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True Story...


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Yesterday myself and my partner are working a school zone around 3:00 I stop a speeder, and my partner stops a guy on a Honda Shadow a few minutes later. I finish my stop, and ride up to the Honda.


Guy on the Honda is wearing a $10 novelty helmet, wife-beater tee shirt, shorts and sandals. No insurance, no motorcycle endorsement and no registration certificate on the bike. I ask him if he realizes how much it's going to hurt if he has even the most minor accident.


His reply?


"I wasn't planning on crashing"...


Wow. Just wow...

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Yesterday myself and my partner are working a school zone around 3:00 I stop a speeder, and my partner stops a guy on a Honda Shadow a few minutes later. I finish my stop, and ride up to the Honda.


Guy on the Honda is wearing a $10 novelty helmet, wife-beater tee shirt, shorts and sandals. No insurance, no motorcycle endorsement and no registration certificate on the bike. I ask him if he realizes how much it's going to hurt if he has even the most minor accident.


His reply?


"I wasn't planning on crashing"...


Wow. Just wow...


LOL!!! Sounds like the sort of thing I'd say. (with a smartass grin, of course.)

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Your story is standard operating procedure here in Kaliforniastan. As we all know, there is a certain segment in society..I would guess about 5%.. who have no clue, no intelligence, no common sense, no sense of consequences, no responsibility, no concern, no consideration for others and are totally and selfishly immersed in whatever pleases them for the spontaneous moment. These people didn't have it when they were born, didn't have it while they were raised and educated and certainly don't have it now as adults. These dysfunctional people must be led by the hand as they bumble through life while wondering what went wrong. Unfortunately some of these people end up riding motorcycles. As cops, we know these 5% people get 95% of our services. "Job security" as they say.

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Somewhere Darwin is rolling over in his grave.


Normally in nature, these "Baby Ruths of the gene pool" would be self regulating. PLEASE do not attempt to interfere with this process....



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Dennis Andress

If my memory is correct, Las Vegas gets $100 for each mile over in a school zone. That's a good way to get his attention....

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I recall the winter evening my buddy and I had his Honda 90s out on the street after about a 10" snow. There were litterally no cars on the road and we were running the 90 down the middle of his street and just dumping it and sliding down street, into yards, etc. (no harm to rider or bike). A cop running chains pulled up, rolled down his window, and with incredulity said, "what the hell are you boys doing?". With a sheepish 19 year old grin I said, "Oh, we're being careful". He just drove away shaking his head.

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Your story is standard operating procedure here in Kaliforniastan. As we all know, there is a certain segment in society..I would guess about 5%.. who have no clue, no intelligence, no common sense, no sense of consequences, no responsibility, no concern, no consideration for others and are totally and selfishly immersed in whatever pleases them for the spontaneous moment. These people didn't have it when they were born, didn't have it while they were raised and educated and certainly don't have it now as adults. These dysfunctional people must be led by the hand as they bumble through life while wondering what went wrong. Unfortunately some of these people end up riding motorcycles. As cops, we know these 5% people get 95% of our services. "Job security" as they say.


And that's why we haven't gone to digital TV yet! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Your story is standard operating procedure here in Kaliforniastan. As we all know, there is a certain segment in society..I would guess about 5%.. who have no clue, no intelligence, no common sense, no sense of consequences, no responsibility, no concern, no consideration for others and are totally and selfishly immersed in whatever pleases them for the spontaneous moment. These people didn't have it when they were born, didn't have it while they were raised and educated and certainly don't have it now as adults. These dysfunctional people must be led by the hand as they bumble through life while wondering what went wrong. Unfortunately some of these people end up riding motorcycles. As cops, we know these 5% people get 95% of our services. "Job security" as they say.


Wow, that is just a perfect description...and I mean that in the best possible way. Thanks!

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Got a similar question from a guy who didn't happen to be on his motorcycle at the time. He was waiting for something or someone at The Home Depot when I got to my bike, pulled my jacket from the side case, helmet and gloves from the top case, and put them on.


