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Neurosurgeon takes his Jag to a mechanic........


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"A neurosurgeon takes his Jag with a bad transmission to the automatic shop, and the mechanic told him that the work will cost him $5,000.00!!

The poor neurosurgeon almost lost this breath, and said "That's alot of money!!!"

And the mechanic:

"But you ask $50,000.00 to operate on a cerebral aneurism, and do that in 4-6 hours!!!

The Doc promptly spoke:

"OK!! I'll pay you the $5,000.00, but you must do the job with the engine running and the gearbox in drive!"

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An eskimo car is running badly, so he takes it to the mechanic.




I wouldn't want to have to explain this one to the kids or my boss! :/

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