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Blue Ridge Rendezvous check in, Ride Tales and pics....


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Back at the house at 11:15 AM. I took absolutely no pics, but I had the best time I have had in a long time. The riding was spectacular and I think I am actually starting to bond a bit with the new R12RT. A special thanks to everyone that made the event and made it as spectacular as it was.


Is it time for the next one yet? :)



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Yes, a great time was had by all. There were no "incidents" so far as I know, which is always something to be be thankful for given the cumulative miles ridden by all those who attended. The weather was wonderful (just a tad hot), and the food and fellowship is always great.


Many many thanks to Shawn and Matt for another great job organizing the event.



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checking in........made it home about 3pm. Did it in 9 hours slabbing it with my feet only hitting the ground long enough for gas and refilling the camelpak.


I also didn't take one stinkin picture this trip.


Shawn & Matt, thanks again for putting in the work. I always have such a great time down there.



-my seat SUCKS!

-Mike at Tellico Motorcycle Outfitters is awesome. If you are ever in the area, pay him a visit. Its worth the trip. He will have my business from now on.

-My new First Gear Kathmandu jacket I bought there is a winner (thanks for the suggestion Danny). There is not enough airflow in it for a day like today, but it will be perfect for cooler weather and commuting.

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made it home in the truck just fine with the XC in the back.


GREAT to see all.


thanks to all for the work to make it happen.


I blipped the throttle on my F-150 on the way out of town to make all the folks from Cherokee feel loved.



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Home at 5:30pm. Great ride home and greater riding at the BRR.

I did manage to take a few pictures.


Our host and Mitch having a Tech days on Allens RT.



I didnt believe it either but look who showed up.



Keith and Bob having a heart to heart.



Out other host and Craig having a talk.



Good time had by all.

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I'm home and need the rest more so this time than past events.


Now I have to look at tracks to see where I was and clean the GS because of it :dopeslap:

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Made it to Savannah for the next few days. I don't have to be back home until next Sunday.....


I stopped to help a stranded dual sport north of Greenville. He had lost his chanin so I ran back on the interstate to pick it up. He then sent me into Greenville where I got interviewed by Norm the editor of Motorcycle Lifestye magazine. He will have a short blurb in the next issue. There is now more than one model who made the trip....I'm just the plus sized one. :dopeslap:

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Home, 650 miles 10 hrs flat. Gas and go. Caught the A Train in Lexington Ky, 2 cages flying ovey the Ton all the way to Cinnci.

Of course I had to tag /lead along. New GPS top speed so bike must be breaking in some more.

Great to see everyone, lets do it again in the fall!!

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In at 4pm,quick trip but it was great to see everyone.


For those of you familiar with Rt 58 from Damascus and Volney,it was absolutely free of gravel and traffic on such a beautiful day,only saw 1 RT,that graciously pulled over to let me by.. :clap:

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Just pulled in the driveway. Exhausted but had a great time. Big thanks to you and Matt for putting this together.

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Wow! What weather! What riding!


Thanks Shawn & Matt for all! We had a blast and can't believe it's over so quickly!


But then that's why Keith, John, and I thought having another ride event between the BRRs was such a no-brainer. I hope to see as many of you all in WV as possible in late June. If not there, then at BRR IV.



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Nice n Easy Rider

Made it home around 1 PM after an uneventful (but hot) ride. Thanks to Shawn and Matt for putting BRR III together. It was great to be able to start to put some faces with all the folks whose posts I've been reading for the last 9 months. Glad to meet you all and look forward to seeing many of you at many more events. I do have to learn how to program that Zumo before I head off into the mountains again! Wouldn't you agree Quinn? :dopeslap:

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Joe Frickin' Friday

Home ~6PM. Burt and I made great time until just south of Toledo, when we got stuck in stop/go traffic for a good half hour. Pulled into a Toledo gas station and parked under the canopy just as a massive downpour unloaded; it was over in a few minutes, and so we gassed up the RT's and finished the ride home.


Fantastic weekend! Great riding, great weather, fun people. This was the last trip (with me) for the 1100RT, and it performed flawlessly, all 2000+ miles. :Cool:


Shawn, Matt, thanks for another outstanding event; the riding is always great, and at the end of the day, what a great feeling to have a couple of beers and watch the BMW's lining up in the parking lot while all these fun people shoot the breeze. :)


...I think I am actually starting to bond a bit with the new R12RT.


