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motorcyle just shut off


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while merging off the main road to the right and then hitting the left turn signal to merge into another lane the motorcycle just quit. Power was no more. It started up just fine after coasting off the road.


Any ideas? this has never happened before.


by the way, I love the conti road attack front tire. very different feel on the motorcycle especially while making arcing turns.

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fuel pump regulator? Mine quit a month back....just riding and it lost power...coasted to the side of the road. After sitting it would start up, then quit again. Not just like yours, but maybe close?


Another member here pointed it out to me....warranty work, no cost.



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majordad, yep it’s possible the fuel pump electronics or maybe the kickstand.. Any chance you partially deployed the kick stand when looking around to change lanes..


Might be difficult to find until it happens again..




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I had this happen to my R1100RT. I assumed that the problem was the HES after I opened it up during regular service, and found serious hidden deterioration inside the harness. Does any one out there know if BMW improved the HES wiring spec for the R1200RTs? If not, maybe you should check the HES.


There's so much I'm still learning about the R1200RT versus the R1100RT.


- Scott

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Scott, a whole different ball game on the 1200 hexhead.. It uses an inductive sensor for the crankshaft RPM & cam sensor for ign & injector trigger (like most late model automobiles) .. Both have the sensor pickup ends inside the engine cyl head or crankcase.. No more low mounted external hall effect sensor..






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This has happened 3 times on my 1200RT. All low speed and fortunately, none have caused a dangerous situation to develop.


Each time the bike has basically shut off immediately and without warning; display blank. I quickly would turn the key to OFF and then back to ON, and it restarted without event. No consistent conditions that I can discern such as speed, gear, accelerating/decelerating, temp or weather. Really seemed random but I could easily be missing something.


BTW, nothing ever came up on the 911 read.

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Was there a "bump" involved when you were merging into the other lane? This has happened to me twice while simultaneously braking and turning over a bump in the road. Near I can figure is the side or center stand comes down enough to engage the kill switch. Its fine after cycling the key switch.


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"while merging off the main road to the right and then hitting the left turn signal to merge into another lane the motorcycle just quit. Power was no more. It started up just fine after coasting off the road.


Any ideas? this has never happened before........."


Now don't take this wrong, but any chance you hit the "kill button" near the turn signal button? You would not be the first to do so! I figure it's unlikely since you said it started right up once you stopped. But it's worth some thought..........

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I am sure I didn't hit the kill button because I specifically remember hitting the right turn signal to merge off the main road onto the merging lane and then after about 3-5 seconds hit the left turn signal switch. A second after that and while making an arching right turn to then merge left, the bike lost power.


I didn't hit a bump, the road there is very smooth.


I doubt, although not impossible, I hit the kickstand.


I have to take the bike to the dealer to address the front rotor pulsation condition so I'll bring this up to them as well.

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"....I have to take the bike to the dealer to address the front rotor pulsation condition so I'll bring this up to them as well....."


Please tell us what the dealer says/does.

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Yup, every once in a long while my RT dies. Condition being fairly slow revs, so could happen mid gear shift, or slowing down for lights.


One day it will have me.


No obvious explanation, highly doubtful sidestand is a factor.


Dealer has no theories, neither do I.

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I to had this trouble recently. biking in to work one morning, motor died at lights. usrd the slope to cross the junction and pull over. Switched off and\restarted with no problem. I thought it was dirty fuel. 3 days later my bike died on the outside lane of a busy road with SWMBO on the back. BMW recovery appear and replace the fuel pump controller. Its such a common event, they carry spares. The fuel pump controller can be found under the left hand fairing. There is a small piece of fairing that sits on the inside on top of the tank and incorporates speaker grills. 2 or 3 screws allows its removal without disturbing anything else. The fuel pump controller (triangular) should be there for you to view. You will note that it sits below the tank surface and with the side stand down, is well designed to catch water flowing off the tank surface (dummy tank surface). The electrical contacts corrode then overheat causing failure.

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