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2009 R12RT radio (apologies if this has been asked)


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trying to decide whether or not to get the RT radio on my new 2009 RT. i know it's expensive and works pretty decently but how many of you still use it regularly or just use ear speakers.


all inputs are welcome.


btw, i typically ride w/ ear plugs.



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Those options are not mutually exclusive. You can use the radio with ear speaker if you wish. On my RT, I did use the radio a lot for local riding. I liked the local news and weather but the reception on long rides was very poor. XM solved the problem but didn't have the local aspect to it. I used it through my Autocom with helmet speakers or in-ear speakers when riding long distances. Hope this helps,



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Paul In Australia

Ride my R 1200 Rt every day on commute about 60 miles. Use the radio and CD every day. Love it. For my money, this is the second RT with a radio and I wouldn't be without it.


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I will be taking delivery of my 09 RT this weekend. After much consideration I decided not to get the radio/CD player. At $1350 Canadian I thought it was way too expensive and I hear the sound on the highway is poor when you get up to speed.


For that amount of money I can get an Autocom System for myself and my wife and still have $900.00 in my pocket. An new Ipod touch will only cost me $300.00.


I will use one of the above.


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Absolutely agree. This is my second RT with the radio, and the A/V jack on the '09 is awesome ... have my ZUMO w/XM plugged in and have XM coming out of the speakers. LOVE IT!!!!

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One thing to note: on my week-old RT the radio has already stopped working twice. It only starts working again once the bike has been turned off / back on.


I will be talking with the dealer about this, I have a feeling the electrical system is not putting out enough power. A search of the forum revealed someone else had this on an 08, but tha cause / fix was not indicated.


When it's working I really like it, although it is a bit hard-to-hear at 120km/h with a full-face helmet and the shield closed completely. (Being 6'5" and sitting above the windscreen may be the cause of this. If I crouch into the air-pocket, the sound is fine...)

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I love the radio/CD on my RT. It is one of the reasons that I bought a RT. I have a CalSci windscreen which reduces the wind buffeting and noise and now I can clearly hear my radio at highway speed. I make my own CD's with my favorite songs. I have 2 CD's that I carry with me with all my songs on them.

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Do a search and you will find this discussed exhaustively on this and other boards.


I have one, I love it, I use it - particularly when I am on road trips - I can search for local stations and it adds to the flavor of the trip. But like just about everything, it is very personal and subjective.


There are a plethora of ways to listen to am and fm radio without the stock option and most are less expensive, but then again, I enjoy the ease of the stock handlebar controls.

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In my opinion, if you plan to use a decent intercom system, don't bother. Save your money for a nice MP3 player. My last bike had a radio, and while it was nice around town once in a while, any time I was on a trip (whether 2 hours or several days) I always took my MP3 player. Now that I have my RT without the radio, I absolutely love having the glovebox (the space the radio takes up in the fairing). I store everything in that compartment... gloves, garage door opener, sunscreen, flashlight, etc. I couldn't tell you the last time I used a physical CD in my car either. MP3 is just way too convenient.


I feel like the money could be way better spent, especially under the assumption of using an intercom system. The only drawback would be those short commutes where you just don't feel like hooking up the MP3 player. But for me, the sound of the open road has never been bothersome, and sometimes I opt for that over music anyway. That's just my 2 cents.

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