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The Ancient and the Modern: Joe's New Ride

Joe Frickin' Friday

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Joe Frickin' Friday



Last Thursday, April 16, was the tenth anniversary of the purchase of my R1100RT. That's me up above, not quite 29 years old, sitting on a bike I had been obsessing over for the prior six months. Since that time, it has literally and metaphorically taken me to a lot of places. Coast to coast, high mountain peaks, hot desert sun, blinding snowstorms, through emotional highs and lows, and everyplace in between. It was on this bike that I really learned how to ride, learned the true satisfaction of wrenching on my own ride, and met a whole group of similarly weird people I never would have met if I had picked some other bike. :wave:


With apologies to Mr. Garcia, "what a long, strange trip it's been." The 1100 still has some life left in it, but I'm ready for a new horse. On Saturday - 10 years and 2 days after that long, strange trip began - the new horse arrived:




The 1100RT was pretty hot stuff ten years ago, but it's impressive what ten years of development gets you. 6% weight reduction, 20% power gain, 20% improvement in fuel economy. Cruise control! How the hell did I ride cross-country for ten years without cruise control?!?!?


Unfortunately BMW has not made big gains in saddle technology; the 1200's stock seat is as vague and uncomfortable as it was on my 1100. I will be shopping for an aftermarket saddle very soon.


The styling of the 1100 is what initially turned my head ten years ago. I'm slightly less enthused about the 1200's visage, but I expect I'll grow into it.




So I took the plunge, that's the good news. The bad news is that it's too close to BRR; I haven't had a chance to transfer accessories yet, and of course with only about 75 miles on it the 1200 isn't nearly broken in yet. The 1100 gets one final road trip, and after that, it'll be sent to a good home.

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Joe Frickin' Friday
Congratulations! That's one beautiful RT you got there. Ohhh, a nice University of Michigan Blue, too :thumbsup:


The cases will soon be festooned with lime-green hi-viz. Not exactly "Maize" & blue, but a close approximation. :grin:

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The styling of the 1100 is what initially turned my head ten years ago. I'm slightly less enthused about the 1200's visage, but I expect I'll grow into it.


Congratulations! Great color too, Biarritz no less, like mine, great color.


I have to agree with you about the looks, when I was shopping for my bike I could have bought new, but I just hadn't had enough of the old body style even after 6 years of ownership of my 2000 RT-SE. What can I say? I gave up all that technollogy for the looks, yet my 2004 is still more bike that I am rider.


Many happy miles! :thumbsup:

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Congrats Mitch. The 1200 looks great, but then again so does the 1100. I see you got yours at the same place I got mine. Hope you enjoy the new ride. :thumbsup:

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Paul Mihalka

Super upgrade, congratulations!

But when I read "ancient" in the title I expected something 193x or at least 195x. The R1100RT ancient? Gimme a break! :)

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Sniff...sniff..sniff... Is that spring I smell, or the NEW FRICKIN Friday bike smell?


Congrats. Have to give kudo's to a man from Michigan who is single-handedly dedicated to ending the recession.




- Scott

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Congratulations, Mitch! I feel like I know that bike a lot. Mostly from my mirrors looking backward, but at times looking at the rear...or seeing you just a few feet behind. :grin:





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The bad news is that it's too close to BRR; I haven't had a chance to transfer accessories yet, and of course with only about 75 miles on it the 1200 isn't nearly broken in yet. The 1100 gets one final road trip

OK, now that's discipline... :grin:

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The bad news is that it's too close to BRR; I haven't had a chance to transfer accessories yet, and of course with only about 75 miles on it the 1200 isn't nearly broken in yet. The 1100 gets one final road trip

OK, now that's discipline... :grin:



Nah, I think he's just afraid to get a little dirt on the new one. :)

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That's a great shot. It's a cap from the Ghost Train video, right?


Congrats, Mitch. In my rides with this group, I encountered three riders for whom the R1100RT seemed to be perfectly matched. Riding with them always taught me how much more the bike had to offer because they ride like the bike was an extension of themselves. And not just a physical extension...emotional as well. It sounds corny, but it really did seem like the bike and rider were one.


