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death valley 2009, again it's time...

Bruce H

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death valley 2009, again it's time...





The passes in Oregon had new snow on Wednesday, by Thursday it was melted. I figured I could leave after work so decided to trailer to Klamath Falls, this way I could travel at night. I have a cabinetmaker friend there so would be able to leave my car without worry. Up early on Friday and anxious to get on the road, I had been watching for this weather break since the first of March. Sure has been a tough winter and spring is slow to start. This week I lost a friend and will miss his service on Sunday.

As I ride my thoughts are of Darrel.




after crossing Cedar pass into the eastern part of California this was my first stop. (after breakfast of course)

I know Darrel would have liked this place, he may even have been here on his many journeys.

This hot spring is just on the edge of the road, I soaked here both ways, crystal

clear water, 106 degrees and no smell, NICE!...




farther south I just have to do a side trip out onto the playa of the Black Rock Desert, I will be back.




Monitor Pass is open, who would have thought? in the past it has been closed with snow

again I make a side trip and ride over the summit... twice.






after leaving Monitor Pass I find it is possible to get into Bodie...

on other rides it has been too early and still snowed in.




so much to shoot, so little time and O-O-O-H.... the bright sun!




still a little snow




again continuing south this hot spring is in the middle of nowhere, it's my kind of spring although this one

had other visitors as well, during the week would have been better




last evening I arrived in Death Valley and today I am looking for some photo ops...




I came for the flowers, even this late wasn't disappointed




I do like cactus plants




it was hot today and there is no shade or water but I stuck with it




tomorrow I will leave, I came for the sun, heat and flowers. there are other things to

shoot but they will have to wait for next year




my return trip brings me back to the Black Rock Desert

and this hot spring, here I camp for the night.




the water was 146 degrees where it comes out of the ground but the surface area is

large enough so it cools down on the left side.




in the morning as I ride out across the playa I think of Darrel, he would have enjoyed this ride.

I don't know why things are as they are, his memory will live on...





this ride is dedicated to the memory of Darrel Case, 1942-2009

Bruce H, Newport, Oregon








Darrel at the 2008 Stanley Stomp

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Les is more

If Darrel can live on in the depth of your feelings and the beauty of these images, then you've done very well by your friend.


Ride on Darrel.

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As my good friend would say:




Thanks for sharing!


I sure want some gps coordiantes for some of those springs!

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