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Speed Gets It Together


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Speed, I take it all back...really...for now :grin:


As you probably know both MotoGP and WSBK are racing this coming weekend at Motegi and Assen respectively. Speed TV is, get this, showing WSBK race 1 & 2 plus MotoGP on Sunday!!! The Speed schedule currently shows WSBK Assen Races 1 & 2 at 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM EDT and MotoGP Motegi at 6:00 PM.


God bless Rupert Murdoch's little heart, at least until the next time Speed indulges in some "creative" scheduling.

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Considering it will take a month for us to see the the last Daytona Sportbike race, this is a nice change of pace.


It kind of reinforces that the crappy coverage that we're getting for the AMA stuff is DMG's fault and not Speed's.


Whatever...I guess I'll take what I can get these days.


I'm looking forward to seeing Spies kick some more ass at Assen. And hopefully the rest of the GP field has something for Casey so we get some better racing.

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Ditto that Russell....... The AMA coverage sucks, the Moto GP is starting to be like F1...follow the leader for the entire race. Thank God for WSBK. Glad I have tickets again for WSBk at Miller and not the Moto GP.

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I swore I'd quit watching the AMA/DMG races after Fontana, but accidentally watched the Road Atlanta 600s the other night. Spencer is apparently gone, not a word mentioned, but they still have that idiotic deal with Sheheen in a studio. The guy who took Spencer's place wasn't really any better. And of course the camera coverage was awful, with constant graphics covering up half the screen, the two announcers discussing some nothing deal while the lead changed. Worst of all though was the yellow flag with required restart, which appeared to be manufactured to get the racers back together. NASMOTO would be a good name. Wait. Worst of all is having a Buell running in the same class with 600s; ditto the Aprilia. Isn't the Aprilia the same bike running in WSBK? Up front?


As Steve said, thank god for WSBK. And here's hoping MGP gets back to its old ways.

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I swore I'd quit watching the AMA/DMG races after Fontana, but accidentally watched the Road Atlanta 600s the other night. Spencer is apparently gone, not a word mentioned, but they still have that idiotic deal with Sheheen in a studio. The guy who took Spencer's place wasn't really any better. And of course the camera coverage was awful, with constant graphics covering up half the screen, the two announcers discussing some nothing deal while the lead changed. Worst of all though was the yellow flag with required restart, which appeared to be manufactured to get the racers back together. NASMOTO would be a good name. Wait. Worst of all is having a Buell running in the same class with 600s; ditto the Aprilia. Isn't the Aprilia the same bike running in WSBK? Up front?


Amen to all that. They have totally destroyed what used to be the most interesting racing series in the AMA. Rolling starts? Whose stupid idea was that? Running 1000s(+) with 600s? Really?


As for Freddie, I think he was sick. He'll be back. Personally, I like Freddy, but not calling the races. Perhaps he'd be better doing Greg's job as pit lane reporter. Let Greg call the race with the Aussie guy (Greg is enthusiastic and knowlegable...I know some people don't like him, but I think he's ok). Put Ralph Sheheen out to pasture, cause the show is worthless. They could have made it like the old Greg's Garage; interviews with racers, decent bike reviews, etc. , but as it is now - BORING!


As has been mentioned, thank God for WSBK! We'll see on MotoGP.

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Yep, it is kinda like a train wreck. I just can't not watch it. The bozos missed 3 big changes in the 600 at Atlanta that I watched happen on camera, then made a comment like "oh look whos taken the lead" IDIOTS!!!!! Don't you feel like Mundos avatar sometimes?

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The Aussie guy is Lee Diffey and he does a good job, also calls the races for the Rolex Cup and American Lemans series. Mark that "Guy" that took Spencer's spot is none other than Scott Russell aka Mr. Daytona. I would cut him a little slack.

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I swore I'd quit watching the AMA/DMG races after Fontana, but accidentally watched the Road Atlanta 600s the other night. Spencer is apparently gone, not a word mentioned, but they still have that idiotic deal with Sheheen in a studio. The guy who took Spencer's place wasn't really any better. And of course the camera coverage was awful, with constant graphics covering up half the screen, the two announcers discussing some nothing deal while the lead changed. Worst of all though was the yellow flag with required restart, which appeared to be manufactured to get the racers back together. NASMOTO would be a good name. Wait. Worst of all is having a Buell running in the same class with 600s; ditto the Aprilia. Isn't the Aprilia the same bike running in WSBK? Up front?


