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Just a reminder


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So I'm coming up on a hill with a traffic light on green, everything is fine. I top the hill without warning a Fire Truck Is turning no horns just lights go from 50 to 0 that quick O Boy that was close. Be Careful out there.

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Without commenting on the particulars of your encounter...



Just a reminder that traffic in BOTH directions needs to pull to the right and STOP for an emergency vehicle.

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Just FYI, to be a legal and authorized emergency vehicle, both emergency lights AND siren must be used. If that fire truck or fire engine (there is a difference) was operating code 3 without a siren, you should probably pay a visit to the fire chief in that jurisdiction and tell him/her what happened.

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"Just a reminder that traffic in BOTH directions needs to pull to the right and STOP for an emergency vehicle.


Not the law everywhere, although I always thought it was. Heck, around here if traffic going in the same direction slows and pulls to the right that's amazing! The world for most drivers end just to the rear of their ears............

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