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Torrey route question


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I'm planning some rides in Torrey and have a question about the quality of a couple of the dirt roads. One is the Devils Backbone from Escalente to Boulder, is it a "good" dirt road and "GSable"? The other is the section of dirt road from Bull Frog on Lake Powell to the Burr Trail cut-off. I've been on the norther section between 24 and the Burr Trail but not the section down to Bull Frog. Any info would be appreciated.

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Might post this qwery in www.advrider.com in the "west"section of Regional Forums.

Otherwise Killer can answer your question,you might PM him here.



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I already answered John by email.


The Escalante-Boulder road is fine for GSs, it can have some nasty washboard at the Escalante end but is a good gravel road (subject to weather of course).


I've never been south of the Burr Trail on the Notom Road but I hear it is like the section north so there is some sand.

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