As Steve said, thank god for WSBK. And here's hoping MGP gets back to its old ways.


The guy they got to replace Freddie was world superbike champion Scott Russell. Yet more proof that just because you win races doesn't mean you're a good announcer.


The rolling starts blow. Even in the most boring follow-the-leader race, the starts were always exciting. That's gone now....and why???? What did we gain by changing to a rolling start?


Then there's the idiotic pairing of the 1100+cc Buell and the 1000cc Aprilia (not the same bike as World Superbike. WSBK is the new V4 motor...this is the old V-twin...but still nowhere near fair to put it in the same class as the 600's.) against the 600cc inline fours.


I love how they keep calling the Buell American. Um...the motor's made in Austria, you yahoos.


Don't get me wrong...I've got an Aprilia in the garage and really dig their bikes. There's a lot of stuff I like about the new Buell's. But putting them in the same class with the 600's is just stupid. We've got to be the worldwide laughing stock of motorcycle roadracing.


I don't care if I see another one of their "races" this year. I will check results on Superbike Planet, and I hope Mat Mladin wins every g**d*** Superbike race, just to stick it up DMG's ass.

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Paul Mihalka

Nothing new under the sun. In the sixties or so AMA matched 750cc Harleys vs. 500cc mostly Triumphs. The rule was 750cc side valves or 500cc overhead valves.

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The guy they got to replace Freddie was world superbike champion Scott Russell. ... What did we gain by changing to a rolling start?


Umm, avoiding horrific start line crashes like the one at the 2001 Daytona 200 that ended Scott Russell's racing career, where his bike stalled and riders behind him ran into him?


Car racing (with the exception of F1 and it's support classes) did away with standing starts decades ago. Sure, they're exciting to watch, but they're incredibly dangerous.


That being said, I'll certainly agree that the coverage left much to be desired. As to the mix of different size bikes, well, they seem to have managed to tune the rules to make the bikes pretty equal. Two 600 fours, an 1125 twin and a 1000 twin in the top four looks pretty balanced to me. And of course it keeps the manufacturers happy.


I'm not saying it's right, but for many, many years the AMA had rules for flat-track racing that favored H-Ds. So there's certainly a precedent. Not to mention the prior (and current?) displacement variations between twins and multis in WSBK.


I thought it was a pretty good race.

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I think if Buell had a more experienced rider on it, it would win every week. Eslick is still kind of a rookie. The 600s (IMHO) are getting by on grit, determination and experience of the riders to out-maneuver the 1000s. Danny was rarely in the top when he was on an equal machine. Suddenly he's on an 1125 and he's up there every week. Did he get THAT good over the break or does the bike have something to do with it? (nothing against Danny...I always thought he was entertaining to watch; I actually think this does him a disservice)


Also, don't buy it on the rolling starts. I've not seen that many start line major incidents in bike racing. What happened to Scott Russell was unfortunate, but how many bike racing starts have we had since then with nothing major happening? Not enough to justify completely doing away with it. IMO. (not to mention I think rolling starts favor the guys in front - at least before if you had a crappy qualifying session for whatever reason, you still had a shot in the race if you got a good start)

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Paul Mihalka

Rolling starts, pheeew... I thought it was wimpy when they changed from push starts with a dead motor to starts with a running motor... :)

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On the safety thing: The racers are usually the ones yelling about safety issues...tracks that aren't safe for racing in the rain, insufficient runoff, can't get an ambulance to a downed rider without stopping the race, etc. Mat Mladin, in particular, has been very vocal about safety issues.


I haven't heard any of the racers praise the rolling start as a safety enhancement.

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Rolling starts, pheeew... I thought it was wimpy when they changed from push starts with a dead motor to starts with a running motor... :)


This proves that an OlGeezer can only ASPIRE to be an Old Fart someday.



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I'm looking forward to seeing Spies kick some more ass at Assen. And hopefully the rest of the GP field has something for Casey so we get some better racing.


Good Luck with that buddy. If your looking for some really good racing, why not try NASCAR instead of complaining about my guys in Red all the time.