I'm gonna have to do a lot of riding on the new 12RT before I can think about selling the 11RT. It didn't really hit me until I started unloading the little bits and pieces that have been tucked away on the 11RT for years and years - the MOA book, my flashlight, my voltmeter, and all kinds of other stuff occupying the glovebox. I need to feel more excited about the 12 before I can let go of the 11...

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Bill Murray

Dick Williams (FolkDancer48) and I made it home at 4:00 pm. On the trip home, we decided to enjoy another hop on the Parkway as part of our trip back east. It was great to see everyone.


Shawn and Matt, thanks again for your work setting up this event. I have only been able to attend a couple of these gatherings, but every one has been terrific. The BRR has become an event I really, really look forward to.


Until the fall...


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Back in about 2205 after waiting till 1300 for a new battery.


Thanks to all who came out and made this one a great time.

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In at 11:00 cst. Always great to see everyone. Big thanks to Shawn, Matt, and all. Already looking forward to Fall BRR!





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I'm gonna have to do a lot of riding on the new 12RT before I can think about selling the 11RT. It didn't really hit me until I started unloading the little bits and pieces that have been tucked away on the 11RT for years and years - the MOA book, my flashlight, my voltmeter, and all kinds of other stuff occupying the glovebox. I need to feel more excited about the 12 before I can let go of the 11...


I told ya there would be some emotion involved with that final homeward trek. Thats what kills me. I have been consistantly looking for a replacement for my 1100, but after a great weekend like this I can't imagine doing it on anything else. I might be able to get that bond with another bike, but I'm not much of a gambling man.


I guess I can call off the vultures for awhile with regards to your Corbin.......but keep me in mind if/when the time comes :grin:

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I made it home about 7:50 PM.


Many thanks to Shawn and Matt for their hard work in putting together a great event. I enjoyed meeting everyone. The riding and weather were outstanding.

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The miss's and I got home arouind 730pm, after a late start and the long way home. Of course had a great time. My favorite picture of the Ms. Motorman


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Joe Frickin' Friday
Our host and Mitch having a Tech days on Allens RT.



We paid him to break his RT so we'd have something to do that night. :grin:

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Paul Mihalka

Just got home. Another big THANKS to Matt, Shawn, and I think Rainy does most of the computer stuff. Wonderful! Old friends, new friends, and riding. A bit hot, but much better than a snow storm...

Great ride home. Sunday a comfy trip on the Parkway to about Salem/Roanoke on I81. Riding the Parkway between 7 and 10am is magic. Later got stopped by a Park Ranger, but I knew there was hope when the first thing he said was "I like your license plate". Got away with a warning.

Today rode the rest of the Parkway, then a short piece of Skyline Drive, then little roads to home.

Hope to see many of you at the UN.

IT WAS GREAT! :thumbsup:


Time to go. The lawn machine is waiting...

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Made it home in time to wash the bike and take a nap. Weather was fantastic and the riding great. Thanks to Matt and Shawn. Don't know how they're able to pick such perfect weekends everytime. Special thanks to Ken for his routes. Here's what the Blue Ridge Parkway looked like the first morning. After that, I was too busy screaming like a little sissy girl and trying not to fall over to take pictures.

























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I'm no longer a BRR virgin. Chris wore me out on the ride up. Hats off to Keith for sharing a room with a total stranger on short notice. It was a pleasure to start to associate names with faces.


Chris and Nancy, Shawn and I had breakfast at the Pisgah Inn Sunday morning, then I headed off south on the BRP, taking 215 east down to Rosman. Less traffic than I can ever remember between Rosman and Highlands, where I stopped for caffeination. 28 south from Highlands, a road I haven't ridden for several years, was deserted, and I enjoyed it more than ever. Warwoman road was similarly free of vehicles all the way to Clayton, GA. Then church let out, and my favorite, usually deserted back road from Tiger was crowded with pickup trucks.



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Hit Jax at 11:15 am yesterday.


While I was chastised for missing brats Friday & supper Sat., I submit the following in my defense.


Fri. evening




Sat. evening




Now, who missed out? :Cool:

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Great time as always, thanks Shawn and Matt.

I would like to thank Marty and Randy for the ride escorts through out the weekend (great time).

I would also like to thank all those Hardly(riding) riders for helping me practice my double yellow passing.



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Ya shouldda been there none the less. There was food. There was camaraderie... There were more important pictures to be taken that weren't...