With a wise-ass grin he tells me that he timed me and it took me almost 2 minutes to get them on. He said he'd be two blocks away by now.


I smiled and asked him how long did he think he had to put the stuff on while making a bee-line for the pavement at 70 MPH?

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I recall the winter evening my buddy and I had his Honda 90s out on the street after about a 10" snow. There were litterally no cars on the road and we were running the 90 down the middle of his street and just dumping it and sliding down street, into yards, etc. (no harm to rider or bike). A cop running chains pulled up, rolled down his window, and with incredulity said, "what the hell are you boys doing?". With a sheepish 19 year old grin I said, "Oh, we're being careful". He just drove away shaking his head.


Local deputy told me about a guy that passed him, going the speed limit (50mph), in heavy snow. Deputy was about to light him up, chase him, when it occured to him it was a "Self limiting problem". A mile later, he caught up to the same guy in the ditch.

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If my memory is correct, Las Vegas gets $100 for each mile over in a school zone. That's a good way to get his attention....

Do you really think he will pay the fine?

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Your story is standard operating procedure here in Kaliforniastan. As we all know, there is a certain segment in society..I would guess about 5%.. who have no clue, no intelligence, no common sense, no sense of consequences, no responsibility, no concern, no consideration for others and are totally and selfishly immersed in whatever pleases them for the spontaneous moment. These people didn't have it when they were born, didn't have it while they were raised and educated and certainly don't have it now as adults. These dysfunctional people must be led by the hand as they bumble through life while wondering what went wrong. Unfortunately some of these people end up riding motorcycles. As cops, we know these 5% people get 95% of our services. "Job security" as they say.


And that's why we haven't gone to digital TV yet! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I thought about the political slant of what I said but any such comment is verboten by board rules.

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No insurance, no motorcycle endorsement and no registration certificate on the bike.


Do you let folks like that ride away, or do you hook'em up and tow'em?

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Your story is standard operating procedure here in Kaliforniastan. As we all know, there is a certain segment in society..I would guess about 5%.. who have no clue, no intelligence, no common sense, no sense of consequences, no responsibility, no concern, no consideration for others and are totally and selfishly immersed in whatever pleases them for the spontaneous moment. These people didn't have it when they were born, didn't have it while they were raised and educated and certainly don't have it now as adults. These dysfunctional people must be led by the hand as they bumble through life while wondering what went wrong. Unfortunately some of these people end up riding motorcycles. As cops, we know these 5% people get 95% of our services. "Job security" as they say.



And everything that happens to them is always somebody else's fault...

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Originally Posted By: FLTRI

No insurance, no motorcycle endorsement and no registration certificate on the bike.



Do you let folks like that ride away, or do you hook'em up and tow'em?



In my state no insurance, no endorsemen, and no reg are not crimes, only civil infractions, and therefore not arrestable. However, I would incur lots of liability if I let dufus drive off: what if he hit a spelling bee champion two blocks down the street? I'd probably impound the bike to make sure he doesn't drive. And the impound yard only releases vehicles to properly licensed operators.

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The unfortunate reality is that the bozo was probably on his way to pick up a kid from said school. I can't believe some of the stuff that I see go on in this town, and I'm from California! These rednecks around here are creative in thier competition for Darwin awards at times.

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Got a similar question from a guy who didn't happen to be on his motorcycle at the time. He was waiting for something or someone at The Home Depot when I got to my bike, pulled my jacket from the side case, helmet and gloves from the top case, and put them on.


With a wise-ass grin he tells me that he timed me and it took me almost 2 minutes to get them on. He said he'd be two blocks away by now.


I smiled and asked him how long did he think he had to put the stuff on while making a bee-line for the pavement at 70 MPH?


Two blocks away in two minutes..........he must ride a harley

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I spent last weekend in the Big Bend area with 8 Harley riders and their wives. Suzanne and I were geared to the max, as usual, and all the others at most had leather chaps, maybe a leather jacket early in the morning, and all had those little half helmets. One of the riders made a comment about how long it took us to gear up and how hot the gear must be. I said I didn't want my face to look like hamburger. His comment, of course, was the same as the Shadow rider's: "The idea is to not crash." Uh huh. Later on, I fell off the bike, at a standstill, to prove that gear is good for you. Yeah, that's it, that's why I did it.