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If your looking for some really good racing, why not try NASCAR instead of complaining about my guys in Red all the time.


Ummm, shouldn't that be "my guy" instead of "my guys"? So far, Casey seems to be the only one who can make the Duc fly, as it were.

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What's up, Jerry?


We LIKE Ducati; avid race fans that love the sport and sell bikes to support their race habit. :) Love it.


We're also Nicky fans, who is on a DUCATI this year. We also like Stoner. BUT, we also like good racing. First race was BORING with a capital everything, wouldn't you agree?


As for WSBK, I am torn as to whether I am rooting for Nori Haga (On a DUCATI), or Spies. I like Spies, he's an American, and I want him to do well (if nothing else, to throw another finger at DMG for claiming "it's the bike" not the talented riders winning the races each week), BUT, it's totally Nori's turn so.... fortunately, we are having great battles week to week (with the exception of Spies running away with it at Qatar) to find out.


Nobody is bitching about Ducati winning; it's that the racing isn't even close to interesting (at least the first GP race wasn't).

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I'm looking forward to seeing Spies kick some more ass at Assen. And hopefully the rest of the GP field has something for Casey so we get some better racing.


Good Luck with that buddy. If your looking for some really good racing, why not try NASCAR instead of complaining about my guys in Red all the time.


Jerry...seriously...I think it's time to up the meds. :Cool:


I like Casey. I like Ducati. It doesn't bother me in the least when Casey wins. I thought Mika Kallio did an outstanding job in his first outing. I was impressed with Nicky's progress given the miserable weekend he had.


I just don't like watching parades.


On the World Superbike Front...I'm rooting for Spies, but I've been a fan of Haga since I first started watching World Superbike ages ago (When Colin was in that series). I'd rather see Spies win, but it hasn't bothered me in the least to see Nori at the top either.


I'm not sure why you think I'm "picking on your guys in red". I'm not. I like your guys in red. I just wish we could have some better racing.

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Russell I agree with you for the most part, but I would like to see Haga win it this year as it was STOLEN from him some years back, I think cold medicine was the culprit. Besides let Ben work hard the first year and win it the second, third and fourth if he doesn't head off to Moto GP right away. It would be good for his character.

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A Haga championship would be just fine with me. He's a tremendously entertaining rider to watch. I think the race between Haga, Spies, and Biaggi has tremendous potential since all three of those guys are absolutely superb and aggressive riders, but with three very different styles. I don't think the Aprilia is _quite_ there yet, but it's close enough to make things interesting.


(But...I still say Ben's going to win it with races to spare. :Cool: )



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1. Dont't get too excited by SpeedTV. In reality the race is on Saturday night Pacific time (As some of u r aware I am in country at the moment. Do u guys ever get Moto GP racing live when it is not in the US! I hereby start the campaign for two races in Australia)

2. Applying the theorem of some on this board Spies is only going well cause of the bike and tyres. :lurk::grin: Get him into MotoGP. Someone else for Toseland to race (apologies to the British) :grin:

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1. Dont't get too excited by SpeedTV. In reality the race is on Saturday night Pacific time (As some of u r aware I am in country at the moment. Do u guys ever get Moto GP racing live when it is not in the US! I hereby start the campaign for two races in Australia)


I actually prefer to see it tape-delayed because that allows them to work around any delays without messing with the schedule. I don't actually watch ANYTHING live...it's all recorded on the DVR and watched later so I can fast-forward through the commercials. Live events often run long and that messes with my DVR schedule. So...I prefer tape delayed, but broadcast in a timely manner (i.e. a day or two after the actual race vs. a month after the actual race like Speed is doing with Daytona Sportbike)


And no...we don't get the races live. But, there's always MotoGP.com, which has better coverage anyway.


2. Applying the theorem of some on this board Spies is only going well cause of the bike and tyres. :lurk::grin: Get him into MotoGP. Someone else for Toseland to race (apologies to the British) :grin:




I'd like to see Spies whup up on the boys in WSBK for a couple of years before he moves up to MotoGP. I figure Toseland has a year or two tops before he's booted out if he doesn't start producing results. That would provide a nice opening on a competitive satellite team for Ben to get started with.

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