I'm stunned by all the thanks we've received, and the support I got when I dinked my hamstring, battery and starter this weekend. I know the hotel was not the best, and I realize that we had an especially shallow group of Hardley riders this weekend (yep, I'm one too, I'll call them out...) this was still a pretty darned good weekend.


The weather was TOOO good.

The food was better than it has been.

The people who attended were much closer and friendlier than ever before, and I think a lot of folks found more miles on their bikes after Saturday afternoon than they have in a while.



So... where should we go next? Anyone got any ideas?

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Some images from the weekend.



Anyone know this guy?

(I think he needs a ladder)



In action!!











Wait up Marty!!



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Holy crap......Marty Hill action shots! :rofl:


Hey Matt, with regards to where we want to go next. It doesn't matter where we go.......Maggie Valley is a great place, but think about how irritating it would be if you planned a weekend there by yourself and had to deal with the loud pipes, downtown traffic, weird stares, and loud music without the rest of us. I don't go to Maggie Valley because its Maggie Valley.......I go because thats where my friends are hanging out that I want to spend time with. I guess what I'm saying is that the BRR will still be the BRR because of the people associated with it, regardless of the location. So plan away, I trust you guy's decision. I'll still show up no matter where you plan it. :thumbsup:

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Holy crap......Marty Hill action shots! :rofl:


Now, that's funny :thumbsup:


You're also correct about Maggie valley.


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Paul Mihalka

Truth is Fontana might be great. On their web site they are courting motorcycle groups. Room rates are very reasonable. It is in a super location. BMWRA had a national rally there a few years back. Their only problem was police gone crazy.

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Nice n Easy Rider
Truth is Fontana might be great. On their web site they are courting motorcycle groups. Room rates are very reasonable. It is in a super location. BMWRA had a national rally there a few years back. Their only problem was police gone crazy.

That, of course, is not a minor problem! :(

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Even though I only was able to stay for a short while, it was great to see everyone. I should have known there was a tech day in the parking lot when the bar was empty at 9:00. :)

We had a great day of riding with Bill Ferran (roadscholar) and his buddies and RightSpin. I also got to experience one of the funner car rides ever from Cashiers to Maggie with an absolute master behind the wheel (roadscholar). :clap:


I put some of Bill Ferran's pics up here:


These guys can really ride the super tight twisties. I'm sure some won't be able to resist the RidingSmart comments on some of the pictures, but trust me, he was just motocrossing and playing around for the camera. Barry on the KLR can flat-out ride the snot out of a motorcycle.


King Matt,

Thanks for cooking up my brats!


Wish I could have stayed for the whole thing, but the budget and kids activities just didn't allow for it.


Shawn and Matt, Thanks for putting another great one together!

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Hey, watch it cornball you coulda and shoulda been there.


A great weekend it was and it was nice to see some old friends and make some new ones at Friday night brats.


Mark, glad to see you practicing your newly acquired flat-tracking skills. Oh, and edit, man edit, that camera has a mind of it's own. :grin:


We were all standing there somber-like looking at the airplane and Rightspin says, "well that isn't going to buff out". :grin:



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Well said, Keith. I agree ... It isn't all about the riding.


With that said, I do understand and agree that being able to go explore some new places adds to the excitement of the event, so feel free to plan away. I think we should all remember that no matter where we go, we can't guarantee peace and quiet ... or that everyone at the hotel will be as cool as we are! :Cool::rofl:


Other people on this board know the NC/TN/KY region better than I, so I don't have any specifc suggestions based on personal experience there. However, I can add that in planning for the upcoming Riding with Friends event in WV I found that ski resorts are very worthy for consideration. They almost always have a large number and wide range of accomodations, are generally very cheap in the spring (tho often pricier during fall colors), have a range of eating options, fuel, etc, and are pretty much by definition in the mountains themselves rather than in a town. The question at ski resorts will either be one of cost or whether the resort has enough of the right-sized rooms (unless people would want to split multi-bedroom suites if not).


On that note, and without knowing the area, Beech Mountain Resort and those nearby look like they're worth taking a gander at, online at least ... roughly between Roan Mtn & Boone & Blowing Rock.


That's the end of my two cents. Whatever you guys decide will I'm sure be good enough.

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On that note, and without knowing the area, Beech Mountain Resort and those nearby look like they're worth taking a gander at, online at least ... roughly between Roan Mtn & Boone & Blowing Rock.


I haven't been to the Beech Mountain Resort itself, but I can say I like many roads around there :thumbsup:

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