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Whoever said "Don't judge people by their appearance" is wrong.

This biker helps us all stay well above the average IQ.

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We went out for a ride yesterday and at a stop light we spotted a young girl, maybe 18, on a scooter.


No helmet, flip flops, t-shirt, shorts... sure it was a nice warm day in SLC so why not? Probably had no plans to crash either.

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Last summer I was coming home on an interstate in some pretty heavy traffic when a guy on a custom v-twin merged. He had on a sleeveless t-shirt, running shorts, flip flops, and a minimal helmet. I noticed a wedding band on his hand as he passed me. As we rode along, a tricked out civic came up on us from the rear, weaving in and out of traffic. I saw him coming and got in another lane. As I watched, the car cut in front of the other motorcyclist who crammed on his brakes and about lost it. Instead of letting the situation go, the guy on the bike thundered off to teach the other guy a lesson or something like that. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.....

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Got a similar question from a guy who didn't happen to be on his motorcycle at the time. He was waiting for something or someone at The Home Depot when I got to my bike, pulled my jacket from the side case, helmet and gloves from the top case, and put them on.


With a wise-ass grin he tells me that he timed me and it took me almost 2 minutes to get them on. He said he'd be two blocks away by now.


I smiled and asked him how long did he think he had to put the stuff on while making a bee-line for the pavement at 70 MPH?


Two blocks away in two minutes..........he must ride a harley


:grin: I would guess more likely not very good at thinking things thru... :thumbsup:

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If my memory is correct, Las Vegas gets $100 for each mile over in a school zone. That's a good way to get his attention....

Do you really think he will pay the fine?


Not quite that steep, just doubles the fine for school zone. He actually told us he wouldn't pay fine. No problem, plant the warrant seed, and harvest it next month... ;)

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"His reply?


"I wasn't planning on crashing"..."


Dang, wish I'd thought of that before I wasted all that moola on jackset, gloves, boots etc.


His attitude unfortunately is shared by a lot of other people in this country...........

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"In my state no insurance, no endorsemen, and no reg are not crimes, only civil infractions, and therefore not arrestable. However, I would incur lots of liability if I let dufus drive off: what if he hit a spelling bee champion two blocks down the street? I'd probably impound the bike to make sure he doesn't drive. And the impound yard only releases vehicles to properly licensed operators."


We need a Felony Stupid statute I think... :clap:

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I hear that same s$%t everytime we go to dinner with a bunch of non-riding friends.


I use the same line.





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Got a similar question from a guy who didn't happen to be on his motorcycle at the time. He was waiting for something or someone at The Home Depot when I got to my bike, pulled my jacket from the side case, helmet and gloves from the top case, and put them on.


With a wise-ass grin he tells me that he timed me and it took me almost 2 minutes to get them on. He said he'd be two blocks away by now.


I smiled and asked him how long did he think he had to put the stuff on while making a bee-line for the pavement at 70 MPH?


Two blocks away in two minutes..........he must ride a harley


:grin: I would guess more likely not very good at thinking things thru... :thumbsup:


Actually, if he lived in my town, it would probably take even longer. It seems like they put a freakin traffic light every 500 feet!!! :mad:

Stop, Go, Stop, Go......

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The reason for no gear that I like is "I know how to fall". My response is that everything I am good at is from practice.......Do you practice falling off your motorcycle?

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The reason for no gear that I like is "I know how to fall". My response is that everything I am good at is from practice.......Do you practice falling off your motorcycle?


Uh-huh. Right up there with, "I've never been in a motorcycle accident. I've had to lay it down a couple of times, but never crashed".

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Warning: Southern joke:



Sherriff, pulling a drunk out of the lake, "How'd you come to fall out of your boat?"


Drunk replies, "I didn't come to fall out of the boat, I come to fish."




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