Those three riders are Cary, Howard, and you. You're the last one to move on to a newer bike.


I hope the new bike brings you as much joy as the R1100RT did and I hope to have a chance to bond with it like you bonded with the 1100.

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Nice bike, but we need to see a picture of you astride the new one to see if you've aged as well as the 1100. :grin:


Yeah, I'd like to see that too. :grin:

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Congratulations Mitch, or as the kids say "that's sick".


Now about the ancient thing- last fall I moved up from an 83 vintage Honda V45 to the 2000 era with the R1100RT (same colour) so guess that means I moved from archaic to ancient. :grin:


We need a before and now pic with you and the new machine.


I look forward to future posts of your adventures on big blue.


Paul D.

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Congrats Mitch! She is a beauty and you are gonna love the the 12RT every bit as much as the 11RT.


Oh....one word of warning. If the 11RT gets the idea that the next trip to the BRP is the "last" trip ever to the BRP and then if she makes the connection that the blue fellow parked next to her is your new ride......well you will be in for a rude surprise. Bring lots of spares! :rofl:


From 6 years ago....



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Congrats, Mitch.

That's a fine motorcycle. It'll look cool at the next Tech Daze with tires and Mojo-stuff strapped all over it. :/


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I'm sure going to miss seing those stickers on your side cases. Also, no belly pan to show the history of your rapid transit sordid past!


Congrats! Here's to the next ten years!



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Congrats Mitch, I sold my 1100RT last year and moved up to a red 1200RT and I'm loving it!


The new bike does everything better, but I found I need a another custom seat from Rich's, and I sure miss the Wilbers!


Have fun!

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So how many times have you stepped out to the garage "to get something" so as to take a look and inhale that new bike smell?


Very sharp looking ride you have their. Congrats.

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Nice looking new ride there Mitch...I have to admit the 1200RT is starting to grow on me. I am going to have to reset my mental picture of you...got very used to you and the 1100RT.


Hope to see you sometime this "season"



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Best wishes for you, your family, and the new bike. Would you consider keeping the oilhead, perhaps stored in a southerly clime for winter get away rides ?

Wooster with one bike in MA and another in NM

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Congratulations Mitch! While I remember the 1100 mainly from the rear as a speck disappearing around the next bend, it was something to watch you and Shawn go like heck on those 1100s.


Speaking of which...the new bike reminds me of something I've seen around here somewhere... :grin:



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Joe Frickin' Friday
I'm sure going to miss seing those stickers on your side cases.


Don't worry, I've got more! :grin:


Also, no belly pan to show the history of your rapid transit sordid past!




Now that I (sort of) know what I'm doing, I'm hoping that I won't be scoring any more "touchdowns" with the tupperware.


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Nice move! My favorite color as well.


The pressure keeps building for us old folks to take the plunge!!


I don't own one, but I did ride one for a bit, and I was really impressed with the handling. I've not grown into loving the look of the thing, but it strikes me as a superior bike with a lot of great things about it.

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Way to go Mitch, that is a beautiful.....color. (still working on the looks).

Very happy for you, always fun to get new toys.

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Congrates Mitch !


Now, I've read a bunch of your posts this past winter that lead to this choice of bike. Being an engineer, I'd love to see the data leading to the decision. Why not the GT?


BTW, very nice bike. Blue is definately a great color.


Breakin goes quickly. Ride it throttle hard on and off. At 600-1000mi get the dealer service.


Ed -

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What a nice ride, Mitch! You held onto your R11RT longer than I did . . . nicely done.


With the exception of the styling of the hexheads, just about everything about them is better.

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Pretty is as pretty does. Great bike. Congrats on the new ride.


I'm wondering how much better the 2019 RT is going to be.


Don't ya love progress.


Nice ride. I can not test ride one because I don't want to spend the money on a new one.


"You can't always get what you want .................." I sing to myself.

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Since that time, it has literally and metaphorically taken me to a lot of places.


Congratulations Joe! It's a beauty. I'll always remember you walking up to me and introducing yourself. When you saw nobody was home you announced "I'm Joe Freaking Friday" and all the lights and bells went off in my head. :grin: I always loved that color best.

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