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6k, no annual


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I noticed in the maintenance schedule that transmission fluid only needs changing every two years or 40k kilometers. I was surprised at this, as I can tell when a 6k service is due by the increased clunking in the transmission shifting. I'll go ahead and change it while I'm changing the oil, but I wonder if others note a decrease in smooth shifting as I do?


My typical method for transmission fluid change consists of partially melting a plastic funnel against the cat converter, then dropping the drain plug bolt into the remains of the funnel, plugging it, with resulting flood of hot stinky fluid running down my arm onto the garage floor (which is carpeted...long story from when kids were in middle school and needed a "private" area). This system has worked successfully so far, but any less messy suggestions would be welcome.

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I don't notice a difference in shifting on any of my bikes, and the fluid I drain always looks as clean as the new stuff I put in...

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I did notice an improvement in shifting when I put in Mobil1 full syn at my last change. The dealer had put dino 90wt in when they did it the time before at 12k, and the 75/90 smoothed things out and made shifts seem a bit more positive. I plan on changing mine at 12K intervals along with my FD.

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I've never noticed any difference; I simply follow the interval spelled out in the maintenance schedule which you mentioned already (2 years/40,000 kms).

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