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Standalone Roadside Assistance


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My bike is going on 3 years old so my BMW Roadside assistance is expiring. "At $35 for full year coverage, this is an exceptional value."


I've even heard from the dealer that BMW doesn't like to pay , but which insurance company does?


Which insurance/roadside:

1) Isn't going to leave you hanging on the side of the road

2) Is going to pay for that tow

3) Has any other interesting benefits

4) Isn't going to require me to switch insurance


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Many use the Allstate/KOA RV roadside assistance coverage (I have it). It'll cover ALL your vehicles, not just the bike. I get mine through AARP, perhaps saving a few bucks. I've not had to use it, but others who have swear by it.


My insurance company's towing coverage is essentially useless, with a very limited payment and distance.

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Many use the Allstate/KOA RV roadside assistance coverage (I have it). It'll cover ALL your vehicles, not just the bike. I get mine through AARP, perhaps saving a few bucks. I've not had to use it, but others who have swear by it.


It looks interesting, I read their agreement. I'd be interested in how they define "nearest service provider." If that means "Nearest BMW dealer" then it's a steal. If it means "nearest motorcycle dealer" it's not nearly as a attractive.


Have you hear from folks getting towed past non BMW dealers on the way to the BMW dealer?

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I'd be interested in how they define "nearest service provider." If that means "Nearest BMW dealer" then it's a steal. If it means "nearest motorcycle dealer" it's not nearly as a attractive.

It means nearest service facility capable of servicing the vehicle, even if that facility is a BMW dealer 500 miles away. I called their customer service and asked that exact question, and got an affirmative answer (I called twice to see if I got the same answer from different reps, and I did.)

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I'd be interested in how they define "nearest service provider." If that means "Nearest BMW dealer" then it's a steal. If it means "nearest motorcycle dealer" it's not nearly as a attractive.

It means nearest service facility capable of servicing the vehicle, even if that facility is a BMW dealer 500 miles away. I called their customer service and asked that exact question, and got an affirmative answer (I called twice to see if I got the same answer from different reps, and I did.)


That settles it for me, it's a screamin' deal. I'm signing up, but I hope I don't get to test it!



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One tip I received from customer service... if you are far out in the boonies and in need of a tow it's likely that you will need to use a local (vs. contract) service provider. In that case it's important to call Allstate and receive an approval code to use an outside provider. I was told that approval will be automatic, but always make the call... the bill will probably be a whopper and if you have the code then there will be no disputes down the line.

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Krussell, what does it cost?


$75/yr is what I saw, I haven't signed up yet.


Does anyone know if they allow Canadians to sign up? A lot of these type of insurance policies can't be purchased out of the US.

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[$75/yr is what I saw, I haven't signed up yet.

It's $75 for the first year, $99 thereafter. And from reports I've seen it may vary ten bucks one way or the other in some states.

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Thanks for the tip on the KOA/Allstate plan. I have been looking at MTS but this seems like a better plan and no extra for a 2nd family member. I hope I don;t need it but with 141K on my 94 RS I like having the security.

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Many use the Allstate/KOA RV roadside assistance coverage (I have it). It'll cover ALL your vehicles, not just the bike. I get mine through AARP, perhaps saving a few bucks. I've not had to use it, but others who have swear by it.


My insurance company's towing coverage is essentially useless, with a very limited payment and distance.


ok, I was being dense and didn't see MC listed here.... http://www.koa.com/rvroadhelp/ Once I followed to the Allstate site and picked MA, then I see the roadside assitance for MC.


I was poking around and saw a few others which also offer Tire Insurance. I can't find the list but I'll post when I get back to it. You can probably guess my current problems - anyone have a program with roadside + tire repair covered?



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I have the KOA RV Roadhelp and had to use it in March. It wasn't a motorcycle trip, but rather an RV trip with my family. I was on top of spanish fork canyon and the lift pump on my diesel truck died. it took about 40 mins for the tow truck to arrive and they towed my truck to a diesel shop I wanted, passing two or three dodge dealers on the way. I did not incur any out of pocket expense for the tow, and no hassle going beyond the dealers to the shop of my choice. having had the plan for three or four years now and finally using it, I have to say it works well and I am a happy customer.


just thought I would provide some input to how well it works having used it. we don't see that side of this discussion much.


good luck figuring out what works for you.




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Interesting, I looked up the benefits of our AAA membership and it was much more expensive for much less coverage. Need to talk to the Missus about changing.


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This was on the website.

** Towing at no cost back to the service provider we send or to any destination you choose up to your benefit limit.


Doesn't look like a lot of say-so in where you get towed. If there isn't a BMW dealer in between where you breakdown and the point of origin of the towing service, it looks like you are just SOL.

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Did you notice that you will AUTOMATICALLY be renewed in subsequent years unless you contact them prior to your expiration date?

