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Sending Goods to my American Friends


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Could someone answer a question for me. When I ship items down to the US from Canada, does the US recipient have to pay any duty or taxes?


When we Canadians receive items we have to pay 13% in taxes.




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Could someone answer a question for me. When I ship items down to the US from Canada, does the US recipient have to pay any duty or taxes?


When we Canadians receive items we have to pay 13% in taxes.





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How do they know what you're receiving? Open all UPS shipments? Just depend on your honesty? Aren't y'all smart enough to just tell them that you buddy sent you a box of styrofoam beads and not mention the camera that they were packed around?



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I guess I'm too honest...and would UPS not question you for taking out $300 worth of shipping insurance on a box of styrofoam peanuts?

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I'm sure that customs here in Canada would x-ray everything. My wife bought some cooking sheets at Costco in Arizona and put them in her suitcase to bring back to Canada. Don't ask!


Our luggage was delayed and we spent an hour at Customs while they went thru my wife's luggage.



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Whether a Canadian shipping to the U.S., or an American shipping to Canada, each has to make/sign a customs declaration indicating the type of goods and the value. Depending on what it is and the $$, taxes/duty may be applicable. As an example, most types of motorcycle goods coming into Canada enter duty free, but are subject to the Goods and Services tax and provincial sales tax (the rate varies by province). The issue then becomes whether you want to falsify a document that you sign. Goods must clear customs when they enter the country. Customs agents can, and sometimes do, open packages to verify the contents. Obviously they don't open everything. From my experience, there are many U.S. retailers who enter a lower value on the customs declaration than the actual value of the goods. I have no idea how Canadian retailers shipping to the U.S. behave in this regard.

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