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My rear tire's wear indicators are just starting to show, should I run out and replace the tires now or can I ride on them a tad longer safetly?

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Legally, from a tire mfr standpoint, it's time to change them. But YMMV depending on how often you ride and the quality of roads you ride on. The tires do get softer in the center when worn making it easy for sharp stones to poke right through. Obviously, you don't want a blowout. Use good judgement.

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In the dry, you could still be OK for a while. I wouldn't ride in the wet on them personally. My experience is that they'll go quickly now.


There are new Metzeler Z6's (Interact) out now with harder compound centers and softer sides, These could be an interesting choice?


Linz :)

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Tires are cheaper than skin or BMW body parts. Buy some tire changing equipment and order your tires online and change them yourself.

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I'm of the mind set that you are more prone to a flat as your tire gets beyond the wear bars, at least this is my personal experience.

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Dave in Doodah

From my experience, you are not any more prone to a flat when the wear indicators show, but you are getting close. You could ride until the grooves are gone, but do not push it after that. Traction is still great on dry pavement (that's why racers run slicks...), but groves are needed in the rain. And there is not much rubber left after those wear indicators are gone... DAMHIK.


I'd be shopping for new tires, but you are still okay to ride - for now. But Safety is First where the rubber meets the road... just my opinion.

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Optimum rubber is the one area where trying to save a little money has proved to me to be not such a good idea. But then again, I used to spend $800 a weekend on race tires - getting new tires for the RT once a year seems a bargain by comparison. :)

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It is not the flat tire so much as the reduction in traction, braking, wet road safety, heat dissipation, that is a concern.

Many ride to the cords, I don't.

Just changed my z 6's at 8,000 miles and the were just nearing the TWI's.

I may be more conservative than most when it comes to tires and replacing them so I'll let it go at that.

It is your $20,000 bike and $X body afterall.

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Tire dollars are always hard to part with but the instant you pull away on the new rubber you always feel good about it and know it was the right thing to do.


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Okay, Its not that I want to get my moneys worth from my current tires but I am still on the fence whether to go with the Dunlop Roadsmart or the Z6, so many decisions :(

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Roadsmarts. I have them, I love them, and I prior to these have been a diehard Metzler user since the 80's. Just sayin'

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I am using Michelin pilot road 2cp. Best for me, so far. At least as stickey as the Z6 with out the squaring off. Mileage seems to be at least old pilot road +50%

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BT020 or BT021 for me ,12000miles from the last set of 020's and the 021's are said to be even better handling, I have never had a bike that I liked the feeling of Metzlers on, although that may just be me :)

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Brian PDQ Signs

When you see this http://rides.webshots.com/photo/2261399960062873392wDGbgp

you've probably gone to far. What was really fun is that this was a Sat afternoon about 500 miles from home and the only shop in town stayed open for me to pick it up. Thanks to the BMWOA anonymous book I found a guy who had the tire irons and compressor so I could change it in the driveway. Couldn't quite squeak out one last trip, oh well......

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