If you originally signed up by credit card, you will be billed without prior authorization, if by check you will receive a bill.

Very thoughtful of them me thinks.

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If you originally signed up by credit card, you will be billed without prior authorization

No, you receive a notice that they plan on renewing your membership on date x and you have plenty of time to cancel if desired.

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I've had to use the KOA/Allstate tow insurance on one or another of my vehicles each of the three years I've had it. With my cars - no problems at all.


One tip I received from customer service... if you are far out in the boonies and in need of a tow it's likely that you will need to use a local (vs. contract) service provider. In that case it's important to call Allstate and receive an approval code to use an outside provider. I was told that approval will be automatic, but always make the call... the bill will probably be a whopper and if you have the code then there will be no disputes down the line.


Just this past March, I was in Newport Beach, CA (Orange County - lots of people, lots of tow companies). Allstate had a real chore finding someone that was available, had the proper towing equipment (flatbed tow truck), would accept a Purchase Order, and would be willing to tow a motorcycle. After being on the line with them for the better part of an hour, the Customer Service Rep told me to find someone on my own, and submit a claim to Allstate for reimbursement. She gave me a claim # and an address to mail the claim # to. I was also informed my benefit only covered me up to $250. It was unlimited coverage for RV's, which this Rep said did not cover MC's.


Anyway, I contacted the first name in the yellow pages, the guy showed within the hour, and did a perfect tow to Irv Seaver. Total cost - $150. I submitted the claim and received a check within 2 weeks. Wonder who Allstate was calling.


I'm still renewing with Allstate - I think the're the best, even if this was a hiccup. Good thing the weather was nice, I had a credit card, and I was in a condo making all the calls. Not sure I'd feel the same way if I were in North Central Wyoming on the side of the road making the same call.

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I was also informed my benefit only covered me up to $250. It was unlimited coverage for RV's, which this Rep said did not cover MC's.

I think your rep might have been confused. This was another question I had asked customer service (because I had seen the $250 figure bandied about in reference to some of their plans) and was told that RV Roadhelp was a premium offering and had no such limitation for any vehicle covered under the plan.


The one time I used the service (my wife actually) she spoke to an agent, described the problem, and her call was automatically routed directly to a towing provider (apparently automatically based on the location she was calling from since she was never asked.) She thought that it was all very efficient, but the process seems to be very different than how your call was handled.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just saw another conversation about the KOA plan in another thread (glad you're back on the road, Wade! :wave: ) and thought I'd bring this up again for those heading out across country this summer:


Now for the kicker. Our Allstate KOA gold plated towing only covers $250 of towing. The unlimited is for RV's only according to the gal I spoke on the phone with. Just an FYI. I'm glad I didn't need it for a real emergency.


I was told the same thing. Glad I didn't need to test that limit.

The "default" is $250.00 and Allstate will tell you that when you call. If you bought the KOA RV plan I've recommended and used for FAR more than $250 worth of towing, you need to be persistent as the flunky on the phone has to go ask daddy for permission to go over Allstate's $250.00 "limit". But they will get it for you if you are insistent and don't back down. It's kind of a beschissen way to treat you, but it seems that KOA has negotiated a better plan for their customers, but still rely on Allstate to administer their plan. So when you call Allstate for a tow, you get Allstate's plan by default . . . until you make it clear to them you have the KOA plan with unlimited towing for ANY vehicle. Insist on talking to a supervisor if needed. BTDT :thumbsup:


I don't know what happens if you buy directly through Allstate whether you can get the equivalent of the KOA plan from them directly. I would just suggest going through KOA to make sure you know what you're getting. Talked to someone who broke down in West Texas and KOA towed him all the way to Deming, NM--for free--as he was on his way home to CA and was going to ride from the dealership as soon as the bike was fixed. No problems. I was sold . . . and ended up using mine within the next year. :dopeslap:


I was very disappointed in the BMW coverage when I tried to use it. I had far better luck just having the LV dealer bring their service van to pick up Maynard from the hotel where we had been towed in 50+ miles to the night before using the KOA plan. They wouldn't even cover the whole tow for the few miles from the hotel to the dealer. YMMV

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What Jamie said... all the rest of the Allstate offerings have a $250 limit but the RV Roadhelp plan does not. The unlimited towing feature is clearly spelled out in Allstate's RV Roadhelp service guide and it is equally clear that it applies to any vehicle covered by the plan, but it would appear that some of the service reps haven't been adequately trained.


The RV Roadhelp plan can be ordered directly from Allstate and it is on the plan selection page with all the others BTW... which makes the customer service issue even more inexcusable. Hopefully they will get it sorted out, but as always you sometimes need to be aggressive with any customer service agent that doesn't know their job... just the sad way of things these days it seems.

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