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Unwanted stow away


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I was riding yesterday and noticed something coming out of the space between the top black plastic over the dash and the speedometer. At first it looked like a piece of weather stripping. As I rode it got longer. I was going to grab it and give it a tug, but thought I'd better pull over to do it. As I pulled to the side of the road and came to a stop, it slithered back into the dash. Appeared to be a baby snake. I ride my bike alot and can't figure how it got in there and I am afraid that it was born in there and has realtives and maybe a mama? :S


I made the big mistake of telling my wife :eek: Now I am not permitted to bring the bike into the garage and I am barely allowed to come in the house. :cry: Haven't seen the creature since but am watching closely.


I don't even know where to post this, but I am sure someone will move it if it isn't in the right place.

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In my judgement all snakes are deadly poisonous until dead so you should kill the bike and bury it! :grin:


I'm with george on this one.

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So are you saying that you still got the snake in the bike! :eek: Perhaps the local TechDaze can fix it. Or just get a flute and charm the critter out.

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I was riding yesterday and noticed something coming out of the space between the top black plastic over the dash and the speedometer. At first it looked like a piece of weather stripping. As I rode it got longer. I was going to grab it and give it a tug, but thought I'd better pull over to do it. As I pulled to the side of the road and came to a stop, it slithered back into the dash. Appeared to be a baby snake. I ride my bike alot and can't figure how it got in there and I am afraid that it was born in there and has realtives and maybe a mama? :S


I made the big mistake of telling my wife :eek: Now I am not permitted to bring the bike into the garage and I am barely allowed to come in the house. :cry: Haven't seen the creature since but am watching closely.


I don't even know where to post this, but I am sure someone will move it if it isn't in the right place.



Bill, just let it be.. It will probably leave when it gets hungry.. Probably crawled up in there for the engine heat.. Just remember you have a LOT better chance of killing that snake than it has of killing you,, you best believe the snake knows that also..


Those things eat lots of rodents & bugs,, no way would I intentionally kill a snake..






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I did think of the mice aspect. I guess even a baby snake would keep the mice away. As far as the Tech Daze thing, that may be an idea. Anybody want to volunteer to demonstrate removing the dash??


My wife made me do a full inspection of her car, didn't find anything, but she is still warped.

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I guess even a baby snake would keep the mice away.

That's what I was thinking. You might even be able to patent the idea of putting snakes in the bike for long-term storage.

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Don't know your age or social history, but this seems oddly reminiscent of certain flashback narratives from the '60s . . . you didn't by any chance have the Grateful Dead playing on your I-pod, did you? . . . :grin:

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Vrex, I am 65 and was sober as a "JUDGE" Well, most judges anyway.


Seth, I still prefer cats to keep the mice away, they are somehow nicer than snakes :grin:

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Sounds like a low-budget movie derivative, "Snakes on a Bike."


I'd thump my seat a few times before I got on the bike from now on.



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Vrex, I am 65 and was sober as a "JUDGE" Well, most judges anyway.


Seth, I still prefer cats to keep the mice away, they are somehow nicer than snakes :grin:


Yea but you don't have to empty the litter box with snakes.

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"....Those things eat lots of rodents & bugs,, no way would I intentionally kill a snake.. ...."


Twisty, you and I have the same thoughts.............snakes in general do a whole lot more good than bad. Too bad, as the population around here at least seems to decrease every year. I was in the Ozarks about a week ago and saw a nice 18" corn snake scooting across the road! :Cool:

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Vrex, I am 65 and was sober as a "JUDGE" Well, most judges anyway.


Seth, I still prefer cats to keep the mice away, they are somehow nicer than snakes :grin:



Bill, I don’t know.. I had a barn cat scratch a motorcycle seat to shreds on one of my bikes years ago.. Never had a snake do any damage..

My back barn is full of snakes & they do a good job of keeping the mice & insects out of my stored equipment..


I have a big old Rattler living in my wood pile.. He/she has been there for years & I just leave it alone.. About the only time I see him (/or maybe a her) is on a cool morning when he/she is up on the wood sunning.. Every late spring there is a big old shed off snake skin to remind me that it is getting larger..




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I'm with Boatzo's wife. I'd not be able to resist putting a match to that woodpile. I'm Indiana Jones when it comes to snakes. Only 4 poisonous species in North America? Snakes are good for the environment? If you're slithering in my garden, it's time to meet Mr. Shovel. Kill & bury the bike +1.

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I did think of the mice aspect. I guess even a baby snake would keep the mice away. As far as the Tech Daze thing, that may be an idea. Anybody want to volunteer to demonstrate removing the dash??


My wife made me do a full inspection of her car, didn't find anything, but she is still warped.

Drive it over to my place. I'll open that dash for you. I have a mouse problem and any snake is very welcome. Lots of rock around my lot too.

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....sure it was a snake and not a gecko? I have lots of them around my property and they scare me all of the time 'cause at a quick glance, I think they're small anakes. Saw one in the garage tonight....cute little buggers....stripped, irridescent blue tail.


Tell your wife it wasn't a snake just a gecko (trying to sell you insurance)


(actually, it's a skink but you can tell her it's a friendly gecko)

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....sure it was a snake and not a gecko? I have lots of them around my property and they scare me all of the time 'cause at a quick glance, I think they're small anakes. Saw one in the garage tonight....cute little buggers....stripped, irridescent blue tail.


Tell your wife it wasn't a snake just a gecko (trying to sell you insurance)


(actually, it's a skink but you can tell her it's a friendly gecko)


Good point Laura, I am pretty sure it was a snake tail coming out of the dash, but I didn't see all of it, so who knows ?


In any case I like your idea of telling Gretchen that it was a gecko and not a snake, that may ease tensions some. She has relented and allowed me to put the bike in the garage again :grin:

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....sure it was a snake and not a gecko? I have lots of them around my property and they scare me all of the time 'cause at a quick glance, I think they're small anakes. Saw one in the garage tonight....cute little buggers....stripped, irridescent blue tail.


Tell your wife it wasn't a snake just a gecko (trying to sell you insurance)


(actually, it's a skink but you can tell her it's a friendly gecko)


Personally, I would rather have a snake in my house than an insurance salesman.



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Or an Attorney. Seriously tho, I live in the Sierra's with it's scorpions; spiders and snakes.


I'll take the snakes any day. The Rattlers give me pause only because my dog Daisy is old; deaf and almost blind and I wouldn't want to get her hurt. When I find a Rattler, I catch him (or her), put it in a five gallon bucket and take it way up to the National Forest and let it go someplace where folks are not apt to be. All other snakes are welcomed with open arms, especially the King snakes and gopher snakes. Oh, and I don't kill the spiders or scorpions either. When they get in the house, they are treated to a free ride outside. Yes, I am an old Hippie.

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It's strange that our three neighbors that get the worst reactions, snakes, bats and spiders, are our best friends around the house. Without them, we'd be over-run with bugs and vermin. On another note, I love the choice by GEICO to use a cold-blooded lizard as its spokesperson. A perfect fit for any insurance company.

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