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Solar Hot Water


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I researched it for our usually sunny CO locale and the payback was impossible for a system that would really meet our needs. The technology just isn't there yet if economy is a factor. Many existing systems rely on a conventional heater for storage, beneath all the (expensive) solar collection and circulation infrastructure. Even with a hefty subsidy, it would take a long time to recover the 10x - 15x cost differential, and I'd still have been paying for energy for storing the heated water, or setting up an expensive PV system to power the heater.

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I've always wondered about the cost of upkeep and repairs on a system. Are you up there on the roof every year recaulking? How about replacing the pvc piping exposed to the weather? As you say, the technology is not there yet.





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If you have a basement or two story house with primary shower on the second floor try this payback is a lot faster than solar hot water. Actually if you have one of these you can get by with a much smaller solar hot water system. maybe 1/2 to 1/4 the size.


I have one of these in my basement but have yet to get it installed. I calculated a payback of the unit to be two years with an electric rate of $0.095/kwhr. And I am single.

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