrating oil in there, and hand turn over the engine with the back wheel on the center stand and in gear a few revolutions.

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Yes you should do the oil change. Age is just as important as miles. You could have some condensation inside the motor that would not do your oil good. Living up there in cold country over those 18 months your bike has been heated up and frozen at least a couple of times. Unless you have a climate controlled garage.

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